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Messages - Ducky

Pages: [1]
Files Comments / File #2255, I❤WA slogan logo
« on: January 29, 2021, 07:40 PM »

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: November 06, 2020, 01:09 PM »
To anyone who wants to try the themes available now check out:

Greetings, Ducky I tried all of the Themes and they are really good, especially the HD version of "Worms Director's Cut- Forest"* and for the Windows 95 theme you should make the Start button as an object and leave the ground all grey, just to make the theme more clean and less confusing if you want (there's copy of the ground and the start button).

*I modified the "index.txt" file to make only Trees and Rocks appears just like the original Worms game from the 1995.

Good luck for your next Themes!

P.S.: We really need a tutorial to the WA Directory Editor and making .img and .spt files.

Thanks for the feedback, if I start messing with it again I'll keep that in mind.
Oh and  by the way you might want to save your modified versions as separate themes, to avoid any conflicts in case you play someone with the original one, not sure what kind of funny business that could do.

In regards to a guide I was hoping SiD would make one on the wiki, but not sure he is going to. Would be even better if someone made an updated version of Dir Editor as well.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkFlamingHealthBars
« on: September 28, 2020, 12:28 AM »
It seems as if the animations overlap the healthbar outline/frame to the left and right sides, is it possible at all to change this?

Also even at full health some of the 128 pixels get cut off

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkFlamingHealthBars
« on: September 24, 2020, 10:22 PM »
Haha Terion you're insane, I was literally thinking it was a shame the flame bars weren't image based animations, and here you just go make that happen instantly.  8)

-ninja edit- So cool

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkFlamingHealthBars
« on: September 22, 2020, 01:51 PM »

Love all this stuff keep it up Terion

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: September 22, 2020, 01:42 PM »
Sorry Terion for the late reply (You should really join the discord :P) but I managed to figure out what was happening with my replays.

I've had installed a second version of WA (GOG) to test on and didn't realize it had associated all replays with that version of the game, which didn't have the terrains in its files.
This was the cause of all my replay weirdness and is fixed now, no fault of the module.

To anyone who wants to try the themes available now check out:

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: August 23, 2020, 07:14 AM »
Yeah it's really odd, I just see the small grey loading prompt and then nothing.
I'm just glad it's working everywhere else honestly, it's been quite the battle getting all the kinks out of the theme.

No worries though, hopefully I'll figure it out.  ;)

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: August 23, 2020, 06:57 AM »
Code: [Select]
Ducky is using wkTerrain38_v2: Candy  Dinos  Domestic  Tetris  Win95 

Yep same thing happening with your replay, I just recorded a new one just to be safe and it's also happening there.

I'll attach the replay but it really feels like the error is on my side somehow

-ninja edit- Thanks for the nice words by the way, even though it is a bit gaudy :P

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: August 23, 2020, 06:28 AM »
I did get an error on loading replays because wkterrain had the _v2 appendage, but the other error was there before.
Also I've tried making a quick replay, and then playing it back right away and it just won't play. (without having touched themes in between)
I see the grey loading prompt and then it just closes, no errors or nothing.

Attached is the theme, thanks for checking it out.

-EDIT- would sending one of the broken replays help anything?

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrain
« on: August 23, 2020, 01:00 AM »

Just a little preview on the theme I am working on.

Terion for some reason replays don't want to work with my theme, though I've heard that others haven't got the same issue with it.
Replays with the other themes work fine, it's only replays with this theme and apparently only for me.

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