May 04, 2024, 02:54 AM

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Messages - Mafoo343

Pages: [1]
That did the trick, I wasn't aware of that little technical tidbit.  Thanks for the help.

When I look at the image you uploaded, it shows as PNG?

I uploaded the file on imgur so I could display it in the forums, it must have automatically converted the bitmap to png in the process, as far as I can tell the original file is a 256 color bitmap.

16 bit wav format works on phones, whilst 24 and 32 bit floats do not(the phones i've had at least), so try these different formats for WA audio and see if it works, start with 16 bit and work your way up.

Thanks for pointing that out, before I was only tweaking the hz and not the bits, I'll test this out right away.

Edit: That did the trick for the audio, thanks so much Komodo.  As for the image, I still can't figure out what I did wrong.  This time around I'll post it in a .rar in my dropbox so it won't change it from bmp to png, maybe you can figure out what setting I did wrong.

Actually that was the tool I tried to make my soundbanks with since it was included with the game.  That tool is useful for assigning various sound bytes but just because the tool will play them doesn't mean they will work ingame.  And to my knowledge, that tool doesn't have any feature to convert audio samples into a audio format that is Armageddon friendly so it doesn't really help fix that problem.

Thank you for pointing that out but I was already aware of worms2d info.  As far as making custom sound banks goes I'm familiar with the naming conventions, the issue was getting the .wav files in the right format so they would play ingame.  I know that if another player doesn't have a file it won't work for them.  In my case I'm simply trying to get my custom content to work on my own machine in offline matches and it still won't work (i.e. player vs bots and local pvp).  As for the flag, as far as I can tell I followed all of the specifications previously outlined on worms2d info, it's a bitmap, it's 20x17, and it's 8 bits per pixel for 256 colors, I even checked in a number of image editors just to make sure.  Like I said, for some reason the flag I made works perfectly fine in World Party ingame and in Armageddon's team editor, but for some reason it shows up as just a black box ingame.  That's why I was kinda hoping that there were some automatic conversion tools so I didn't have to fiddle around with things so much just to get them to work.

Lately I've been interested in possibly making some flags and soundbanks for Worms Armageddon but from my personal experience it has been a hassle to get custom images and audio to work ingame.  For example, I tried working on making a new soundbank and setting the audio to the correct rate but the game wouldn't play the audio at all.  As another example, I created a custom Autobot flag originally for use in Worms World Party, tested it and found it to work perfectly fine.  I then uploaded it here under the idea that it should work in Worms Armageddon and Worms 2 as well since the specifications should be exactly the same.  Recently though I tried it out in Armageddon and while it did appear in the custom team creator, it showed up as a black box ingame for some reason.  To that end I was wondering if there were any automatic conversion tools I may not have heard about before that can convert images and sound into a format that Worms Armageddon is okay with.  I've tried searching the internet and forums for any tools or tutorials regarding this subject but for some reason I can't seem to find anything and I feel like I'm missing something really obvious.  Any help or suggestions in this matter would be appreciated.

P.S. for reference here is the flag in question.

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