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Messages - Fluffy

Pages: 1 [2]
Challenges Comments / Re: Map: warm ano 6 in challenge #43
« on: December 11, 2010, 06:08 AM »
Not submitting this, but I got a pretty cool double mexi while warming up just now (@3:19):


General discussion / Re: Old replays and players through the years
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:35 PM »
Some random RRs through the years: (RRs were easiest to look for 'cause there are usually several short games with the same people :D)
[attachment=2] Seb does some nice tricks before going afk for a bit

General discussion / Old replays and players through the years
« on: December 10, 2010, 10:26 AM »
So I never delete my replays, and I've been playing this game a long time (years before replays were recorded :( ). I thought it would be interesting to have a thread for posting/requesting replays of various players through the years... Since 2004 I'm sure a lot of people went from newbs to pros. So if you have requests for old replays of a player, want to post replays of yourself over time, or have old replays of a player to post, post them here.

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: warm ano 6 in challenge #43
« on: December 09, 2010, 08:17 AM »
Submitted :)

Kinda sucky, but it's hot and I'm tired. Also I apparently really suck at getting 3 decent turns in a row. I do one nice turn, then crash in the first 5 seconds of the next one  >:(. Also probably shouldn't have used taps so much since I was kinda sucking at them and the finger rollers can do them faster anyway, but that map is fun for tight little tap swings around corners :)

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 06, 2010, 11:34 AM »
Yep, I noticed. 30s deducted. You also did an ordinary kick instead of an extended (double/triple/etc) kick for the extended kick to extended spike trick again, which I don't really care about, but if you ever do another I'd prefer if you fix that up too.

Just a little note: I said I'll be posting the replay of first place with the map, if the winner wants it. I'm gonna change that to the top place that has all the tricks right, 'cause it'll be a poor example if there are mistakes  :D

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 06, 2010, 01:53 AM »
Just watched Alien's replay, a few problems:
@6m: for extended kick to spike, he does regular kick instead of extended kick (aka double kick / triple kick / etc.). But I'm fine with that, they're pretty much the same difficulty, I really just made the map like that because double kick made most sense from left to right.
@34m: dragon instead of warlock - not a big difference, but I think I'll have to deduct 30 seconds for this one.
@46m: for double kick to reverse spike, he does double kick to extended/double spike. Seems similar difficulty, gonna deduct another 30s.

Hope the deducting time thing is cool with everyone, I figure it's better than rejecting 50 minutes of work - It seems like OrangE already has the time beat, so it's not gonna mess with the rankings too much.

Now I have to go watch OrangE's replay  :-X

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 04, 2010, 12:47 PM »
Grats to ka1ser for being the first to beat this challenge!

Also, something I forgot in the original challenge post - If the rope is very close to the line it's supposed to hit (especially if it's a yellow or green line that's hard to see) I'll probably count it.

As for the challenge being too long, this one was supposed to be a bit of a marathon, and it'll last until the start of January, so there should be plenty of time to do it. After it's over, then maybe one of the smaller maps could be a challenge if people still want it.

Maps / TrickRace fans!
« on: November 25, 2010, 08:59 AM »
For any TrickRace fans:

So I've finished 2 new trickraces (or 4 new maps, counting the merged ones).

Some of the trick names might be a little iffy, as there was a bunch of stuff there wasn't really a name for as far as I could tell. For usefulness' sake, I sorta redefined swing (which I originally borrowed from nullum's map) to include that bit that's the first half of dragon/wizard tricks. I'm also kinda surprised no one has named 'swing to spike' as I called it. Anyway, if anything's not clear, that's what replays are for  ;D

I'm also hosting a challenge on the giant merged trickrace map, so check that out if you like.

Files / Re: Upload replays?
« on: November 24, 2010, 02:20 PM »

Files / Upload replays?
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:17 PM »
Would it be possible to add the option to upload replays to TUS? (there doesn't seem to be an option for standalone replay uploading)

'cause I'm looking for somewhere to host some replays with short, static links, where I'll be able to change the replay they link to without changing the link. So if this option could be added, I'd be happy  :)

Challenges / Re: Want to host a challenge? (Mod request)
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:24 PM »
Probably either this or next weekend through till the start of january for 5 or 4 weeks. The map is pretty close to finished so it should hopefully be done and tested by this weekend.

Challenges / Re: Want to host a challenge? (Mod request)
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:28 PM »
Some time soon I'd like to host a trick race challenge. It would be on a forthcoming big trickrace map of mine, would go by round time, and would last for maybe a month.

So, can I get the OK on this?

Maps / Re: Fluffy
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:42 AM »
Just from the folder: 316-333
Could you remove from the map pack 1689, 1741, 1743, 1745

They should still be in the folder 291-315, I just accidentally also flagged them when putting them in the other folder.


Maps / Re: Fluffy
« on: August 21, 2010, 12:57 AM »
'kay, I finally finished uploading all my RRs. A bunch were dated 2002; and the majority were 2004-2005... Crazy how fast time flies.

They're in a map pack at:

(there are double copies of 4 I couldn't figure out how to remove because the map select buttons don't seem to work from the map pack screens)

I used to use this as practice for taps. I thought it would make a nice evil tt challenge with the added rule of no extensions/longropes, so maybe if I can I might host that challenge when I have time.

Maps / Re: Fluffy
« on: July 10, 2010, 04:04 PM »
Angus mentioned in game today my maps were here, so I looked :D

I've still got the original bmps for my maps, which I could probably run through a batch job to convert to png if those are easier to work with. Anyway, lemme know if you need any help with them.

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