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Messages - Fcrate

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
That was some nice trolling there. lol
Yeah sure, if I'm free, and if the players are natural born trollers :D

General discussion / Re: Hey, anyone has worms speeches?
« on: May 12, 2013, 03:09 PM »
I have the Tarzan victory tune as a SMS/notification tone on my phone for like 9 years :P
But when I look in the speech folder now, I only see the English files, nothing else.
EDIT: I looked in wwp folders, and I have all the default sounds, tell me which sound pack you need and I'll upload it to you :)

Ok who's ready to teach me how to rope? :D
I met some French guy ( don't remember the name tbh ) was playing trick race, and he invested good 15 minutes in trying to teach me, there are good guys out there ^^
The initiative to help newbies is good, I myself always show newbies the way around my game ( Medal of Honor ), as I'm an old expert at it, I hate to see anyone struggling with the basics, and I eventually try to help him/her out.
So keep it up :)
Maybe you can change this from a league for newbies to a competition between elites? for example: we get 8 teachers, and 8 students, a random draw and every Master gets a Padawan.
After a month of training, a little league could be made for the newbies, and the winner's master is granted the title: Jedi Master. lol
Ok that was a bit Geeky, lets just give him an honorary title :)

I'm not talking about the new Medal of Honor, I mean Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and its greater sequel: Medal of Honor:Spearhead. its a FPS game, and there are quite a few American servers that are still populated, so your ping should be OK.

Off Topic / Re: Introduction.
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:32 PM »
An Egyptian talking about hijacking stuff. *hi FBI*

Welcome aboard matey, have funz  ;)
Thanks mate, next target: Pentagon. lol

Off Topic / Re: Introduction.
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:02 PM »
Thanks mate, and don't worry, off topic hijacking is exactly what the off-topic  forum is about. I've been dealing with thread hijackers for so long, I'm on the verge of becoming one of them. lol

Any old game doesn't have much Americans left, in the beginning you always see Americans, at the end, its Europe, and Eastern Europe to be more specific, Africa and South America, communities are what keep the old games rolling, I play MoH:AA/MoH:SH for 11 years straight, I've seen ppl come and go, but those who stayed are always in a community/clan, where friendship holds the ppl together, if it wasn't for my clan, I wouldn't be playing MoH still.
Piracy also helps, +1 to that, Most of the third world countries don't buy the games, they torrent it, and you get a strange mix, some nice people who can't pay for the games, and they usually pirate old games where no one is looking to update anymore, and they can play online as well, and some **** as well, I totally agree with StepS here, his point is exactly mine, the "Educated" ones buy the games, but I have to add this: IF they can, the price of the game might not be an object, but to set aside some money to pay for an internet Visa or something could prove an obstacle,  and they don't see the point anyway, why buy what you can get for free? I pirated the game myself ( as I didn't intend to play it for long, was just to play with a couple of friends for old times sake @ wwp ) but now I got hooked, and I want to buy it legally, however, on steam its for $15, which is way more of what I would pay on a game like this, I'd pay $5 more and get Company of heroes.
$15 might not be much for an European or an American, but its quite a sum here in Egypt, and in most third world countries, it represents 7% of the average monthly salary here, would you pay 7% of what you get on an old game?
Generally, companies tend to forget about the purchasing power difference between countries, and there isn't any legal way to buy games here in Egypt except online.
Egyptians are currently dominating the MoH:SH/MoH:AA communities, and I dare say that 99% of them didn't buy the game ( only me, and two others ), if it weren't for piracy, these two great games would be long dead by now.

Off Topic / Re: Introduction.
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:51 PM »
yo. We played last month or so, though I was using other name. You might remember me for the talk we had about capitalism n shit with those turkish guys, hehe

So you own that chicken farm already? Haha. Welcome dude :)
Yes I remember, was an animal farm btw :P and it was a nice talk :)
Thank you Fcrate and welcome here! Nice that you like Darts, too. See you soon :)
Thanks Dennis, I still suck at it though.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Thanks alot.
Welcome to TuS Fcrate !
Awesome ! He likes Darts, great choice !
Fcrate, if you enjoy Darts, make sure to check the following pages:
Have fun in WA / TuS  ;D
Thanks Komito, I played my first darts game yesterday, was really nice, although I was really terrible. lol
I already checked the maps and the scheme, downloaded a few for training, however, I don't think I'll be able to join that cup, first: I'm not that good a player. Secondly: I have my job, and my exams too coming up at June, and this looks time consuming. if we're to finish the cup early, then I have no problem with that.
Welcome man !

I see then day by day we have another plyer from Egipt, interesting thing :)

If u have some question just tell us.

Thanks, and yes I have a question, why do all Polaks insist that its Egipt, not Egypt**? :P

Off Topic / Introduction.
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:07 PM »
Hello everyone, some good ppl I met in the game told me about this site, and  I registered here yesterday ( I play W:A for two months approx ) Its a really useful site, some nice people there that I've met on the game, and some others I didn't, yet, But I'm hoping to :)
So just Thanks for the useful site, and keep it up!
Cheers, Fcrate.

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