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Messages - Shadow-The-Worm

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 16
6 years already and people still hurry up the patch developers of WA! Come on now, take a rest with Sonic Mania or Epic Battle Fantasy 3/4/5. Kupo delivers a new game for you to play and you ignore him (pretty much like you ignored me, I had the same story).

Off Topic / Re: The True Purpose of Worms NT.
« on: July 09, 2018, 07:08 AM »
Oh, come on! Where're your senses?!

Off Topic / Re: The True Purpose of Worms NT.
« on: July 06, 2018, 11:59 AM »
Gah, can't you please stop ringing the off-topic bell? and get on the topic? Yer acting like stupid boyz in the yard, laughing about me and all my topics. Do you really think that the loads of off-topic is the thing this topic deserves. You came mad on me because I ringed that bell, now I'm going to come mad on you because you're repeating my mistake againist me. PLZ STOP!

Off Topic / Re: The True Purpose of Worms NT.
« on: July 02, 2018, 06:00 AM »
OH HELL NO! Can't you please stop off-topic here and get to the topic? Why don't you take my topics seriously, no matter what, just taking them as jokes and ringing the off-topic bell?

Off Topic / Re: The True Purpose of Worms NT.
« on: July 01, 2018, 11:09 AM »
WTH is going on here?!  Just some after I posted this topic, and you strike the off-topic bell right away! Whose senses are broken now?

Off Topic / The True Purpose of Worms NT.
« on: June 30, 2018, 01:04 PM »
Heya. So, do you remember any of my Worms NT topics down there? I posted them and they got shut, much to my fault. But the truth is that I didn't tell you the true purpose of my story build series all this time long. And now, it's time for you to learn the truth of Worms NT. This topic will be the last one,
so think about it carefully. Let's move on then:
The first Worms title came to life in 1995. Shortly after (in Worms Reinforcements/United), Team17 betrayed their mascot, turning him into a villain and leaving him to the pain sent by the fans. From there, the Wormsongs made for the newer titles (Armageddon, 3D, Reloaded) have only shown Boggy's spiritual actions. And, only after 22 years since the first title, I came to Boggy's rescue. I restored his original protagonist role (through it was downgraded from main to supporting), gave him a more suitable personality, making him more like a worm with a soul (he didn't know mercy before), added a female neighbour (Kenny K) to his team (now called Boggy Team, was Boggy Trio) That was what  I aimed for with my story build series).
So, does this give you the understanding of the true purpose of Worms NT series. Try asking STRGRN's boulder bro (TheMadCharles) if you are still confused, he surely can confirm the Worms Reinforcements/United Boggy's personality changes after the Failed Popsters mission).

Off Topic / Re: rubberworm is cheat?
« on: June 29, 2018, 09:46 AM »
Where are your senses?
where are your senses that you enter a random thread and talk about completely irrelevant stuff?
Whoa there! I always ended being knocked into the pit here. Its time to end the madness on my side and send it to xDNCxGhost64x's side.

Off Topic / Re: rubberworm is cheat?
« on: June 29, 2018, 07:28 AM »
I am done with always being knocked into the pit by you. Even with my so called "mods" being not mods but just ordinary story builds, I don't deserve this fate. Knock that dirty "excuse me" guy into the pit instead. I did good things to Worms along with bad things, like restoring and extending Boggy's role (which was killed by his owners). Where are your senses?

Schemes / Re: Another rule in WFW to follow.
« on: May 21, 2018, 02:59 PM »
Please note, that the wos rule applies, as shown on WKB WFW screenshot and has its own restrictions (also pointed on the WKB WFW article): And these, who dare to break that rule and call it a stupid invention, are making a HUGE mistake.

Off Topic / Re: Worst Shot Ever: Wacky Workbench award.
« on: May 17, 2018, 06:28 AM »
the shadow drinking game: take a shot whenever shadow posts a shitty idea
You? Why would you show up with such a treat towards me? AND, WHO GAVE ME THAT STUPID ROLE ON POC DISCORD?! YOU!!! Don't make me use the Quit And Reset Roles cheat, which Discord provides. Or, you want me to use it and get out with a stupid reasonless lock (which Discord also provides) from your server?

Off Topic / Worst Shot Ever: Wacky Workbench award.
« on: May 14, 2018, 03:43 AM »
Heya. So, I have came with an idea for the Worst Shot Ever entertaining service. This idea is about implenting a new award. The award is titled Wacky Workbench. This reward is going to be rewarded to the players who crafted the funniest fails and/or won at least 65% of awards in the Worst Shot Ever fail contest. The winners of Wacky Workbench award get 10 points awarded to their WSE score for winning at least 65% of awards + 1 point for every fail considered the funniest (+ 3 for sneak peak fails, which were considered the funniest)*. Sounds fun, right? It's time to patch the award system for WSE a little.

*Sneak peak fails are fails, which happen after "PlayerName plans his move", "PlayerName hatches a plan", etc.

Schemes / Re: Another rule in WFW to follow.
« on: May 13, 2018, 04:14 PM »
what's the first rule?
T2T, of course.

Schemes / Re: Another rule in WFW to follow.
« on: May 11, 2018, 07:40 AM »
Whole WFW consists of rules. And congrats, you have invented breathing!
Now he needs to unlearn it
WHAT THE HELL, RABBZZ? Are you seriously wanting me to fail into the pit and light my soul fuse?

Schemes / Re: Another rule in WFW to follow.
« on: May 11, 2018, 06:15 AM »
Whole WFW consists of rules. And congrats, you have invented breathing!
More like revealed the second WFW rule.

Schemes / Another rule in WFW to follow.
« on: May 11, 2018, 05:51 AM »
While WFW has rules, it's not fair enough, since one rule of two is never noticed nor said. This rule is Weapon On Space (WOS). The rule is pretty simple, players have to fire weapons and use utilities from their respective spaces (for example, Low Gravity on Low Gravity space, Petrol Bomb on Petrol Bomb space, Old Woman on Old Woman space, etc). Players cannot use weapons from other spaces on the space they are standing on nor durning jumping from one space to another (only the weapon from the last standing space can be used, for example, Dynamite can be used durning jumps from Dynamite spaces unti the worm lands on any other space, etc).

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