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Topics - Ray

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 23
Watch the turn at 08:10! :D

Turn at 10:48 in the first replay is kind of funny. :)

People, read first, proceed afterwards!

Sorry man, I couldn't stay, that was not a good ending. Well you would have won anyway there, good games.

Thank you for taking over tonight and sorry I didn't send a notice before. :-X

Please delete this replay, it's wrongly reported.

TUS Discussion / WN and TUS are getting nastier
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:51 AM »
Every once in a while you take a tour on the forums crying about WN and end up name calling. I'm asking to leave it now.
This has been an issue for a while, the every once in a while period is when I'm active in this game.

Oh wait, so when you say your opinion - in this case, as you refer to it, name calling, very wrongly - that is not allowed, but each and every "f@#!ing faker" "f@#! u lol" "ban this f@#!ing guy" post, spam, one-word posts, in both the forums and the chatbox, is absolutely acceptable.

Balance it out and stop going after the good guys.

And yes, WormNET is becoming nastier every day and on some level, I think you might be involved in that, because you allowed everything unprofessional on your site. You sacrifised the quality of this community just to create more space for more people.

Anyway, that's not my business at all. That's just my opinion, for which I'm going to be muted now.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #111836, Reported by Random00
« on: May 30, 2012, 08:54 AM »
Watch from 12:06, Random gets rid of everyone... including me too. ;D

UPDATE: please if you know for sure that you are going to be available and participate in the tournament, leave a message here. If we can get at least 10 people to pre-registrate, then I won't close the tournament at 8 players.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #111796, Reported by Ray
« on: May 28, 2012, 07:14 PM »
He said he had to go - or at least something like that, said Google Translator - but I am willing to play the game any time, he seemed like a really nice opponent and I doN't want to be unfair, I'm keeping this game here so we don't forget to play it later.

EDIT: replay attached.

TUS Discussion / Child clans
« on: May 28, 2012, 12:28 PM »
Hey, I had an idea to boost the clanner competition!

How about that you could make child clans of CF for example? That way, you belong to CF, but for a given season, only those in the child clan can play as another name, so it's like creating a new clan but you don't leave your previous one.

Maximum number for a child clan could be 4 for instance.

How the statistics could work, well I don't know that, maybe the child-clan's statistics go to the mother-clan's? Well that's silly because then a clan could play with itself.

Oh wait, that could be a rule, no inner-competition, some could just lose on purpose and make the mother-clan win a lot of points and get in the Playoffs.

Yea, brainstorming right these moments... Ideas everyone, ideas!

ea / Elite Tournaments
« on: May 27, 2012, 11:45 AM »
Hey guys!

As a result to my previous topic, I decided to host host tournaments as a "training" or whatever. We already had two tournaments, tonight's is going to be the third.

I'd be really glad if more of you ELITE ADDICTS showed up, since the previous tournaments didn't really have too many EA members... which, frankly, I was quite sad about.

Wednessdays and Sundays at 18:00UTC(GMT) until the beginning of EAC! The details can be read at each tournament's description.

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] Games I never player
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:49 AM »
The site says I played and lost 2 games in the Classic League in this season, although I haven't played against anyone, not to mention the games cannot be found in my profile.

What is this? ??? I stopped at 1200 games on purpose. I also had like +20 or something streak, now it's -2, but as I'm saying, I don't even find the games. :-X

Looks like someone reported 2 fake Elite games against me.

TUS Discussion / Announcements
« on: May 24, 2012, 11:18 AM »
Why do I keep getting emails about stuff I couldn't care less? I just got an email about eS, I don't care about eS, why do I get these?

How do people send these announcements? Shouldn't that be a privilege to the administrators of the site so they can inform you about stuff that is related to the whole community, such as new rules or anything like that?

Leagues Games Comments / Game #110970, Reported by Random00
« on: May 21, 2012, 09:38 PM »
Watch at 24:30, brilliant. :D

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