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Messages - Urben

Pages: 1 [2]
Promotion Project / Re: Thesis: No mobile W:A version -> no future
« on: December 28, 2017, 04:41 AM »
It depends on the implemention. But I too hardly see a chance to do advanced roping on such a device. But for Intermediate games it should suffice.
Generally, I imagine large button-outlines over the game which fade away when the own round is over. But Worms uses quite some keys, so some functions might to be excluded to the options tab, like cycling background graphics.

EDIT: ideas for some controls which dont need extra buttons like described above:
swipe right or left edge: weapon menu
swipe top edge: chat

pull+hold worm to left: walking left
pull+hold worm to right: walking right

pull+hold worm up: aim up
pull+hold worm down: aim down

Also, note that what the mobile market is interested in is not the same as what mobile users are interested in. ;) I hate that microtransactions but nobody forces the developer to include that.

WormKit support is surely a big problem here too. I could come up with ideas here now, but none of them are simple enough to consider.

Promotion Project / Thesis: No mobile W:A version -> no future
« on: December 28, 2017, 03:43 AM »
I hate to bring that up because I am well aware how much work that would be for Deadcode and CyberShadow. But I fear that's how it is.

Alot of people have smartphones.
PCs are not that interesting anymore. (for you and me this is untrue, I know, but you still should be aware about what I mean)

But also alot of WA players would hate to play a cheap ripoff of this game. What we need is a 1:1 mobile version with cross plattform support. Android users should be able to play with PC players.

The silver lining I see is the fact that W:A is barely needing potent hardware to run. So it should be technically possible.

If Deadcode/CyberShadow crowdfund this proect, it would be the first thing I'd help to fund. Impressions?

General discussion / [Idea] Including IRC/Twitch Chat ingame
« on: December 28, 2017, 03:27 AM »
Heya people,

I am a bit unsure where to post this, I registered on TUS for this topic and guess this is a good place for it. Feel free to move it elsewhere, mods!  ::)
(where can new users introduce themselves?)

To the topic, I play Worms since WWP came out and since then have my phases to play WA from time to time. I think about playing it on Twitch with other people I know from there and a community of another game.

I got the idea that it would be quite nice to have access to the Twitch chat ingame. I never used WormKits, but I guess it is what I would need for it.

This is the idea:

The Twitch channel chat can be seen as an IRC. The Twitch channel hoster (aka the guy who streams) has a script running which checks for new messages. A message includes the Nickname of the person who writes the message, and the message text itself.
This string then is pasted ingame as /anon User: Hello!
An additional feature should be that chat messages which are recieved while the hoster is in the lobby are saved and pasted once the game has started.
If a player writes a message ingame, it should be pasted in the IRC/Twitch chat by the host (or better a chatbot) without starting an endless loop.

With this thing other players can see the Twitch chat and communicate with the people there.
Would you like that?
Can you tell me if this is possible to script?
Even if it is a singleplayer game?
Where can I find some references to WormKit because it would be my first (useful) programming project.

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