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Topics - zippeurfou

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TUS Discussion / A karma topic again !
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:03 PM »
Hello guys,
I was thinking about karma and how little significance it has on this site (watch someone like komo for example that has so many + and -). Also, a main flaw of it is that you don't have to justify of a + or a -.
Anyways, what can we do about karma then ?
To be honest not much I believe, the whole system is not appropriate I'd say for this game.
So what can be done then ?
I personally see two alternative that has been proven to work and could have a nice value in TUS website:
You get a trophy  when you achieve something: Post one message in the forum, win a TUS single league, report a bug to moderator, suggest a feature to the website.
Actually reputation score use trophy as badges and enhance it with other features such as a general score. Think of it like stackoverflow or the super smash bross trophies or xbox live score.
Why would it be good for tus website ?
Mainly because badges has difficulties (elite,gold,silver,bronze) combined with a global score that would make people want to achieve them and bring people to maybe calm down a little on the forum but also new people that could achieve badges of general value for wa.
People often complained how hard it was for a user to know who achieve what (who won a lot of TUS single, who won lot of cups....). Now I provide you an already proven way of doing it. We could say for example that someone who goes to PO get a bronze badge, someone who win a season get a silver one and someone that win 2+ PO earn a gold one and someone that win 5+ earn a elite badge. Every time anyone post a topic you can see next to his nickname his general score and how many badges he got.
This could enhance the good player to want to play more in order to get badges but also a good behavior if it was rewarded such as giving special badge to special fair player that showed an act of fair play or the player that earned the annual voted fairest player award.
Moreover, we could add forum behavior badge but also offline game badge such as mission badges: you are currently the one that completed mission X the quickest.
To be honest, I am quite excited about it but it has to be unanimous because this require lot of work for MI if he wants to implement it as well as finding the badge and putting them in the good category (elite,gold...).
Note: This idea came from stackoverflow and xboxlive when I saw numbers of people helping other/achieve things only to get a high score and badges.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #149983, reported by AKT
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:23 PM »
I don't see any download but it has 5 stars. :O

TdC / Running advice...
« on: June 03, 2013, 12:43 AM »
Hey dudes,
As always I'm gonna be the guy who ask for knowledge of the mass hoping it is accurate :D.
So, I'm working everyday on a project and in order to chill out I decided to start running.
I am quite bad at running to be honest but I don't really mind. The goal is to at first be back in a good shape, no competition just you know being well in your body and not feeling fat.
It's been 2 weeks I've started back and I am somehow in front of a dilemma now and I'd like advice to know what's the best for my body/be back in shape.
I've been running everyday for 1.5 week 6 miles=9.656064km but friday I runned 7 miles= 11.265408 kilometers but I didn't run saturday and today I runned 7 miles again.
Thing is, I believe I can run everyday 6 miles if I want to but I feel like my body won't allow me to run 7 miles everyday (hard last mile :D). So it's either 6 miles everyday or 7 miles every two days.
What is the best in your opinion if you aim to loose weight/be in a good shape ?
PS: Darkone who is actually mr infinite mod power but also a doc is WELCOME to give his opinion :D

Leagues Games Comments / Game #146378, reported by Fn´VoK
« on: May 15, 2013, 03:24 PM »
husks who plays T17...:

Some french asked me today about darts and I noticed there is no page in worms2d to inform about scheme/rules.
I thought that komo that like to write could do a good one in case someone look for this scheme.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #145959, reported by MonkeyIsland
« on: May 10, 2013, 04:06 PM »
this was an insane comeback. Gj there MI and bl with the wind chelsea :)

Bug Report / [SOLVED] map choice
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:59 PM »
I was watching skz map choice in order to see if they continu to be lame on map choice and i was going all right but when I do the same with TdC it doesn't show me the stats. I can only see the map picked. Does it has to do that TdC has much more map played ?

TdC / cheap usb shippable kb for roping
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:25 PM »
Hey guys, as you mostly know i'm playing on my laptop and I have something like 2 key locks (whenever I press enter I have to unpress all other touch) and my kb space is broken and answer only 50% of I am kinda the biggest rope avoider ever when I play worms :D.
Since rox is back active and he's mr. rope with me or die :D and I still want to clanner with him.. I was finally thinking of buying a new keyboard.
I don't want to spend more than $50 dollar on a keyboard. It is primary to write and to be honest all these gaming keyboard stuff that cost $150 is just a waste of money in my opinion (please don't open a debate :D).
So does anyone know a good usb keyboard for less than 50 dollars that could be shipped in the usa ?
Thanks guys in advance !

Leagues Games Comments / Game #144510, reported by deejay
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:05 PM »
should've listen to you and block but the temptation was too big :p

Leagues Games Comments / Game #144204, reported by jot
« on: April 18, 2013, 09:28 PM »
I made a pejamove ! :D

Leagues Games Comments / Game #143598, reported by Peja
« on: April 11, 2013, 03:38 PM »
to sum up this game:
[HuskyTdC] it's like paralympics

Off Topic / poker advice
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:05 AM »
Hey guys,
I was playing poker the other day and I was winning hard on the table when I lost almost everything in one draw.
Since some of you seems to be very good poker gambler I'd like to know what you'd have done (same or not ?). This topic is just in order to have some inexperienced player getting advice from "real" experienced people in order to improve their overall skills about actual real case. Please if you're not an experienced player just don't give advice. I myself won 2 tourney (not big one just you know some bar tourney with 20 people) and I am seeking advice from someone experienced not someone who just play for fun.
So here is the case:
I am leading the table. I've been taking down 4 players in the last 30 minutes and so I assume I am somehow "feared". Since I am leading the table hard and I don't want anyone to catch up with me I decide to enter in a "semi" bluff strat for the next two draw if I have the card to do so. Luckily it is the case and I just raise of 5x blind each time and everyone quit so I get their blind and confirm my hand over the game. Note: my semi bluff was with ace + jack and queen king which was pretty good card.
Here come the third draw, I got 2 kings. Seing that they started to get irritated about me raising. I assume that if I do it again at least one person will follow and since my hand is very strong I more likely to win or either not be out of jetons.
Here I put my 5x blind and the second leading the table call and another one also.
We got:
2 4 8 (no color possible). Since I see that the last one is on the verge of dying I decide to raise so he does all in. They both call me. So it is now me against the second leading.
There come a 10:
I call, he raise by 10x blind. Here I still believe that he got two of a kind but my two kings will beat him. So I call.
Last card:
I don't remember but a low card I believe with no color or no straight possible. It's only about two of a kind. I call and he raise of 20x blind and I calls up. I could see it was risky because he raised for the two past cards but I still think the odds are for me since 5x blind was a lot for him and I don't see anyone sane calling without high card and I got two kings !
He had two aces ! So I lost.

After this, he was the only one leading by so far as the rest was only surviving and we could never catch up.
My question is:
Would an experienced player would have done otherwise ? How so ? And how would you have judged this situation was too risky ?

Leagues Games Comments / Game #143195, reported by Chelsea
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:36 AM »
lolol vok don't kill huskey ! :D

TdC / Welcome to vok in TdC !
« on: April 05, 2013, 01:39 AM »
Welcome in TdC vok! Good attitude, good sportsmanship, active and willing to catch up in skill with huskey boy that's all it takes to join us :). Have a great and hopefully long stay with us :p.
You'd better start spamming our private forum ;)

Leagues Games Comments / Game #142684, reported by Kyho
« on: March 30, 2013, 07:53 PM »
just in case you didn't know !
[Komo dies on 66 Kyho dies on 0 Berria dies on 46, Husk dies on 65]

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