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Messages - zippeurfou

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 83
Leagues Games Comments / Game #203446, reported by HHC
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:52 PM »
So is dead officially dead now? :D

TdC / Re: husk and other finns or finnish minds
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:10 AM »
The only thing I am sad about finland is not being able to speak Finnish. I feel sometimes when husk is crazy and vok is vokking their chat must be hilarious :D.

It is based on uservoice.
I believe it is ther product management one. Looking a the pricing: it should be at least $500/month.
However, I have a hard time believe CS would actually pay such a price for it!
Anyone know?

TdC / Re: Just funny.
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:52 PM »
Ahaha that was funny :D

TdC / Welcome skorpuz :)
« on: October 04, 2015, 02:06 PM »
Welcome back!

TdC / Re: Welcome Aldun
« on: September 07, 2015, 08:06 PM »
Hmm I can trade you vokking vok for $1. However he might try to kick you from your own clan #truestory :D

TdC / Welcome Aldun
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:23 PM »
Welcome in mate :)

Announcements / Re: HostingBuddy and TUS got connected!
« on: August 26, 2015, 06:17 PM »
HostingBuddy is now more powerful than ever. You can load official TUS schemes and you have access to entire BIT maps. Actually picking a map by HostingBuddy is now easier than picking from your own hard drive!
next step is reporting :D

General discussion / Re: HostingBuddy updated
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:14 PM »
I was once thinking of making a sort of extended WebSnoop website with TUS authentification and using HB ability to host game and report them to TUS but also help during the game (with real time interaction as a bot or with a TUS mod) and allow someone through socket to speak with their friend that are playing through HB. It would also be able to have an extended version of existing snooper showing the status (in game, out game) if you are playing through HB.
It would also allow private channel for clan and would be seamlessly integrated with the general channel such as you wouldn't see the difference between AG and a private channel you would have made for your clan/group.
The idea on the paper seems good in my opinion. However, you did bring good point and I do not have the time to do it anyways. Until WA 4.0 it can wait I am sure.

General discussion / Re: HostingBuddy updated
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:24 PM »
First, let me tell you that seeing you interacting with us that much on this forum and really listening and answering everyone post is really nice of you. This is greatly appreciated and I feel like no one said so before :-).

What about giving us a skeleton of HB so we can implement our own one that would report league game and so on?
I can't make the code public. One reason is that it makes some evil things very easy to do, and I've been burned by releasing my code in the past. If you can put together a detailed document of your idea, I could look into implementing it, hopefully wouldn't be too hard. One thing you should keep in mind is that HB can't record replay files, because the on-wire and on-disk formats are quite different.

An alternative idea would be to expose an API which league authors can consume, but we'd need to discuss the exact feature set.

We had a discussion about it months ago where you said you could maybe could give us a kind of skeleton with less functionality for us to work on it.
One of the thing is missing and that "we (the community)" could implement is a better IA for having league game chat about rules during the game. (I have other ideas as well such as auto reporting to TUS (even if you don't have a replay)/ auto creating a complaint/streaming..)
An API could be really nice but I fear it will miss the ability to actually add modules to HB. Having public endpoint to HB and allowing us to "host" our own HB with our customized module could be beneficial for the open source community.
Let's say I would like someone to be able to interact / read the chat in real time through HB. I am sure it might requires ton of work but I might be willing to do this work. However an API would not allow me to do that. Nevertheless, if I had a basic skeleton I might be willing to loose some core functionality of HB in order to be able to do that.
Honestly, right now I am too busy to do anything related to WA but last time I spoke with some other dev from worms, some of them were very interested as well.

any tdcer that are still in tdc :D (including all the inactive that only a bunch of people know nowadays!).

General discussion / Re: HostingBuddy updated
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:39 PM »
What about giving us a skeleton of HB so we can implement our own one that would report league game and so on?

TdC / Re: deathmatches
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:07 PM »
yoyoy :)

Thanks guys. Then it is not even worth considering. :)

Can someone objectively give the list of the new features in this game?
It would be greatly appreciated.

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