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Topics - theredi

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] 39358
« on: September 19, 2010, 11:27 PM »
that sneaky mofo reported that he won roflmao watch my reps, in first game he took over 100 dmg first by zooka then by my dyna, then he got dropped so i rehosted and gave him less hp coz of that and after couple rounds he accussed me of cheating, left and reported that he won....

TdC / redi invades holland
« on: June 29, 2010, 07:06 AM »
yo wazzup xD

TdC / wazzup
« on: May 16, 2010, 05:21 PM »
yoyo everybody im not dead :D but im livin in place with no internet now ;D HHC im in Marknesse its in Oost Holland close to emmeloord and steinweijk maybe its close to you so we can meet hehe ;] anyways im still not gonna be active for a while =/ but i will be back in july i think; maybe earlier but i need to get internet in my flat. cheers to u all, hope gonna meet on ag soon :)

Members / theredi
« on: April 06, 2010, 10:16 PM »
1. Are you male or female?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live (city and state)?

4. What do you do for a living?
studying Gardening (plants, botanics ;)

5. What do you ultimately want to do for a living?
dunno yet, just be happy i think ;]

6. What is your favorite book?
Sword of Truth

7. What is your favorite worms scheme?

8. What is your favorite movie?
hmmm dunno i like many

9. Whose wormser do you admire the most ?
shimi :)

10. Name your favorite hobby other than worms?
hempology, football, beer n chicks

11. Are you married, single or seeing someone (toxic you can put picture if you want Wink)?

12. What's your reccord in alcool ?
over 1L of vodka mixed with some beers and other wacky shit

13. What turned you onto worms ?
i play worms almost since i was born first time i plaid worms on my cousins` amiga when i was 4 or something

14. If you could have dinner with anyone living who would it be and why?
wierd question -.- maybe the guy who discovered extasy lol xD

15. If you could have dinner with anyone dead who would it be and why?
like be4

16. If you found $1070 dollars on the ground at a bus stop would you take it or attempt to find its owner? (be honest)
probably would take it ;D

17. Beer, Wine, Mixed drinks, Straight Liquor, or No liquor at all?
beer (PERLA CHMIELOWA), mixed drinks with other boosters

18. Quiet restaurant, Sports Bar, Fast food, or Eat at home?
eat at home

19. List some TdC members you have met in person.
Fada, Peja ;]

20. Suggest one change you would make to the TdC forums if you had that ability.
no idea right now

Pages: 1 2 [3]