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Messages - Cueshark

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 83
Announcements / Re: Showcase 4
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:10 AM »
Oh man, that was awesome Cue! Thanks for all those months of hard work, this is a kickass Christmas present for WA. You put a hell of a lot of effort into it, I liked all those slowdowns, and the batman moment was pretty radical. So many little touches that made me laugh, like the 'ow' sound effect that I think was taken from that one whack-a-gator game. And the worm audience, priceless, I forget, did OoO work on that, or was it you?

As far as the moves, there wasn't a single person I wasn't impressed with, people really dug deep and pulled out their wormiest skills for this one. A bit hard for me to determine what my favorite moments were, there were so many. I'll have to watch it again to even have an inkling as to who I'll vote for.

Thanks guys, glad you're enjoying.

I made the audience and the worms are all in little groups which can move independently.  It's a little buggy but does the job :P

Auto drew the animations for the worms and did the stage art.

A team effort :)

Merry Christmas guys.

Announcements / Re: Showcase 4
« on: December 25, 2013, 12:01 AM »
Merry Christmas Wormers!

I really hope you all enjoy Showcase 4.

Announcements / Re: Showcase 4
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:53 AM »
Hi Guys,

Sorry about the delay on Showcase 4.

I'm almost finished now and hopefully it will be finished by Christmas or New Year latest.


Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #281, Big RR Challenge #4
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:27 AM »

Was a damn good attempt.  50th time or not. Gj.

General discussion / Re: W:A has been great, thanks to all of you!
« on: September 10, 2013, 10:42 PM »
See ya man and good luck.

I will never forget playing with you when I was just a newbie.  Was inspiring to say the least.  I even made it into Walnut thanks to being a victim to your devastating roping. 

You might say goodbye for a long time, but I expect one day you'll be tempted to dust off the cd and play some games online.

Take care man.

Cue :<

Other worms games / Re: Worms Forts: Under Seige
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:06 AM »
Worms Forts Under Seige is indeed a great game.  I would say the best 3d worms game they released.

I used to play this with my friend many years ago and it was such a shame they never updated it.

The community was waiting for a patch that never came, Team17 stopped supporting it shortly after release and never repaired the online play or bugs.

The Brag Board / Re: [BnG] 5 second grenade
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:07 AM »
Nice shots guys.

Wee wee came out.

Schemes / Re: Beat The Sheep
« on: September 06, 2013, 08:57 PM »
You've always been a great rope racer but I reckon the last year or so you've become one of the all time greats.

To do that map and be the first one to get to the Uber Finishâ„¢ is a great achievement.

Most people playing BTS get noticeably stressed and you can tell from the way they rope.  But you didn't even shake, even on the 2 long corridors before the end, you threw your worm down there aggressively where most people would probably go easy to avoid crashing.  I was shitting myself just to get to the normal finish and almost had a heart attack toward the end.  To stay composed for that long and get to the Uber Finish with 1 second.  You take composure to a new level.

How did Nail make such a perfect map for that a practically perfect fast run to end at EXACTLY 255 seconds?  This map is really a work of art, for so many reasons.

Did you practice much on this map?  Did you have any really annoying last second f@#! ups?

TUS Discussion / Re: barman and his bng skillz
« on: June 09, 2013, 12:53 PM »
It feels nice pulling off a good shot with a zook or a nade using instinct and judgement.  It may not happen as often as if I used visual aids or notching but I'm pretty sure it's a more satisfying experience.  Must be a bit boring after a while knowing that your shot will be accurate because you've measured it using any of these techniques.

dt / Re: A lil' gift for avirex
« on: June 06, 2013, 07:58 PM »
I got a load of games with Tenchi in them from 2005.  If I could be bothered I could look at replays from both this guy and the real Tenchi and do comparisons between playing and conversation styles.  Perhaps there are obvious differences in the language used, certain words they might write differently etc. 

But I really can't be bothered and it looks like the case is closed anyway?

Public Forum / Re: mother of god, mankind are crazy?!
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:13 PM »
That made me laugh.  What the hell is that all about?!

I wonder if they know about us!?

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:31 PM »
Logitech ultra flat.  Great low profile keys.  Tried media elite and g15 and stuck with this for the last 5 or so years.  All other keyboards' keys seem too big and bulky once you get used to low profile laptop style keys.

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 27, 2013, 10:32 AM »
Cue, just like you, and everybody else, I am entitled to my opinion, and in truth I think Anubis was/is better at Warmers, than any other player that ever existed, that is not trolling.

Anyway, it was meant as a joke seeing as everyone posting very modern hardware, then Anubis posts his old nasty looking (yet very robust and reliable) keyboard.

But fair enough if you guys have nothing better to do than call people trolls when they done nothing wrong lol.

"Completely dominates every single roper that ever lived, including Mablak"

You were trying to start a 10 page debate about who's the better roper.  You love it.

By the end of it we would all be flaming each other, 5 people would be banned from the forums, you'd be talking about drinking vodka, telling super models to f@#! off and you'd have your dictionary out telling us what the actual definition of 'opinion' is.  And loads of other crazy shit like that.

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 27, 2013, 09:15 AM »
Lmfao, you gotta f@#!ing love how Anubis comes in here, with his old ass 1990's looking piece of shit, and completely dominates every single roper that ever lived, including Mablak :D


Don't feed the troll know what happens.

Schemes / Re: TimeTrial SuperSheepRace
« on: April 20, 2013, 10:33 PM »
Love the concept but how can you play time trial when the timer disappears when you use the sheep?

Or am I missing something?

Nice work mate.

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