April 18, 2024, 04:37 AM

Lukz's played maps

This page shows statistics about the player's played maps. By default it is showing the last maps this player played on.
  • Use statistics field to view stats on maps played with the specific scheme.
  • Use filter scheme field to view all maps played with the specified scheme.
  • First bar shows total usage of the map, the bar inside shows percent of won games on that map.
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 9087
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8365
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 14%
Number of games: 16
Won games: 14 (87.5%)
Games: #17996, #27444, #73083, #91690, #100201, #100459, #105019, #114316, #124707, #138362, #177828, #180227, #180940, #183996, #188108, #191782
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8388
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 13%
Number of games: 15
Won games: 13 (86.66%)
Games: #18109, #26847, #27051, #28318, #34022, #48601, #72398, #96596, #115252, #119186, #154624, #179202, #180112, #187629, #192221
Author(s): DarkOne
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 391
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 13%
Number of games: 15
Won games: 12 (80%)
Games: #72154, #101736, #105019, #126642, #133647, #179134, #184058, #184191, #184592, #187028, #192222, #192260, #192351, #207264, #210014
Author(s): StarWORxMxS
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 1081
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 6
Won games: 4 (66.66%)
Games: #89125, #89365, #90625, #96596, #184665, #186595
Author(s): BTP
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 1133
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 3 (75%)
Games: #72371, #89155, #185838, #187336, #219966
Author(s): StarWORxMxS
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8888
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #89119, #89623, #89747
Author(s): xSQDxDiksquad
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 173
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #18016, #71682, #92546
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 9453
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #125845, #126384
Author(s): dOgMa
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 9007
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #73482, #73653
Author(s): gonk
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 408
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #134125, #148316
Author(s): Stealth
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 510
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #15174
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 9471
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #22857
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8840
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #133661, #217550
Author(s): FFie
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8833
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #184664
Author(s): slawek382
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 177
Size: 3840x672 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #209397
Author(s): xNigHtmArEx
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 377
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #192124
Author(s): BTP
Type: WxW
Downloads: 1211
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #31852
Author(s): EusKaDi
Type: Shopper
Downloads: 8742
Size: 2216x1744 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #192220
Downloads: 23
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 1%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #182814
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