May 20, 2024, 10:46 PM


RichUK New Member

  • Richard Andrew Evans Internet Movie Database
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RichUK ( Pn LEADER )
Personal Text:
RichUK AKA Richard Andrew Evans on the IMDB.COM
Gorham, Maine, USA ( almost border of Canada )
United States United States
Pn Pn clan
AltF4 AltF4 community
Date Registered:
March 20, 2011, 10:03 PM
Local Time:
May 20, 2024, 10:46 PM
Last Active:
May 03, 2024, 05:34 PM
Warm Wishes, Richard Andrew Evans (
RichUK (Pn Captain / leader)
Personal note:
Captain of the Pronoobs! (Musician, Actor, Technical specialist, Digital Media and 100% REMOTE AT HOME WORKER )

2021 UPDATE (September)
I have extensive knowledge and research in regards to corona - All I can say is if you want to live until 2035 / 2040 and beyond these steps will help you survive ( any alternative lifestyle and the chances are you will not see 10 to 15 years from now )

1) Corona ( no vaccine ) attack - average 22% immune system killed forever ( at 40% any common cold kills you, no cure)
2) Corona ( vaccinated ) attack - 2% to 4% up to DELTA variant - BUT still true - 40% immune system gone - cold = death

SO with that FACT in mind which no country wants to makes public as the world feels economy is more important than human life and that humans would just go in to mass hysteria and mayhem ( which is true in some countries I am sure ).... so....

3) get a home as close to the country , in the countryside if you have SAFE travel in a car alone or other vehicle ( bicycle maybe )
4) work 100% at home where you can .... become as self sustained as you can and create in home entertainment ( such as worms )

5) AVOID people at all costs and at least 1 time every 2 months ... OBSERVE the "Death Tolls" for your country and world wide ... TAKE NOTE of "Vaccinated people dying from corona because vaccination is MOSTLY a SHEILD that prevents the FULL DAMAGE but it does still let you get infected a SMALL amount and pass it on to the next person.

6) THINK ..... so I am vaccinated, I get corona, I dont know it, I pass it on ...... everyone on earth eventually does this ...... eventually most of the planet will have or have had corona and wont know it .....

THE DAY WILL COME where the vaccinations start to wear off, stop working ....... now how many millions on that day, that week are INFECTED and suddenly start to "drop dead" on the spot or become so ill they die within weeks???

ALL FACTS at the BIOMEDICAL level ( and you can read and do your own research in endless journals and information STRAIGHT from the schools and universities and medical labs that dedicate now all of their time to Corona research )... EVERYTHING .... proves and points to .... approximately 60% to 70% of the human race dying within 20 years.

The plague, many years ago wiped out 2/3rds ( 66%) of Europe ... in those days people were more independent, went out less and did very little to no travel outside their own village.

TODAY we travel from country to country, town to town and depend heavily on SHARED SHOPS / groceries and food in one location for thousands of people .....

The facts on Corona and our modern day "life style" .. speak for themself.

VARIANT vs VACCINATION << A race that we will never win, dont even try too much.

The bottom line is ....... as I say above, ... go in to isolation, work at home, stay away from cities and towns but within reach of medical services and food supplies ....... do this for the next decade and re-evaluate your safety ..... in years gone by they would literally say " head for the hills ".

BE SAFE my friends .... be very very safe and please take this terrible unleashing of the "immune system killer" a real threat not only to you and your family ... but to the entire planet.  It exists and we must all stop going out feeling sick .. only go out feeling in good health when it is absolutely essential and avoid other people at all costs so that corona is TRAPPED with nowhere to go and dies out naturally.... there is no other way because it directly poisons your immune system, crippling you for life and with under 60% immunity in your body to EVERYTHING our lovely human race has polluted and destroyed this planet with and the common cold .... you are living on borrowed time waiting to die soon.