April 28, 2024, 07:21 AM

barman's played maps

This page shows statistics about the player's played maps. By default it is showing the last maps this player played on.
  • Use statistics field to view stats on maps played with the specific scheme.
  • Use filter scheme field to view all maps played with the specified scheme.
  • First bar shows total usage of the map, the bar inside shows percent of won games on that map.
Author(s): Hussar
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8564
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 8%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 3 (75%)
Games: #123167, #147334, #148208, #149763
Author(s): Hussar
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8633
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #123497, #146029, #147424
Author(s): Hussar
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8609
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 1 (33.33%)
Games: #123074, #136463, #148655
Downloads: 9
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #82842, #83220, #93729
Downloads: 77
Size: 2000x800 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #94426, #104222, #133831
Author(s): PunisheR
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8891
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #93806, #123951, #147266
Author(s): PunisheR
Type: WxW
Downloads: 9344
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 6%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #93735, #122342, #124805
Author(s): Hussar
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8653
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #125417, #147302
Author(s): barman
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8606
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #123019, #130695
Downloads: 68
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #147254, #149763
Author(s): Souljah
Type: WxW
Downloads: 108
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #110432, #148208
Downloads: 16
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #83063, #85566
Author(s): PunisheR
Type: WxW
Downloads: 15772
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #104611, #110756
Author(s): Nullum
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8328
Size: 1920x1200 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #85802, #124209
Author(s): wormf00d
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8779
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #98994, #123548
Author(s): lukasz
Type: WxW
Downloads: 192
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #110665, #125671
Author(s): MunE
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8705
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #113447, #124806, #148208
Author(s): Option
Type: WxW
Downloads: 547
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #85023, #124757
Author(s): MunE
Type: WxW
Downloads: 8568
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #82695, #83720
Author(s): Alex
Type: WxW
Downloads: 769
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 4%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #82568, #93730
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