April 28, 2024, 10:05 PM

chovas's played maps

This page shows statistics about the player's played maps. By default it is showing the last maps this player played on.
  • Use statistics field to view stats on maps played with the specific scheme.
  • Use filter scheme field to view all maps played with the specified scheme.
  • First bar shows total usage of the map, the bar inside shows percent of won games on that map.
Author(s): AbdelioR
Downloads: 555
Size: 6400x2320 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 18%
Number of games: 8
Won games: 7 (87.5%)
Games: #43221, #46072, #46199, #46212, #47593, #59186, #92607, #94380
Author(s): Bismarck
Downloads: 255
Size: 7680x4176 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 14%
Number of games: 6
Won games: 6 (100%)
Games: #43221, #43522, #43784, #47692, #54674, #64642
Downloads: 132
Size: 3000x20000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 9%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 3 (75%)
Games: #47584, #52732, #57147, #63231
Downloads: 104
Size: 7680x4176 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #95632, #96327, #97941
Downloads: 142
Size: 5000x13000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 3 (100%)
Games: #46218, #47320, #47733
Author(s): SiD
Downloads: 684
Size: 5000x7000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #47238, #47575
Downloads: 20
Size: 6120x5856 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #84639, #92731
Downloads: 103
Size: 5000x13000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #63248, #84522
Author(s): NinjaCamel
Downloads: 290
Size: 1200x7200 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #47584, #57660
Downloads: 21
Size: 1800x20000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #46071, #47733
Author(s): yuurepoer
Downloads: 8553
Size: 6000x10000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #64629
Author(s): stringking
Downloads: 164
Size: 6600x6200 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #93789
Downloads: 29
Size: 14000x6000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #101431
Author(s): EusKaDi
Downloads: 284
Size: 6000x6000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #100469
Downloads: 48
Size: 1760x6600 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #84640
Downloads: 14
Size: 3400x10000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #68269
Downloads: 41
Size: 5760x2088 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #64623
Downloads: 73
Size: 4880x4160 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #62751
Downloads: 70
Size: 8000x20000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #61257
Downloads: 94
Size: 4000x20000 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #57147
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