April 26, 2024, 06:53 PM

luishero's played maps

This page shows statistics about the player's played maps. By default it is showing the last maps this player played on.
  • Use statistics field to view stats on maps played with the specific scheme.
  • Use filter scheme field to view all maps played with the specified scheme.
  • First bar shows total usage of the map, the bar inside shows percent of won games on that map.
Author(s): unknown author
Type: Roper
Downloads: 121
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 15%
Number of games: 9
Won games: 3 (33.33%)
Games: #145176, #158866, #159344, #159902, #160967, #161112, #161131, #162703, #164130
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9222
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 10%
Number of games: 6
Won games: 2 (33.33%)
Games: #145044, #145172, #148249, #158977, #160003, #161104
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8340
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 10%
Number of games: 6
Won games: 4 (66.66%)
Games: #145037, #145159, #159776, #159830, #159901, #160921, #161129
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9193
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 1 (25%)
Games: #152778, #152845, #153282, #153295, #153296
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9191
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 2 (50%)
Games: #152471, #152612, #153878, #153982
Author(s): enforcer
Type: Roper
Downloads: 7899
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #143225, #143265, #145156, #160004
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8410
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #153487, #154822, #224229
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8423
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #152596, #152830
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8408
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #153475, #155944
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8411
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #152595, #153488
Author(s): angus
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9471
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #134424, #153622
Author(s): angus
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9218
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #118723, #123115
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9187
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #151954, #153283
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9225
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #152599, #153294
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9202
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #153971, #153976
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9144
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 2 (100%)
Games: #152616, #153970
Author(s): THeDoGG
Type: Roper
Downloads: 9222
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #152793, #153489
Author(s): BTP
Type: Misc
Downloads: 1017
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 3%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #160229, #161130
Author(s): oPiuM
Type: Roper
Downloads: 1054
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #224228
Downloads: 16
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #160923
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