Challenges > Challenges

Map: FluffyTrickRace2 in challenge #78

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I hate pumps... and those are pretty important in KuarK's map. I was up to host Alenic1 or Alenic2... but, let's hear some voice of the people here.

I'll check tomorrow votes for "Alenic vs KuarK" and I'll host one of those maps. Let me hear your voice!

Actually a friend wanted to see me rope so I went through all of them 3 days ago.

In my opinion:

1)Kuark's map will instantly make the challenge one for 4-5 ppl who can finish it to begin with, I'm fine with that but always, more ppl -> more fun

2)Alenic 1: even though its the easiest of the three its still a "no no" for most ppl (then again, Smokaz map was the same but a little easier maybe). I think this is a safe one to choose.

3)Alenic 2: this is, again, a map that few active players will post times/finish  (but mostly are willing to do so for a challenge).

However, considering that very few ppl play our trick races anyways, I vote for Alenic maps that are the "easiest" of the 3. We still know that we'll have to go through them all so whats the point :D

Should've been a 5' run but it was like my 3rd attempt at the map after the challenge so I was tense :)

Ahoy there worm fighters, does this one count? I was trying out the 1-2-3 challenge since I got a really good couple of shots at it at some point a few months ago on board the ship and got this one with 9'18" on Fluffy1 followed by a 5'40" on Fluffy2 (btw Fluffy3 was going crazy well too but one trick at the end f@#!ed me over :( ).

If nothing else, it'll be decent watch for the TR lovers :)


--- Quote from: Desetroyah on March 07, 2015, 02:55 AM ---Ahoy there worm fighters, does this one count? I was trying out the 1-2-3 challenge since I got a really good couple of shots at it at some point a few months ago on board the ship and got this one with 9'18" on Fluffy1 followed by a 5'40" on Fluffy2 (btw Fluffy3 was going crazy well too but one trick at the end f@#!ed me over :( ).

If nothing else, it'll be decent watch for the TR lovers :)

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you're alive :D


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