Name: BiG RR Challenge Series #04
Type: TTRR
Started: January 12, 2023, 02:57 PM
Expire time: February 02, 2023, 05:30 PM
You can still submit your time. But you won't recieve the 4 points as it is not the current challenge anymore.
Challenge maps:
Scheme File(s):
TT Big RR (ldet)
______ _ ______ ______
| ___ \(_) | ___ \| ___ \
| |_/ / _ __ _ | |_/ /| |_/ /
| ___ \| | / _` | | / | /
| |_/ /| || (_| | | |\ \ | |\ \
\____/ |_| \__, | \_| \_|\_| \_|
_____ _ __/ | _ _
/ __ \| | |___/ | || |
| / \/| |__ __ _ | || | ___ _ __ __ _ ___
| | | '_ \ / _` || || | / _ \| '_ \ / _` | / _ \
| \__/\| | | || (_| || || || __/| | | || (_| || __/
\____/|_| |_| \__,_||_||_| \___||_| |_| \__, | \___|
_ _ _____ ___ __/ |
_| || |_ | _ | / | |___/
|_ __ _| | |/' | / /| |
_| || |_ | /| |/ /_| |
|_ __ _| \ |_/ /\___ |
|_||_| \___/ |_/
It is BiG RR Chally time again.
The fourth episode has a short map again and this time with different ways of finishing it.
I find this side-scrolling RR map type really interesting so I used this great map from
bock and xuliz for this one.
I'm interested what way will be the fastest.
Have a great time roping!
Rules:Use a RopeRace Scheme that have unlimited turn time, and no end of turn when falling.
Start on the "start" font and finish by touching the bottom of the "finish" tube (1,2,3)
Custom medals: