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BiG RR Challenge Series #10

Challenge #837, Viewed 1448 Time(s)

Basic Information
Rate challenge
5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Name: BiG RR Challenge Series #10
Type: TTRR

Started: July 24, 2023, 08:58 PM
Expire time: August 14, 2023, 09:30 PM

You can still submit your time. But you won't recieve the 4 points as it is not the current challenge anymore.

Challenge maps:
Scheme File(s): scheme TT Big RR (ldet)


Am I having a dejavu?! Or is it an error in the matrix?!
It is the 10th episode of the BiG RR Challenge already!

And for the 10th episode we got  an Generated Big RR again, since AI is on the rise and it got quite popular last time..
And it is also film themed again..

It is an Echiko map -Matrix BigRR!

Use a RopeRace Scheme that have unlimited turn time, and no end of turn when falling.
Start on white font "START" and finish by touching the "FINISH".  (Not the ground before it only - the word itself)

Custom medals:
8400 x 4416, PNG, 1.83 MB, Downloaded 258 time(s)
Best Record: 273.54 seconds by
Pending times: 0
Number of members participated: 5
Number of Records: 6
Recorded Country Player Recorded Groups Record Replay Map Points Posted Overall Points Overall Rate Info
1st Norway Masta 273.54s
20 May 06, 2024, 09:12 PM 12,816 Elite
2nd United States sock
15 August 07, 2023, 10:16 PM 2,703 Elite
3rd United States TheWalrus
10 April 12, 2024, 02:24 AM 2,848 Elite
4th Germany 01i 305.38s
5 August 10, 2023, 09:36 AM 1,466 Average
5th Russia kirill470
4 July 25, 2023, 02:22 PM 2,452 Superstar

Statistics of this challenge

Points Overall Points Overall Rate
25 2,703
Germany 01i
20 1,466
15 2,452

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Big Billy

New Chally!
New chance!
New aliases!
New conspiracy!

But mostly:
Hf roping!


hoping this has as much activity and intrigue as the last big rr challenge

Big Billy

Quote from: TheWalrus on July 25, 2023, 05:58 PM
hoping this has as much activity and intrigue as the last big rr challenge

I had high hopes.
But that's the way it is with hope. Get crushed mostly.


Yeah I don't like playing on maps with those stupid spikes... Makes it next to impossible to go fast because of all the glitches...

Big Billy

Thank you guys for participating!

Congratz to sock who won with 289.3s!
Second place to Qliver with 305.38s
And the glorious 3rd to kiril with 329.12s

ka ching!