May 02, 2024, 11:41 PM
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Player Groups Challenges Challenges Medals Number of Records Maps Medals Points Rate
221 Slovenia Rok RoH 26/29 0/0/1 30 0/0/0 1,232 Rookie
222 Croatia Sensei HCP alCo 21 2/1/4 21 1/0/3 1,232 Rookie
223 United States Deadcode CKC DOS 13/15 4/2/2 14 3/3/1 1,234 Rookie
224 Hungary Ray CF ea 18/20 0/1/0 25 0/1/0 1,241 Rookie
225 Brazil Kaleu STF ea rrX 13 2/2/3 13 0/1/4 1,250 Rookie
226 United States Pinkman 11/12 5/4/1 12 6/4/0 1,251 Rookie
227 France darkmaul RoH REM NfBX 17 2/5/5 18 1/5/5 1,261 Rookie
228 Germany Saint STF ZaR 27/29 1/1/2 29 1/1/2 1,266 Rookie
229 Saudi Arabia Mega`Adnan ICB ae ZaR 16/17 2/5/5 17 1/4/4 1,269 Rookie
230 Germany Random00 CF ea 19/22 3/2/4 20 3/1/4 1,270 Rookie
231 Germany Alien sK dS FoS 15 5/3/6 15 3/2/6 1,285 Rookie
232 Mexico Zalo the moler MOLCR 17 6/3/1 17 6/3/1 1,289 Rookie
233 Germany 01i dF ZaR LR 19 0/4/3 19 0/0/4 1,308 Novice
234 Germany vesuvio MOLCR 23/25 2/5/4 24 1/4/4 1,308 Novice
235 Finland Free TdC WAR ea 20/22 5/1/3 22 1/5/2 1,320 Novice
236 Norway TOMT tr LR 21 4/6/4 21 1/8/2 1,332 Novice
237 Poland Hussar TdC ea 30/31 0/2/8 31 0/1/4 1,338 Novice
238 Netherlands DarkOne TdC NfBX S17 28/29 3/4/5 28 2/4/4 1,343 Novice
239 France hsletouriste 17 4/10/3 17 3/7/4 1,345 Novice
240 United Kingdom xSniperx dF dS NfBX 24/25 4/4/5 25 4/3/3 1,354 Novice