June 03, 2024, 06:18 PM

Game #135363, reported by Dulek, Viewed 860 Time(s)

TTRR Challenge
Knockout, Round 1
January 13, 2013, 08:56 PM
Poland RoH ea NfBX
Gained 5 points
Poland dt ea FoS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 2
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
Information Cup name: : #505: TTRR Challenge
Cup scheme(s):
Time Trial Rope Race

Game Result: 1:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 1106 time(s).
Game Map(s)

hermTR14 by Hermit
1920 x 696, BIT, 0.68 KB, Downloaded 9041 time(s)

ttrr-11 by angus
1920 x 696, BIT, 1.36 KB, Downloaded 857 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.24 KB, Downloaded 13 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.17 KB, Downloaded 20 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.64 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
dt-barman [gl hf]
[dt-orange] gl hf
[CF-DeathInFire] hf
[RoH`Dulek] hard map for a start ^^
[dt-barman] 60
[dt-barman] first 30 seconds are hard, rest is easy
[RoH`Dulek] 61
[dt-barman] 61
[RoH`Dulek] aye
[dt-barman] yarg
[RoH`Dulek] 57
[dt-barman] 57
[ryan`tdc] nr
[dt-barman] fuk
[RoH`Dulek] ty
[RoH`Dulek] bl
[RoH`Dulek] ;/
[dt-barman] wasn't good anyway
[RoH`Dulek] ack ;p
[RoH`Dulek] gg
[dt-barman] gg
[CF-DeathInFire] gg
[dt-barman] 3 sec difference
[RoH`Dulek] yup

dt-barman [gl hf]
[RoH`Dulek] hf
[dt-orange] hf
[dt-orange] gl
[CF-DeathInFire] hf
[dt-barman] that's no parachute race
[RoH`Dulek] 63
[dt-barman] 62
[dt-barman] or 63
[dt-barman] will check if needed
[ryan`tdc] that looked 63
[dt-barman] though you will likely improve that
[RoH`Dulek] yeah :)
[ryan`tdc] *referee*
[RoH`Dulek] nice ttpr record btw barman :p
[RoH`Dulek] 221
[RoH`Dulek] I'm trying with opposite wind though
[dt-barman] 55
[RoH`Dulek] 55
[dt-barman] thanks
[dt-orange] nice
[dt-barman] lol i said thanks before nice XD
[dt-barman] i think this map can be completed in less than 200 seconds
[dt-barman] the chute race
[RoH`Dulek] hmm
[dt-barman] plo-plop
[dt-barman] nice to know that you are trying my challenge, i know that hurz and kyho are too
[RoH`Dulek] 55
[dt-barman] what was your 2nd time?
[RoH`Dulek] how did u do that :o
[CF-DeathInFire] so far 62 / 63 doesnt matter with +7
[dt-barman] k
[dt-barman] okay
[CF-DeathInFire] or did i miss a time? xD
[dt-orange] used a secret weapon
[CF-DeathInFire] dulek 62/63 and bar 55?
[dt-barman] 55 is hard indeed
[dt-barman] yea
[dt-barman] i think so
[dt-barman] but i'll check
[dt-barman] cos not sure
[RoH`Dulek] 60
[dt-barman] 60
[RoH`Dulek] +2 me
[RoH`Dulek] so far
[dt-barman] gg xd
[RoH`Dulek] gg
[dt-barman] hmm
[dt-barman] not +3?
[CF-DeathInFire] gg

[RoH`Dulek] hf
[dt-barman] i wanted to get all games done today
[dt-barman] rr cup, clanner pos and optimally singles pos with lukz
[ryan`tdc] well i won't be able to play finals tonight =\
[dt-barman] derp
[dt-barman] hmm
[CF-DeathInFire] i will play for 3rd match but i will aim for knockout or dnf in first round xD
[dt-barman] lol
[CF-DeathInFire] yeah dun really care if 4th or 3rd
[RoH`Dulek] 50
[dt-barman] 50
[dt-barman] asjaksdasd
[dt-barman] :<
[dt-barman] did you make any major mistakes in your 50 turn?
[dt-barman] wasn't paying attention
[RoH`Dulek] pretty smooth
[dt-barman] 51
[dt-barman] f@#! that one mistake X)
[RoH`Dulek] or 52
[dt-barman] we will check
[CF-DeathInFire] i saw 52
[dt-barman] i think it was certainly 51
[RoH`Dulek] 49
[dt-barman] 49
[dt-orange] nice
[RoH`Dulek] thx
[dt-barman] ggg
[CF-DeathInFire] gg
[RoH`Dulek] gg
[RoH`Dulek] ;p
[dt-barman] let's check?
[RoH`Dulek] let's check quickly
[dt-barman] k
[dt-barman] you check
[RoH`Dulek] k

[CF-DeathInFire] hf
[dt-orange] hf
[dt-barman] nice start XD
[dt-orange] wooot
[RoH`Dulek] f@#!
[RoH`Dulek] lol I was like 'wtf just happened??' after the start xD
[dt-orange] xD
[RoH`Dulek] totally confused me
[dt-barman] 65? 66?
[dt-orange] n run
[dt-orange] 65 i'd say
[dt-barman] questionable again xd
[dt-barman] thx
[ryan`tdc] right then i g2g!
[ryan`tdc] dinner is ready and she wants to watch film with me
[dt-barman] alright ryan
[dt-barman] thx for coming
[ryan`tdc] can arrange time for final on tus forum =)
[CF-DeathInFire] cya ryan ^^
[dt-barman] see ya around
[dt-orange] see you mate
[ryan`tdc] see you!
[dt-barman] 65
[RoH`Dulek] 65?
[dt-barman] yes
[dt-orange] confirm
[RoH`Dulek] ok
[RoH`Dulek] i think u also did 65 barman
[CF-DeathInFire] you shouldnt shadow the "33" just arrow work is faster there ^^
[dt-barman] 65
[RoH`Dulek] 65
[dt-barman] lol
[dt-orange] aaaaa so questionable again
[dt-barman] i thought i was faster
[dt-orange] 64.98?
[dt-barman] nah
[dt-barman] 65 fir sure
[dt-orange] k
[CF-DeathInFire] try last worm without shadow at 33 xD
[dt-barman] but we can check always xd
[dt-orange] i'd check tho
[dt-orange] it seemed really fast run tho
[dt-barman] af bl
[dt-barman] dang
[dt-barman] it is 4th round, right?
[RoH`Dulek] yes
[RoH`Dulek] even in worms we can always check replay if needed and soccer lets refere decide everything xd
[dt-barman] ghhhhh
[dt-barman] gg
[RoH`Dulek] gg
[CF-DeathInFire] gg

[dt-orange] hf gl
[RoH`Dulek] hf
[dt-barman] so this is the last round, +1 me
[RoH`Dulek] excelent show i must say ^^
[RoH`Dulek] excellent*
[dt-barman] hmmmm
[RoH`Dulek] touch the letter to finish?
[dt-barman] that top part is a bit flawed
[dt-barman] rope doesn't extend far enough
[dt-barman] yes
[CF-DeathInFire] nvm? ^^
[dt-barman] oye ;d
[RoH`Dulek] 62
[dt-barman] 62
[RoH`Dulek] well figured ;p
[RoH`Dulek] 59
[dt-barman] 58/59 XD
[dt-orange] lmfao again
[RoH`Dulek] or 8
[dt-barman] i'm a master of ambiguous finishes
[CF-DeathInFire] its last round so maybe doesnt matter
[RoH`Dulek] come on
[dt-barman] bl D:
[dt-orange] ow
[CF-DeathInFire] vbl
[CF-DeathInFire] 55
[dt-barman] 55
[dt-orange] really solid run
[dt-barman] thanks
[CF-DeathInFire] dul needs 56 for draw and 55 for win right?
[dt-barman] yes
[dt-barman] if 56, we play an extra decider round
[RoH`Dulek] 55
[dt-barman] 55
[CF-DeathInFire] 55
[dt-orange] vn
[CF-DeathInFire] go bar 54!
[CF-DeathInFire] do it for grp 2
[RoH`Dulek] heart pumping now
[dt-orange] yeah lol
[dt-orange] go go goooo
[dt-orange] do a mexi
[dt-barman] gg xd
[RoH`Dulek] ajjjj
[dt-orange] gg :x
[dt-orange] vn games guys
[CF-DeathInFire] gg man lets do this quick bar xD
[dt-barman] okay
[RoH`Dulek] gg
[dt-orange] for the final ill fix the res
[RoH`Dulek] 1s after 5 games :o
[dt-orange] can you rh?
[dt-barman] damn, 1 second ;d
[dt-barman] ok
[dt-barman] i will
[RoH`Dulek] that's amazing

Author Topic: Game #135363, reported by Dulek  (Read 819 times)

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Offline barman

Game #135363, reported by Dulek
« on: January 13, 2013, 09:03 PM »
Really amazing games. 1 second difference after 5 rounds.
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Quote from: Statik
barman's fails are best