May 11, 2024, 03:11 AM

Game #192509, Viewed 720 Time(s)

Bungee Race Bungee With Jetpack
Group 2
June 12, 2015, 04:58 PM
Iran dP REM NfBX
Gained 5 points
Croatia UC AbC dS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
Information Cup name: : #757: Bungee Race
Cup scheme(s):

Game Result: 1:0
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Game Map(s)

Bungaholic Evilnism by Taz
1920 x 696, PNG, 51.58 KB, Downloaded 7914 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] Gooder fun!
[dPxMonkeyIsland] no advantage
[dPxMonkeyIsland] just play
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oO
[UC`Piki1802`dS] okay
[UC`Piki1802`dS] thanks?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Why you hate bungee? xD
[UC`Piki1802`dS] nah
[UC`Piki1802`dS] thats not it but you had build up a nice advantage
[UC`Piki1802`dS] haha
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I was referring to your map pickings
[UC`Piki1802`dS] definitly not a good telecower
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oO
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I havent been able to even do this
[UC`Piki1802`dS] close
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] you know if you fall you gotta start over
[dPxMonkeyIsland] can't jp on the last spots like those
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ofc
[UC`Piki1802`dS] buuut
[dPxMonkeyIsland] sigh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sometimes you play better under pressure of the time running out
[dPxMonkeyIsland] yea I hate human pysology
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I thought u were vegan?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oO
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I spelled that wrong
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I havent noticed!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] dont worry about your spelling? :P
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] Aww
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] now rage mode
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Where did you get me being vegan?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I'm not even vegeterian
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I dont know I just assumed because of your nickname!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] awww lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] My nickname is the name of a game by Lukas arts company
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sounds like some sort of polish name oO
[UC`Piki1802`dS] woops
[UC`Piki1802`dS] and this
[UC`Piki1802`dS] is why I wanted you to have an advantage
[dPxMonkeyIsland] sorry, had to go downstairs
[UC`Piki1802`dS] nps
[UC`Piki1802`dS] after all those matches I had to go somewhere quickly I would have to accept what you said lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] aw
[UC`Piki1802`dS] how can you reach that?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oO
[dPxMonkeyIsland] reach what?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] the top of that pipe!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] trold lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] jp to walkable spots right?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] fail
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ey
[UC`Piki1802`dS] u cant jump there? :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] or yes you can
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] but seriously though
[UC`Piki1802`dS] how could you ever reach that pipe on top again? :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Which one?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] right
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] LOL
[UC`Piki1802`dS] where do I will tele
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol do i will yea right
[UC`Piki1802`dS] grammar ftw
[UC`Piki1802`dS] where should I tele
[dPxMonkeyIsland] come back down
[UC`Piki1802`dS] and, this is what I meant
[dPxMonkeyIsland] What do you mean? I fell from top
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yea and you fell down
[UC`Piki1802`dS] you didnt succeed first time
[UC`Piki1802`dS] second time you did it
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I jped there
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ya my question was
[UC`Piki1802`dS] isnt it walkable spots only
[UC`Piki1802`dS] or am I missing smthin
[UC`Piki1802`dS] my fault for teleing there you take the turn :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] you mean I had to go here?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] no
[dPxMonkeyIsland] yea?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] were misunderstanding
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] each other+
[UC`Piki1802`dS] you took one attempt right?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] you fell where those fishes are
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I think you are right
[dPxMonkeyIsland] That wasn't walkable
[UC`Piki1802`dS] okay then take a bit of time because wont be fair hehe :p
[UC`Piki1802`dS] or oh well
[UC`Piki1802`dS] bungee pro
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I'll jp the next obstacle though. I passed that fair and square
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yea
[UC`Piki1802`dS] really
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ahaha
[dPxMonkeyIsland] hehe
[UC`Piki1802`dS] Im too scared
[UC`Piki1802`dS] to release
[UC`Piki1802`dS] damn u and ur pressure
[dPxMonkeyIsland] what pressure?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oO
[dPxMonkeyIsland] comon!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] wtf
[UC`Piki1802`dS] the
[UC`Piki1802`dS] youre like
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oh lets do this now like its nothing
[UC`Piki1802`dS] and then when you come to me its like oh let him believe he has a chance
[UC`Piki1802`dS] omfg
[UC`Piki1802`dS] haha
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] look at what kind of mistakes I make! :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] sigh
[dPxMonkeyIsland] had to do it :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] haha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I will do it
[UC`Piki1802`dS] at some point as well
[dPxMonkeyIsland] sigh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] its not abungee!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] eh
[dPxMonkeyIsland] gj
[UC`Piki1802`dS] see without your pressure
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I can do that jump! xD
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Shouldn't you die now? That's lava
[UC`Piki1802`dS] my worm's natural habitat is lava!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] he should've died under water
[UC`Piki1802`dS] n
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I tried
[UC`Piki1802`dS] woa
[UC`Piki1802`dS] close one
[UC`Piki1802`dS] whew
[UC`Piki1802`dS] aww
[UC`Piki1802`dS] soooo hows the situation over there
[dPxMonkeyIsland] dark
[UC`Piki1802`dS] that doesnt sound good
[UC`Piki1802`dS] could also mean that you didnt pay your electricity bill
[UC`Piki1802`dS] but how the heck should I know :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I think taz had a reputation of making evil bungee maps
[UC`Piki1802`dS] wow
[UC`Piki1802`dS] close
[dPxMonkeyIsland] how that's walkable?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] doesn't make any sense
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] hows that not walkable?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] should I show you? :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] hidden pixel?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I didnt go up!
[dPxMonkeyIsland] show me
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I skipped this part
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I know
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I'm talking about the upper part
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yea its not walkable
[UC`Piki1802`dS] bungee top right
[UC`Piki1802`dS] then bungee left
[dPxMonkeyIsland] a bungee map should be done without jp
[dPxMonkeyIsland] oh that move
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yea
[UC`Piki1802`dS] that move
[dPxMonkeyIsland] ok my apologies
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ey ey nps :)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] always up for people to respectfully complain ahaha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] well complain is not the right word
[UC`Piki1802`dS] but you probably know what I mean
[dPxMonkeyIsland] xD
[UC`Piki1802`dS] !
[UC`Piki1802`dS] vn
[dPxMonkeyIsland] t
[dPxMonkeyIsland] but it was lucky
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I had one lucky move like that too!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] 1-1
[UC`Piki1802`dS] luck score
[UC`Piki1802`dS] see how easy that was lol :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] heh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] too hard
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] thats a really annoying part
[dPxMonkeyIsland] and what if you fall that lamp? xDDDD
[UC`Piki1802`dS] hahahha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] then youre like
[UC`Piki1802`dS] alt+f4
[UC`Piki1802`dS] clean
[UC`Piki1802`dS] rofl
[UC`Piki1802`dS] never
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] do an alt+f4 please :d
[UC`Piki1802`dS] are you motivating me to rage quit?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] what kind of rep are you giving to tus? we should all be quitters?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] YES!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] thats a clear messagf
[UC`Piki1802`dS] message
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lameeeeee
[UC`Piki1802`dS] booooo
[dPxMonkeyIsland] 43 mins of bungee, you want me to dance for you? :D
[dPxMonkeyIsland] you killed the fun with your map choice lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sorry Im a bad picker
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :s
[UC`Piki1802`dS] next time I will pick a lyndon map, the easy one's
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] almost!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :p
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ok
[UC`Piki1802`dS] now my heart is beating like a maniac
[UC`Piki1802`dS] gj
[UC`Piki1802`dS] knew
[dPxMonkeyIsland] hi lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I started to lag badly should've gone for the safe option ahah
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oh
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I know why I suck I didnt put any music on
[UC`Piki1802`dS] aw
[dPxMonkeyIsland] No music please. Ah god help me
[UC`Piki1802`dS] hahaha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I wont do it because Id lag even harder!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] nice
[UC`Piki1802`dS] cmooon
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I already did that jump... twice! :(
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I thought the third time should be the easiest!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] looool
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Not gonna risk it :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] haha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] come on
[dPxMonkeyIsland] looks like a clean one
[UC`Piki1802`dS] please succeed
[UC`Piki1802`dS] prove me wrong
[UC`Piki1802`dS] gj!
[dPxMonkeyIsland] t
[UC`Piki1802`dS] Im comin for ya
[UC`Piki1802`dS] dont fall back! xd
[dPxMonkeyIsland] close :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yeaaa
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I wont succeed for sure haha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] n
[dPxMonkeyIsland] vbl
[UC`Piki1802`dS] im just dumb :)
[dPxMonkeyIsland] That's a clean jump. You are overthinking it
[UC`Piki1802`dS] my screen is lagging too much for these controlled jumps
[dPxMonkeyIsland] why>?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] dunnooo
[UC`Piki1802`dS] pc is lagging from when I started it weirdly
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] aww
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] A noob.
[UC`Piki1802`dS] me? yea
[dPxMonkeyIsland] no me
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lool
[dPxMonkeyIsland] The map has made be cautious
[UC`Piki1802`dS] too late
[dPxMonkeyIsland] That noway me playing bungee race
[dPxMonkeyIsland] n
[UC`Piki1802`dS] well after already doing it 4 times xd
[UC`Piki1802`dS] hmm why not try to bounce from that spikey animal...
[UC`Piki1802`dS] or that!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lets try this for the third time!
[UC`Piki1802`dS] :D
[UC`Piki1802`dS] gj
[UC`Piki1802`dS] gg
[dPxMonkeyIsland] t
[dPxMonkeyIsland] not yet
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ahahah
[UC`Piki1802`dS] it is
[dPxMonkeyIsland] LOL
[UC`Piki1802`dS] plain stupidness
[UC`Piki1802`dS] vgj
[UC`Piki1802`dS] gg
[UC`Piki1802`dS] deserved winner
[UC`Piki1802`dS] eyy
[UC`Piki1802`dS] you won!
[dPxMonkeyIsland] oh
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I thought we should stand on finish letters
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lol
[UC`Piki1802`dS] you can try
[dPxMonkeyIsland] ok then
[dPxMonkeyIsland] 1 hour bungee
[dPxMonkeyIsland] enough for me
[UC`Piki1802`dS] haha
[UC`Piki1802`dS] see this as a practice against the pros ;)
[dPxMonkeyIsland] Thanks for the game mate
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yea was a pleasure
[dPxMonkeyIsland] gg

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