April 27, 2024, 03:16 PM

Game #193950, Viewed 339 Time(s)

ASC #11: Abnormal
Group 1
July 01, 2015, 02:58 PM
Romania UC PCMR dS
Gained 5 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 3
Information Cup name: : #762: ASC #11: Abnormal
Cup scheme(s):
Game Result: 3:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 795 time(s).
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.83 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 2 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] luckily I'm quite noob in abnormal xD
[Vojske] hf
[UC`MarianRV`pH] kami was a better choice
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ;)
[Vojske] me 2 :SSS
[UC`MarianRV`pH] :/
[Vojske] oh bl
[UC`MarianRV`pH] should have risked with dyna xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] me and my mouth xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] n :)
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] yes
[Vojske] dyn is better
[Vojske] in u sit
[UC`MarianRV`pH] hmm
[Vojske] nice
[UC`MarianRV`pH] REALLY xD
[Vojske] ohhh
[Vojske] :S
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ty,tho not so nice xD
[Vojske] badd
[UC`MarianRV`pH] silly kb...
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gg :/
[Vojske] wait :D
[UC`MarianRV`pH] you can tele to water :/
[Vojske] or suicade
[Vojske] gg

[Vojske] hf
[UC`MarianRV`pH] damn,playing so bad today...
[UC`MarianRV`pH] even newcomers beat me
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gl,hf
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] :S
[Vojske] u are from romania ?
[UC`MarianRV`pH] not anymore
[UC`MarianRV`pH] moved to UK 4 days ago :)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] rofl xD
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] four days ?
[Vojske] oh man
[UC`MarianRV`pH] :/
[UC`MarianRV`pH] so much bl today
[Vojske] gg
[UC`MarianRV`pH] you had no ws?
[Vojske] ws ?
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gg xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] worm select
[Vojske] noo :S

[UC`MarianRV`pH] why not kami? xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gl,hf
[Vojske] oh
[Vojske] very bad
[Vojske] hf\
[UC`MarianRV`pH] almost xD
[Vojske] no luck
[UC`MarianRV`pH] xD
[Vojske] XD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] and also wasted 1 ws by mistake xD
[Vojske] hahaha
[UC`MarianRV`pH] umm
[Vojske] Lololol
[UC`MarianRV`pH] thx? xD
[Vojske] i lose this at first move
[Vojske] gg
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gg

[Vojske] Hf
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gl,hf
[UC`MarianRV`pH] 2 out of 4
[UC`MarianRV`pH] weak :/
[UC`MarianRV`pH] xD
[Vojske] :S
[Vojske] not bad at all
[UC`MarianRV`pH] nice placements for you :S
[UC`MarianRV`pH] 1 out of 4
[Vojske] :S
[UC`MarianRV`pH] oh,2
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ...
[Vojske] bl :Ssss
[UC`MarianRV`pH] pls pretend you didn't see that xD
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] sure :D
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ://
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] f@#!in kow
[UC`MarianRV`pH] happens
[UC`MarianRV`pH] xD
[Vojske] yeaaaa
[UC`MarianRV`pH] lol xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gg
[Vojske] gg
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ty for games :)
[Vojske] ty u
[Vojske] XD
[Vojske] zop
[UC`MarianRV`pH] hehe

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