April 20, 2024, 01:35 PM

Game #210993, Viewed 455 Time(s)

Hysteria cup
Group 1
July 01, 2016, 06:45 PM
United States MV S17 a2a
Gained 5 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 0
Information Cup name: : #885: Hysteria cup
Cup scheme(s):

Game Result: 2:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 605 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[NBRthewalrus] so xan i think we need to have an ontervention
[Vojske] hff
[NBRthewalrus] inter
[NBRthewalrus] intervention*
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] Devine Intervention?
[NBRthewalrus] foxy is a bit too obsessed with asbest and taner
[NBRthewalrus] its getting creepy
[NBRthewalrus] aaaaaaaaaa
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] its normal for a polish one xD
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] that will be your undoing
[NBRthewalrus] not up there
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] thats not right
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] fail xD
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] wrong sequence
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] hahahah
[NBRthewalrus] hmm
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] collect yourself man
[NBRthewalrus] that game
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
[NBRthewalrus] this*
[Vojske] pfff
[Vojske] hardcore
[Vojske] :D
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] you are playing worse than me
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] but not now xD
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] well placed
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[NBRthewalrus] pennypackerrrrr
[Vojske] oo
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] vn
[NBRthewalrus] ty
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] heh
[Vojske] cant do anything :D
[NBRthewalrus] hide really
[NBRthewalrus] thats about it
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] hehe nicce
[Vojske] xD
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[NBRthewalrus] ahaha
[Vojske] haha
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] xDDD
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] GG
[Vojske] gg
[NBRthewalrus] rofl
[NBRthewalrus] that whole game
[NBRthewalrus] bo3 btw

[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] hf
[Vojske] haha i guess
[Vojske] hf
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[Vojske] n1
[NBRthewalrus] ty
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] vn
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] n
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] hehehehe
[NBRthewalrus] ROFL
[Vojske] oO
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] LOOOL
[Vojske] Niceee
[NBRthewalrus] what the f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] ahahha so lucky
[Vojske] what a move
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] enter
[Vojske] ew
[Vojske] ye :D
[NBRthewalrus] egg cup hide
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] cant hit shit from down there
[Vojske] hah
[Vojske] n tele
[Vojske] xD
[NBRthewalrus] ffs
[NBRthewalrus] f2
[Vojske] :o
[NBRthewalrus] nopt f3
[Vojske] hah
[Vojske] nicee
[NBRthewalrus] not terrible
[NBRthewalrus] whoa
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] wooooooo
[Vojske] not bad
[Vojske] xD
[NBRthewalrus] whaaaat
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] you are risking to give a damn good thrasher to Wally
[NBRthewalrus] ^^^
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] thrasher is suitable word here? want sure
[NBRthewalrus] new plan
[NBRthewalrus] thrashing*
[NBRthewalrus] would be more suitable
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] oke
[NBRthewalrus] but yes the verbage worked
[NBRthewalrus] hmm that tele sucks
[Vojske] yes bad angle ?
[NBRthewalrus] angle works
[NBRthewalrus] its just im too easy to hit here methinks
[Vojske] omng
[NBRthewalrus] i got a nice angle too i think
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] oh man
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!kkkk
[NBRthewalrus] such a good angle
[NBRthewalrus] ruined
[NBRthewalrus] oh thats good
[NBRthewalrus] suddenly i cant aim
[NBRthewalrus] christ
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] for christ's sake
[Vojske] OO
[NBRthewalrus] okok
[NBRthewalrus] time for a bank
[Vojske] what im doing :D
[Vojske] sucks
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] 4 sec and +
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] might work
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[NBRthewalrus] nah
[NBRthewalrus] i got the shot
[NBRthewalrus] almost gg
[Vojske] n1
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] noize
[Vojske] yes xd
[NBRthewalrus] wind
[NBRthewalrus] game ender
[NBRthewalrus] VOJ
[NBRthewalrus] NO
[Vojske] finish this
[Vojske] xD
[Vojske] pls
[NBRthewalrus] ffs
[NBRthewalrus] why cant i hit these f@#!ing eggs
[Vojske] aw
[NBRthewalrus] hrm
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] whast
[NBRthewalrus] shot
[NBRthewalrus] hide
[NBRthewalrus] that was all bad
[NBRthewalrus] omg
[NBRthewalrus] saved
[NBRthewalrus] hail mary time
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[Vojske] gg !
[NBRthewalrus] wp voj
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] vn games
[`Pn`Xan`ZaR`dS] ty for show

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