April 23, 2024, 04:51 PM

Game #213511, Viewed 558 Time(s)

Aerial 1v1 (SD)
Group 3
October 10, 2016, 03:56 PM
United States MV S17 a2a
Gained 5 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 0
Information Cup name: : #896: Aerial 1v1 (SD)
Cup scheme(s):
Game Result: 2:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 588 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Vojske] hf
[NBRthewalrus] eyyyy cooola
[NBRspleen17] hf
[NBRthewalrus] ewwww
[sW`CoolMan] hey wally
[NBRthewalrus] no balls
[NBRthewalrus] voj didnt we do this before?
[Vojske] yes xD
[NBRthewalrus] play in the last aerial cup
[NBRthewalrus] ?
[Vojske] same aerial
[NBRthewalrus] n knock
[Vojske] yep
[Vojske] 2-1 for u
[Vojske] t
[Vojske] n
[NBRthewalrus] eyy lets change that trend
[NBRthewalrus] 2-1 voj this time
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] dont know ..
[Vojske] n
[NBRthewalrus] ty
[NBRthewalrus] you gotta let me win one game though
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[Vojske] rly :D
[NBRthewalrus] couldnt get out of there
[Vojske] aw
[NBRthewalrus] lmao
[NBRthewalrus] ahahah
[NBRspleen17] lol
[NBRthewalrus] back down in the shit pit!
[Vojske] nk :D
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! this pinch point
[NBRthewalrus] vns
[NBRspleen17] n
[Vojske] t
[sW`CoolMan] cu guys
[sW`CoolMan] hf
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] not there
[NBRthewalrus] whew
[NBRthewalrus] barely
[Vojske] n !
[NBRspleen17] is this the SD scheme?
[NBRthewalrus] yes
[NBRthewalrus] SD
[NBRspleen17] its good addition i think
[NBRthewalrus] nice hide
[Vojske] y
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] i suck at getting out of there
[NBRthewalrus] son of a bitch
[NBRthewalrus] plz voj
[NBRthewalrus] dont make me go back down there
[NBRthewalrus] i dont wanna
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] what a hide man
[Vojske] sux
[Vojske] n1
[NBRspleen17] ooh
[NBRthewalrus] yeah you gave me 2 easy plops
[NBRthewalrus] bl
[NBRthewalrus] youve had some really good shots
[Vojske] indeed
[NBRthewalrus] aaaa
[Vojske] nt
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[Vojske] huh..
[NBRthewalrus] oh
[NBRthewalrus] that was sad
[NBRthewalrus] sheep?
[Vojske] aaa
[NBRthewalrus] \ya figured
[Vojske] why
[NBRthewalrus] wtf hide
[NBRthewalrus] again
[NBRthewalrus] the middle
[Vojske] gg
[NBRthewalrus] this time you didnt plop though
[Vojske] ... xDD
[NBRthewalrus] plz no wild weapon
[NBRthewalrus] oooooo
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[Vojske] n
[Vojske] gg

[NBRthewalrus] i wouldnt have won that if you didnt keep hiding by water i think
[Vojske] gf
[NBRthewalrus] n pile again
[Vojske] probably
[Vojske] t
[NBRthewalrus] pile piler
[NBRthewalrus] pro*
[Vojske] haha
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[Vojske] nt
[NBRthewalrus] wat
[NBRthewalrus] wtf petrol
[Vojske] ruuun
[NBRthewalrus] o_0
[Vojske] direct again
[Vojske] aaae
[Vojske] fuk
[NBRthewalrus] oi
[NBRthewalrus] ehh
[Vojske] ;/
[NBRthewalrus] wrong weapon
[Vojske] dat sheep
[NBRthewalrus] bl
[NBRthewalrus] noooooooooooooooo
[NBRthewalrus] cmon lol
[Vojske] bl i guess :s
[NBRthewalrus] didnt expect that
[NBRthewalrus] thats the truth
[NBRthewalrus] at least that one didnt attack me
[Vojske] yep
[NBRthewalrus] awww
[NBRthewalrus] tip of rocket sheep
[Vojske] close xD
[Vojske] same
[Vojske] here it is
[Vojske] n
[NBRthewalrus] under rocketship
[NBRthewalrus] ty
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[Vojske] nt
[NBRthewalrus] hide
[NBRthewalrus] whew
[Vojske] omg
[NBRthewalrus] FUUUUK
[NBRthewalrus] omg
[Vojske] for win :D
[NBRthewalrus] that shot
[NBRthewalrus] hmm
[NBRthewalrus] dynamite
[NBRthewalrus] i wonder if ill use
[Vojske] dyn in box ?
[Vojske] i pick it
[Vojske] in 1 rnd
[NBRthewalrus] oh ya
[NBRthewalrus] whew
[NBRthewalrus] wind
[NBRthewalrus] arg
[NBRthewalrus] ooh
[NBRthewalrus] not nad
[Vojske] vn
[NBRthewalrus] ty
[NBRthewalrus] bl fuse
[NBRthewalrus] sheep trike?
[Vojske] y
[Vojske] 2s
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] no
[NBRthewalrus] el concreto donkey?
[NBRthewalrus] FUUUUUUUU
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
[Vojske] ahhh
[Vojske] alive :D
[NBRthewalrus] man
[NBRthewalrus] i tried to use LG
[NBRthewalrus] loool
[Vojske] ...
[Vojske] badddddddd
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[Vojske] n..
[Vojske] gg
[NBRthewalrus] ggs buddy
[Vojske] gg
[Vojske] t

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