June 03, 2024, 12:11 AM

Game #219055, reported by Hurz, Viewed 814 Time(s)

Darts Darts Revolution
Group 4
May 18, 2017, 11:54 PM
Germany db dS Kf
Gained 5 points
United Kingdom ICB a2a dS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 1
Information Cup name: : #932: Darts Darts Revolution
Cup scheme(s):
Game Result: 3:2
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 2734 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

Man on the Moon by TheKomodo
1920 x 2088, PNG, 212.57 KB, Downloaded 1563 time(s)

Starfox by TheKomodo
1920 x 1624, PNG, 125.34 KB, Downloaded 1097 time(s)

Super Mario Darts World by TheKomodo
2560 x 2320, PNG, 76.4 KB, Downloaded 1301 time(s)

Seinfeld by spleen17
3840 x 1392, PNG, 104.07 KB, Downloaded 956 time(s)

The Legend Of Zelda by TheKomodo
2560 x 1392, PNG, 86.05 KB, Downloaded 1267 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[dP`Komodo] Hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz n weedcheers
[spleen17`TdC] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] test throw? :)
[dP`Komodo] Yeah
[spleen17`TdC] you better believe it
[dP`Komodo] WIll probably drown
[UC`Hurz`dS] go ahead
[spleen17`TdC] you could probably make 10-20 good seinfeld soundbanks tbh
[UC`Hurz`dS] dor sure
[spleen17`TdC] it's so easily quotable
[UC`Hurz`dS] make me :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ma next project will be walker, texas ranger tho :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] still not 100% sure if do walker only or full chuck norris
[dP`Komodo] Not too far off
[UC`Hurz`dS] soo i start?
[dP`Komodo] Ok
UC`Hurz`dS 15
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] neh
[dP`Komodo] Never even really played this map back in the day anyway lol
UC`Hurz`dS e
[dP`Komodo] Was kinda new
[spleen17`TdC] hm the 'Ow' sound is still normal
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] dont seem complete
dP`Komodo 15
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[dP`Komodo] You guys testing a new soundbank?
UC`Hurz`dS 28
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] new for him
[spleen17`TdC] well a new old soundbank
[UC`Hurz`dS] seinfeld soundbank, fitting to map :D
dP`Komodo 30
[dP`Komodo] Gj
UC`Hurz`dS 43
[UC`Hurz`dS] ta
[dP`Komodo] Lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[dP`Komodo] Right on the edge
[UC`Hurz`dS] ieks
[dP`Komodo] Ah bl
UC`Hurz`dS e
[dP`Komodo] Almost hai#
[UC`Hurz`dS] well spleen
[UC`Hurz`dS] darts isnt best scheme to hear sounds ;D
[UC`Hurz`dS] :O
[dP`Komodo] Argh
[UC`Hurz`dS] vbl
[dP`Komodo] We playing rebounds with this nah?
[spleen17`TdC] well yeah
[spleen17`TdC] only using 2 sounds
[UC`Hurz`dS] hehe
[spleen17`TdC] tbh i never saw a rebound here
[dP`Komodo] I just got one there
[UC`Hurz`dS] was smth like full rebound into 11, ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] first time saw, too
[spleen17`TdC] yeah count it
dP`Komodo 41
[dP`Komodo] Ok so /me 52
dP`Komodo 52
[dP`Komodo] I can't even remember
UC`Hurz`dS 58
[dP`Komodo] Did rebounds ever count horizontally?
[spleen17`TdC] didnt think it was possible with the high angle
[dP`Komodo] gj
[spleen17`TdC] must be pretty rare
[dP`Komodo] Argh too low again
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm usually we had horizontal ones as rolls and stopped playing those maps .D
[dP`Komodo] Yeah
[dP`Komodo] Can't just change the map now though lol
[dP`Komodo] Gg anyway
UC`Hurz`dS 73 gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw 1 point over bulls to win :D

[dP`Komodo] Hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] do frog neu
[UC`Hurz`dS] test here too
[UC`Hurz`dS] ?
[dP`Komodo] Yes
[UC`Hurz`dS] kk
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[dP`Komodo] ta
[dP`Komodo] Shame it was practise
[UC`Hurz`dS] i sucked on motm vs frizky :D
dP`Komodo 18
[UC`Hurz`dS] woah
UC`Hurz`dS 15
dP`Komodo 36
[UC`Hurz`dS] evil
[dP`Komodo] Hehe
UC`Hurz`dS 30
[dP`Komodo] At least it's there
[UC`Hurz`dS] "and now in the middle"
[UC`Hurz`dS] weee
dP`Komodo 61
UC`Hurz`dS 51
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah but t :D
dP`Komodo 79
[dP`Komodo] Gj
UC`Hurz`dS 76
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[spleen17`TdC] n
[UC`Hurz`dS] ;)
[dP`Komodo] Oops
[UC`Hurz`dS] ouchie
[dP`Komodo] Enter fail lol
UC`Hurz`dS 101
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] ta
dP`Komodo 97
[UC`Hurz`dS] u like that place ha?
[dP`Komodo] It seems that way
[UC`Hurz`dS] ieks
UC`Hurz`dS 116
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
dP`Komodo 115
[UC`Hurz`dS] orly
[dP`Komodo] Vn
UC`Hurz`dS 137
dP`Komodo 130 fs gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] or wait...
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw wanmted to come to your place :D
UC`Hurz`dS 152 gg

[dP`Komodo] Hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[dP`Komodo] Let's see
[UC`Hurz`dS] say if test ;)
[UC`Hurz`dS] wanna?
[dP`Komodo] Test for me
[dP`Komodo] Yeah
[UC`Hurz`dS] sweet
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[UC`Hurz`dS] never again maybe? :D
[dP`Komodo] Lol yah
[dP`Komodo] Getting hella lucky with those 1st throws
UC`Hurz`dS 9
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] ta
[dP`Komodo] Lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] its the classic curse :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] of the test
[dP`Komodo] Yup lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] ew
[dP`Komodo] Least you got over
[dP`Komodo] xd
[UC`Hurz`dS] water was pink, i had to enter
[UC`Hurz`dS] /h2so4 4 life ;D
dP`Komodo 10
[dP`Komodo] JUST
[UC`Hurz`dS] :O
[UC`Hurz`dS] vn
[spleen17`TdC] ns
[dP`Komodo] Ty
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[dP`Komodo] Aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] ic
dP`Komodo 19
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
UC`Hurz`dS 18
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] meow
dP`Komodo 27
[UC`Hurz`dS] toldya you got this :D
dP`Komodo 26*
[UC`Hurz`dS] woops
[dP`Komodo] Low scores though
[dP`Komodo] Aw
dP`Komodo 35
UC`Hurz`dS 28
[dP`Komodo] Vn
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] 5? :D
[dP`Komodo] Argh
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] not even
[dP`Komodo] 0!
UC`Hurz`dS 37
[dP`Komodo] Nice
[UC`Hurz`dS] uff
[UC`Hurz`dS] felt like too short :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
dP`Komodo 42
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj still
[dP`Komodo] Better than 0 I guess xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] nope :)
[UC`Hurz`dS] ggg
[dP`Komodo] Oof bl
[dP`Komodo] Lol
[dP`Komodo] Oh
dP`Komodo 48 FS gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] ;)
[dP`Komodo] Thought I missed
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye never safe feling :D

[dP`Komodo] Hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funzae
[dP`Komodo] Wondering if I should have test xd
[UC`Hurz`dS] im quite sure i pg'd it in the old days
[NBRthewalrus] starfox characters look like they are animated ok for the most part
[dP`Komodo] After last few
[NBRthewalrus] then there is slippy
[dP`Komodo] I think I need it here though
[dP`Komodo] Dunno
[UC`Hurz`dS] but lately, as said
[UC`Hurz`dS] 15 only :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] and worse
[dP`Komodo] Lol yeah
[spleen17`TdC] i did 142 here in my last game btw
[NBRthewalrus] slippy looks like the michelin man painted green with eye stalks
[dP`Komodo] Test yeah
[UC`Hurz`dS] imma test aswell then lol
[spleen17`TdC] Hurz will do 145 now i;ve said that
[dP`Komodo] Ok
[UC`Hurz`dS] safe
[dP`Komodo] I've done PG on this 3 times
[dP`Komodo] But that was eons ago
[dP`Komodo] Vn
[UC`Hurz`dS] now you bulls and i plop, deal?
dP`Komodo 15
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw :D
[dP`Komodo] That's good enough to stay in it
[dP`Komodo] Oh yours was practise?
[spleen17`TdC] yeah
[dP`Komodo] Wow
UC`Hurz`dS 20
[dP`Komodo] 1st practise he's had
[dP`Komodo] It was worth it
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[spleen17`TdC] hurz dont do 160 please
dP`Komodo 35
[UC`Hurz`dS] theeere we go
[UC`Hurz`dS] never will i ;:D
[dP`Komodo] Ah vbl
[UC`Hurz`dS] but t for asking :p
[spleen17`TdC] lol soprry
[dP`Komodo] Now im nervous
[dP`Komodo] Cuz u f@#!ed up
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye u know what you did :D
[dP`Komodo] I see ur plan
dP`Komodo 50
[UC`Hurz`dS] bl
[dP`Komodo] So close!
[spleen17`TdC] i feel bad
[UC`Hurz`dS] lmao
[dP`Komodo] Nice
[dP`Komodo] It's in, Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah its 15
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[dP`Komodo] Ah f@#! !
[dP`Komodo] Lol
UC`Hurz`dS 35
[UC`Hurz`dS] booo
[dP`Komodo] Damn I had it in the sack if I had got least 15 lol
UC`Hurz`dS 47
dP`Komodo 70
UC`Hurz`dS 62
[dP`Komodo] Woah
[UC`Hurz`dS] oh
dP`Komodo 82
[dP`Komodo] Chance for Hurz !
[UC`Hurz`dS] cmon :D
UC`Hurz`dS 77
[dP`Komodo] Oof! Vnt
dP`Komodo 102
[UC`Hurz`dS] n
[dP`Komodo] Ty
[NBRthewalrus] why didnt u turn off ur drill there hurz
[NBRthewalrus] noob question
[UC`Hurz`dS] what diod i say
[UC`Hurz`dS] stupid 15 :D
UC`Hurz`dS 82
UC`Hurz`dS 92*
dP`Komodo 117 FS gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] well cuz nab
[dP`Komodo] 117 lol
[dP`Komodo] Pretty low score
[dP`Komodo] 2-2 xD
[dP`Komodo] How exciting
UC`Hurz`dS 102
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[dP`Komodo] Vn end
[spleen17`TdC] gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] bad round :)
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye

[dP`Komodo] Hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[NBRthewalrus] new tus changes were great with inter and big rr
[dP`Komodo] Test for me
[NBRthewalrus] i think things have gone really well
[NBRthewalrus] activity is up
[NBRthewalrus] way up
[UC`Hurz`dS] weedcheers
[NBRthewalrus] i must congratulate alborz when i see him
[UC`Hurz`dS] whats an alborz
[NBRthewalrus] its a MI
[dP`Komodo] Weedcheers yeh
[spleen17`TdC] yeah i was just saying before you joined
[spleen17`TdC] activity is good
[dP`Komodo] K
[UC`Hurz`dS] k now test sucked, so bulls first :D
[spleen17`TdC] only problem is that allround PO's will basically be ropers vs defaulters
[spleen17`TdC] since some people only play one league
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[dP`Komodo] f@#!
[UC`Hurz`dS] :/
[NBRthewalrus] i dont think so
[dP`Komodo] Taking lg off there put me off
[spleen17`TdC] 3rd category might work well actually
[NBRthewalrus] only abegod and chelsea are specialists
[NBRthewalrus] in the top 8
UC`Hurz`dS 40
[dP`Komodo] Really need to start playing again
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] so low 1 :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] almost hit wall
[spleen17`TdC] and Nonentity
dP`Komodo 40
[UC`Hurz`dS] n
[spleen17`TdC] and zwitter in 7
[NBRthewalrus] ooh i forgot nonentity
UC`Hurz`dS 80
[NBRthewalrus] nah zwitter can rope well
[dP`Komodo] Gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] ta
[NBRthewalrus] he just chooses not to
[NBRthewalrus] he can play allround playoffs quite well imo
dP`Komodo 80
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[NBRthewalrus] zwitter is a great player
[dP`Komodo] Damn that 1st worm
[spleen17`TdC] we'll see how it goes, should be interesting
UC`Hurz`dS 120
[spleen17`TdC] i dont know why he wouldnt play rope schemes then
[dP`Komodo] Vn x3
[dP`Komodo] +1
UC`Hurz`dS (+1)
[dP`Komodo] ;)
[NBRthewalrus] i dont really know
[spleen17`TdC] surely he would be in better shape for po's if he did
[NBRthewalrus] but he can do roper, ttrr, and wxw
dP`Komodo 120
[dP`Komodo] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] vn rofl
[NBRthewalrus] hes not super elite, but good
[UC`Hurz`dS] wtf we doing here :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] meeeeeh
[UC`Hurz`dS] too much talked ;;D
UC`Hurz`dS 152
dP`Komodo 160
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye nbow im off
UC`Hurz`dS 184
dP`Komodo 200
UC`Hurz`dS 216
[NBRthewalrus] damn u gaz
[UC`Hurz`dS] rlly
dP`Komodo 240 +2 xD
[spleen17`TdC] nice
[dP`Komodo] Gaz ruining a perfect game
UC`Hurz`dS 256
[UC`Hurz`dS] epic
dP`Komodo 280 FS gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] that first :D
[dP`Komodo] I lose, but I played better xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye :D
UC`Hurz`dS 288 ggs
[dP`Komodo] Vgg's
[dP`Komodo] Was fun :)
[spleen17`TdC] nice game
[UC`Hurz`dS] a pleasure sir ;)
[dP`Komodo] Haha
[dP`Komodo] was destined to fail lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] except my suckness despite your absence ;D
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw :D
UC`Hurz`dS 15
[UC`Hurz`dS] ok
[dP`Komodo] I played ok, I think I could possibly win next ones if I do a little better than this time
[dP`Komodo] Gg's!
[dP`Komodo] thanks

Author Topic: Game #219055, reported by Hurz  (Read 808 times)

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Offline TheKomodo

Game #219055, reported by Hurz
« on: May 19, 2017, 12:32 PM »
Really enjoyed these games Hurz, thanks :) You played well :)

Kinda looking forward to the possible resurrection of dST :)

Offline Hurz

Re: Game #219055, reported by Hurz
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2017, 01:30 PM »
That pg minus first was surreal  :D

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #219055, reported by Hurz
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2017, 02:05 PM »
Yah just shows, 1 worm can ruin it all xD

Offline Hurz

Re: Game #219055, reported by Hurz
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2017, 02:45 PM »
And that rust is a myth  ;)