Cups > Cups

Game #238738, reported by FoxHound


It's 2:0 because we agreed on a draw in the second game, because it was very close and we didn't remember who started the first turn. So we decided to play a third game.

All games we were close to each other. They were tough.


--- Quote from: FoxHound on October 12, 2023, 10:46 PM ---It's 2:0 because we agreed on a draw in the second game, because it was very close and we didn't remember who started the first turn. So we decided to play a third game.

All games we were close to each other. They were tough.

--- End quote ---

by casual racing rules you won round 2 aswell cuz Mlao started the match, and you reached finish first. so remaining seconds wouldn't have mattered there anyway ggz (:

edit: oh yes just in case, in this cup we follow casual roperace finishing rules! last seconds do count in case u finish at the same turn


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