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File #1044, worm race

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aeeee wery gooder scheme, doesn't need rubberworm

also bungee version: [attachment=1]

this was verry fun game to play and i would say :``oponent with last worm standing lose :P`` incase of a draw relece your last worms and fastest that does the opsticle wins .

aee nice concept m8

That bungee version actually forces ppl to place "platforms" in specific locations, not like rope that allows almost anything

also, couple more things:
- worm select as a weapon in ammo and in delay is a full wormage thing
- adding swat and select turn start might be helpful
- more than 8 worms per player perhaps?
- giving same color isn't needed
- timeless turn might not be a bad idea
- power 6 jettie is a must
- maybe adding girders and shotties for more difficulty?

EDIT1: add inf chute too?

yeah all good ideas, btw what are shotties xD


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