Really like these new rules, some of us have been talking about this on and off for a while.
It's good to know that even if a clan dissolves and the members split into other clans, that they can still play together to win the awards for that Season. To know that we can still have a Playoff event with teams identical and relative to the teams we played during the Season.
It's a great way to make sure the League is balanced to show which players/teams performed best together during each Season and in each era.
I would suggest an addition to the 2nd rule, however it would be amended.
With these rules, it's possible to recruit players on the last day of the Season, and use them in the playoffs, even if they haven't played any Seasonal matches. This of course is easily abused and the only reason it isn't abused is because most of us actually respect good sportsmanship.
However, I think we should have a rule to make sure nobody can abuse this rule.
This is the rule now:
Quote from: Senator on May 31, 2024, 09:06 PM
- In the playoffs, clans are only allowed to use players who were members of the clan at the end of the corresponding season, and who didn't play for any other clans in the second half of this season. Using players who left the clan after the season ended is allowed.
My proposal:
In the playoffs, clans are only allowed to use players who were members of the clan at the end of the corresponding season, who didn't play for any other clans in the second half of this season, and who have played at least 1 match for the clan no less than 1 week prior to the end of the Season. Using players who left the clan after the season ended is allowed so long as they have an active record of Seasonal matches during that Season for the clan.
Feel free to word it in a way that summarizes it up in less words so it looks more presentable and simple.