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[HELP]- Getting a black screen on Steam


Hi, I need some help friends. There is a serious problem on my Steam account. Today I opened Steam for launching a game, but strange, after opening Steam, I am getting a black screen! :( :( I cant see nothing on the screen.

Then I logged out and logged n again, but still getting the same issue. Has anyone faced this kind of similar issue before? Please help. Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.

Hi. I've seen some people got something similar recently, probably some of those will help:

Btw, do you use Windows 10 or above? If you use a Windows below 10, probably that might be the problem since Steam stopped supporting Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 at the beginning of 2024.

I had similar issues, my HD space was low

Thank you so much for reverting back. But I have resolved the issue with the help of this article.

Mainly the black screen was getting due to not updating the graphic driver. So as per the article's suggestion, first I updated the graphics driver and steam client. Then reinstalled game and now I have no longer any black screen on Steam.

is this on windows? are you talking about worms armageddon specifically?
the WA specific issue comes from the frontend trying to fullscreen in 640x480, and your monitor not supporting the resolution


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