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Old school runescape

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Back to playing this, anyone play? Add me Rabbzz

yo rabbit i'll make an account i tell u my character name when i make one

I have runescape account since 2003 or so when it been runescape classic,had lot of breaks during the years and I always found my self coming back to play it,same as worms.
My account still exist but its on runescape3 now.
Last time I played was like year ago.
Check my stats: Nivman

Runescape was okay way back in the day but there's no way in hell that I could play it now. I can't really stand any MMORPG's though. IMO the best one was Star Wars: The Old Republic. I've tried most of the others (WOW, Elder Scrolls Online, DDO, Neverwinter, SW: Galaxies, Guild Wars 1 + 2, etc...) I just don't like games that are based on grinding rather than skill. :/

i tried the old republic but didn't rly get into it so maybe i missed out

and yeah the grinding aspect is a bit dumb and that's why i think games like counter strike or league of legends have many players because no grinding in them, u just play as best as u can and pwn ppl :D

anyway i didn't rly play rune scape back in the early days


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