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Author Topic: [SOLVED] dEE refuse to play our pick  (Read 523 times)

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[SOLVED] dEE refuse to play our pick
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:57 AM »
My mates (Lukz and Gabriel) were clanning vs bfw, they picked first (Elite). They tied the 1st game, then they rm, and there, Lukz had 1 worm with 100HP and bfw one with 40something and skunked. Unfortunately, Lukz got skipped packet, and the game had to restart again. Lukz didn't wanted to play the 3rd rm by fearing of a new network issue. So he asked me to play instead of him, I joined the host, put my team, and bfw turned the light on without a problem, so we assumed that all was ok. Well, we won the Elite, 1-0.

Then, was time for our pick, BnG. And ffs, once again, they refused to play our pick, actually was only dEE who refused to play, there was no problem with Breeze who stayed on the host, but dEE quited saying this:

[2012-10-13 05.16.40] [deejay-bfw] what pick?
[2012-10-13 05.16.50] [deejay-bfw] ggs
[2012-10-13 05.16.55] [deejay-bfw] in elites xD
[2012-10-13 05.17.23] ••• Player joined: brz-bfw
[2012-10-13 05.17.31] [TaG-Gabriel] eliteSSSS
[2012-10-13 05.17.32] [TaG-Gabriel] -.-
[2012-10-13 05.17.35] [deejay-bfw] haha
[2012-10-13 05.17.40] [deejay-bfw] actuall
[2012-10-13 05.17.43] [deejay-bfw] EliteSSS
[2012-10-13 05.17.47] [deejay-bfw] newb
[2012-10-13 05.17.47] [deejay-bfw] ;p
[2012-10-13 05.18.34] [TaG-Gabriel] -.-
[2012-10-13 05.18.40] [deejay-bfw] Roper?
(I was creating the map here)
[2012-10-13 05.19.17] [deejay-bfw] not bnging
[2012-10-13 05.19.28] ••• Player parted or was kicked: deejay-bfw
[2012-10-13 05.19.34] [TaG-Gabriel] ,,,
[2012-10-13 05.19.43] [TaG`Twyrfher] bng is the
[2012-10-13 05.19.46] [brz-bfw] i have no other m8 :<
[2012-10-13 05.19.53] [TaG`Twyrfher] 3rd scheme that most points give to us guys
[2012-10-13 05.19.57] [TaG`Twyrfher] that's why we picked
[2012-10-13 05.20.00] [TaG`Twyrfher] t17 and shopper sucks
[2012-10-13 05.20.09] [TaG`Twyrfher] :/
[2012-10-13 05.20.22] [TaG`Twyrfher] this has been happening
[2012-10-13 05.20.25] [TaG`Twyrfher] ALOT to us mate
[2012-10-13 05.20.32] [brz-bfw] \:
[2012-10-13 05.20.32] [brz-bfw] he refuse to play bng :(
[2012-10-13 05.20.37] [TaG`Twyrfher] every pick of us, our rivals refuse to play
[2012-10-13 05.20.42] [TaG`Twyrfher] sometimes is ttrr
[2012-10-13 05.20.44] [TaG`Twyrfher] sometimes bng
[2012-10-13 05.20.46] [TaG`Twyrfher] ...
[2012-10-13 05.20.49] [TaG`Twyrfher] even hysteria
[2012-10-13 05.20.50] [brz-bfw] sorry to hear
[2012-10-13 05.20.53] [brz-bfw] i am still here :)
[2012-10-13 05.21.07] [TaG`Twyrfher] this is like the 10th BnG that I can't play due this situation
[2012-10-13 05.21.15] [TaG`Twyrfher] and all that MI says: report a free wiiin :D
[2012-10-13 05.21.16] [TaG`Twyrfher] -.-
[2012-10-13 05.21.23] [brz-bfw] maybe coz we spent an hour playing elite
[2012-10-13 05.21.29] [brz-bfw] he might not want to spend an hour playing bng
[2012-10-13 05.21.30] [TaG`Twyrfher] what scheme wanna play ur mate?
[2012-10-13 05.21.33] [brz-bfw] 2 hours of day wasted
[2012-10-13 05.21.44] [TaG-Gabriel] well
[2012-10-13 05.21.46] [TaG-Gabriel] we report the elite
[2012-10-13 05.21.46] [TaG`Twyrfher] bng is f@#!ing short man
[2012-10-13 05.21.49] [TaG-Gabriel] he didnt want to bng
[2012-10-13 05.21.50] [TaG`Twyrfher] the maps is wide open
[2012-10-13 05.21.51] [TaG-Gabriel] so we dont report bng
[2012-10-13 05.21.54] [TaG-Gabriel] see you tomorrow
[2012-10-13 05.21.55] [TaG-Gabriel] thanks
[2012-10-13 05.21.57] ••• Connection closed: 0, 1

As Gabriel said, we didn't report our pick as a free win, that's lame as [LOVE], I did it in the past some days ago I think, but i didn't want to do it now because this situation must stop.
In #ag I talked to dEE and this is what he said:

Twy: what scheme wanna play?
Dee: I don't play hysteria or BnG
Twy: so, which scheme?
Dee: idk
Dee: Not hysteria or BnG
Twy: I hate to play Elite for clanners
Dee: I dont play hysteria or BnG clanners
Dee: or league games for either
Twy: ...
Twy: so why are you clanning?
Dee: LOL
Twy: you know that 50% of clanning is to play the opponent's pick
Dee: your whole clan sits websnooper, and you just wait and pick who is best at schemes, stfu loser, im not playing BnG or hysteria.
Twy: oO
Twy: why loser? xD we are like 20 members, right now there are only 4 online, that's all
Dee: funny how you show up right after our BNGers go to bed lol
Twy: go to bed? who? me?
Dee: no, you wait till, you come on when k1ng and Roperz go to bed
Twy: well, I like to play BnG, that's all...
Dee: kind of weird to me. Well I dont like to play BnG, that is all.
Twy: ok... nevermind
Dee: k

That has no sense, in the past we have played against Roperz and k1ng some BnG's, even with us picking it I think, I'm not waiting for people goin to bed for play, actually I wasn't playing, I just was called for the clanner in order to replace Lukz due his network issues. And of course, for example, I will not pick TTRR against Mablak and Ryan, even if we got 100 points for the win, in this case I just used the analyzer tool, I pick BnG because I like it and was ok on points, and let's worm! but with this class of players, the league is getting really annoying. I always says to my mates: "Guys, I'm sucking right now, I can't play very well for this and for that... so just call me for BnG's, I like it and I'm ok there". In this case a mate called me for an emergency, we DIDN'T want to refuse their pick (Elite) due our problems, so I joined there in order to keep playing and finish well the clanner.

Seriously, instead of improving with the years and years of leagues experience, it seems that here in TuS the things are going backwards, the rules needs a bit of shape I think.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 05:18 AM by Twyrfher »

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2012, 05:14 AM »
Sorry for the 3 people who read the incomplete version  ;D I pressed shift + -> in my Opera browser by mistake

Offline franz

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2012, 01:32 PM »
People can hate certain schemes, and it seems deejay really hated to play bng then.

Sometimes it can be better for all to play something everyone likes, but there is also the alternative: report that free win to get the points, forcing them to arrange and play it or lose the points.

Look at it as a trade off: play for points but risk an unpleasant game --> or play a scheme for less points that both sides enjoy.

Offline ANO

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2012, 02:45 PM »
I think this is not nice franz. I mean, people like a particular scheme then they train a lot to achieve a good skill that it could be useful in clanning. I play every schemes also if I am not good in each of them and I do this to respect the opponent, and I really hate people avoid certain schemes, they should not play clanners and leagues. For me it would be an unplesaant  game also not playing the scheme we wanted to play.
Report a free win in this case I think is a really right thing to do to avoid this kind of people and maybe make change their attitude.

Offline franz

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2012, 02:53 PM »
ANO most people are willing to play all schemes. this is just advice for people who may be a bit stubborn.

Offline Guaton

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2012, 03:32 PM »
People can hate certain schemes, and it seems deejay really hated to play bng then.

Sometimes it can be better for all to play something everyone likes, but there is also the alternative: report that free win to get the points, forcing them to arrange and play it or lose the points.

Look at it as a trade off: play for points but risk an unpleasant game --> or play a scheme for less points that both sides enjoy.


 this is a league , and we play for points , dee can go to play a funner if he doesnt want to have an unpleasant game (he is gonna enjoy it) , and start forgetting about playing clanners

I think this is not nice franz. I mean, people like a particular scheme then they train a lot to achieve a good skill that it could be useful in clanning. I play every schemes also if I am not good in each of them and I do this to respect the opponent, and I really hate people avoid certain schemes, they should not play clanners and leagues. For me it would be an unplesaant  game also not playing the scheme we wanted to play.
Report a free win in this case I think is a really right thing to do to avoid this kind of people and maybe make change their attitude.


twy , go ahead and report free win , i would have done it , u are nto loosing points for u and gabriel only , but whole tag who wants to make playoffs

and if they want to play that bng , dee must be there to do it ( and breeze)

they deserve it for having some1 who wants to play at his way and if u dont he get pissed and start to insult u, just like a little c@#! kid

Offline ANO

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2012, 04:10 PM »
yes, stubborn people can go to play funners and not clanner...
I agree with guaton, report the free win, don't care.

Offline Pleiadian

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2012, 05:19 PM »
My signature says it all.


Offline Devilage

Re: dEE refuse to play our pick
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2012, 05:17 AM »
I always hated Bngay, but if I have to play I just play coz its a clanner, I always disagree on playing this when it's 1v1 league game, or I always say, no way Id play bngay, lets pick something we both enjoy, this time dee had to play since he's representing his clan and shit, maybe he's rite dunno, maybe u waited for their bng'ers to go out to pick taht scheme, that's why u gotta ask them about ur opponent's pick before playing urs.

Smoking proud.