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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Game #135156,  (Read 561 times)

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[SOLVED] Game #135156,
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:50 AM »
so according to a mod i am an avoider now ?

just because as lalo said we thought we could clan and then he left and i stopped asking for clanner and started asking for TEL
anyway why would i listen to albtraum when he is always trolling us? so now i have to take him seriously? lol noway

i am asking to delete this , half of wormnet call him "avoiderz" for a reason, we are not delusional and we have to stand his stupids jokes all the time

edit : im just asking a bit of respect for me and my clan we been playin this for years and we would NEVER report a free win or avoid without reason

Offline Mayhem

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 05:29 AM »
We had the same situation, and you reported a free win. Only fair we can do the same.

Alb might have a past, but we do not allow avoiding in BFW. And we have built a good reputation, this isnt happening all the time as you said just how it happened to you. If they clear yours they can clear ours. Then we can go and play real games as we are suppose to.

Offline ArsGoetia

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2013, 05:35 AM »
so according to a mod i am an avoider now ?

just because as lalo said we thought we could clan and then he left and i stopped asking for clanner and started asking for TEL
anyway why would i listen to albtraum when he is always trolling us? so now i have to take him seriously? lol noway

i am asking to delete this , half of wormnet call him "avoiderz" for a reason, we are not delusional and we have to stand his stupids jokes all the time

edit : im just asking a bit of respect for me and my clan we been playin this for years and we would NEVER report a free win or avoid without reason

u made me feel so bad daina.

[GrW`AnGsT-tgH] hey, have you noticed that Komo always makes the maps a little smaller on one side?
[``GrW-ROp3Rz`] yes, I think that is cross-eyed

Offline lalo

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2013, 04:56 PM »
*Wanted moderator with common sense with vast knowledge and experience of wormnet after 23GMT*

Mayhem, we are not talking about the same situation, it's completely different. I'll have to clarify this point by point since you and other people can't read well.
Daina asked for clanner just once and when you accepted she said no for the following reasons:
- I did not have enough time.
- Imo, Sebha and Avoiderz have to play the another bng before playing a new set of games.
Now, if you have some brains what would any person in this world do? Understand the situation, be fair and polite and say have fun partyin', but you chose the path of revenge and naivity.

When I reported a free win versus bfw I did it in a whole different scenario. Before accepting Avoiderz in your clan you'd know that he's widely known for being an avoider, for wasting people's time and an utter joke and extremely sad player, even King have acknowledged that. However, let's summarize the facts.
- Avoiderz asked for clanner more than 4 times and every single time we accepted and he ignored us.
- He hosted and immediately he closed the host, resulting in a waste of time for everyone including Sebha who was in AG complaining about that.
- We told him to be serious or we'd report it and so we did. After reporting we gave them multiple chances of hosting again so we could play it and just attach the game so any moderator could fix it.
- I have already posted our willingness of playing that bng and gave a specific time to do so, just receiving feeble answers.

That said, let's see the differences which are for me crystal clear.
  • We asked for clanner once, Avoiderz did it a lot of times and even hosted.
  • We gave him the chance to play it and showed our willingness to arrange a date in the forum, you have not.
  • We do not have a historial of wasting people's time, Avoiderz is known for doing such things and his nickname says it all.

I know that from your point of view seeing our report is not something nice, but the only one you should blame is Avoiderz who has done that in daily basis, every time he can troll us he'll act accordingly, just take a look at his post.
All I ask know is a moderator who can give a decent answer and not a Salomonic determination. We don't even want a free win, we wanted to force him to play us or just delete the game as Daina posted in that game. On the other hand you're just seeking a childish revenge and nothing else, it's time you get your facts straight, don't you think so, Mayhem?

Last but not least, I'd like to leave jokes aside, specially you Avoiderz since your post are utterly worthless and no one laughs or need them.

Offline Mayhem

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2013, 08:46 PM »
Lalo you want to make point fingers and call people naive and all else. Well saying avoiders over and over again is just makeing you look like a child.

Also, your scenarios are not being called into question. It doesn't matter if you ask a thousand times for a clanner or just once, and then avoid, avoiding is avoiding. Also we have been there a few times in AG when you guys are there and still you have not made the effort to play the first game.

I made a simple resolution to void both games and we can move on from this BS. I like how you keep pointing the finger at us, but in reality its the same thing you did. asked for clanner and then didn't.

Offline Mayhem

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2013, 08:51 PM »
Also i don't like the way you are trying to insult my clan member, you can think what you want. but you dont need to be bashing him on here. This is a situation based on Avoiding not on character. He has had this one problem in the last year he has been in BFW. So you can bring that up but this is not a popularity vote. I know lots of people who are more than willing to come and throw stones at you. A mod has already made a judgement in this situation and now you are saying you want another "with common sense with vast knowledge and experience of wormnet" That there shows me you are naive and only looking for someone who will side with you. Quit trying to prove a point that a mod has already said is equal as the game you reported. your makeing this way bigger than it has to be.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 08:56 PM by Mayhem »

Offline HusH

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2013, 09:07 PM »
Alb might have a past, but we do not allow avoiding in BFW. And we have built a good reputation, this isnt happening all the time as you said just how it happened to you. If they clear yours they can clear ours. Then we can go and play real games as we are suppose to.

Funny Mayhem, maybe i should find that replay where u explain me how u and ur clan will avoid clans like cfc and dt (and us) if not specific players are online. Ye nice reputation

Offline Mayhem

Re: Game #135156,
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2013, 09:19 PM »
that would be a nice replay, to bad i dont talk to you. We might have played a game or two but i dont know you to be talking like that. So if you can find it show it.
And if it were gonna be like that i would make sure to have my main clan partners on for certain schemes against the top 5 in tus, If they are clans that are not so much on a threat level then i dont mind who plays. I'm not gonna play a clan i know pick rope scheme(s), with someone who is not as strong in rope. Thats a set up for an easy loss. But we wont be yelling clanner hoping they dont see, or acting like we are not there, we simply wont spam.

Alb and Seb have currently been playing alot of clanners, you can see on the boards. So they are serious when asking for clanners.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 09:21 PM by Mayhem »