April 28, 2024, 08:26 PM

Author Topic: AFR rule is removed from Shopper Classic league. Who be against?  (Read 6242 times)

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Offline Ytrojan

Re: AFR rule is removed from Shopper Classic league. Who be against?
« Reply #75 on: January 11, 2015, 09:16 PM »
remove shopper classic lehuahe ? Who be against?

Remove both hysteria and shopper from classic league and make a new league. TNL (The Noobs League) hueheue.

Also add mole shopper in
We already tried naming a league "TNL." It didn't work out, and now all the games played there are lost forever, all because of noobs like you. If you want TNL, click the globe in my mini profile.
Also, add mole shopper in where? I don't know where you'd add mole shopper. I mean, I'm coooooooooooonfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuused!
Imagine What a Buck Could Do!

I now declare a brand new league (and the successor to the failed Ultra League): WormsRF!