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Author Topic: Should something like this be called a communitty?  (Read 13466 times)

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Offline avirex

« Reply #150 on: June 15, 2012, 04:19 AM »
lol phillie.... did you really have to post that? hahaha

sorry for opening a thread that you locked MonkeyIsland... im gonna ask that no FoS post here, and hopefully no eS either... but i have no control over eS... (i dont have control of FoS members either, but plz dont post)

this all started from a discussion of eS members avoiding, they all deny that they do it, despite having the most notorious avoider in w:a in their clan... or wait, second most notorious.... lol i wont mention any names.

regardless of what everyone thinks, FoS is a worms community, so we had a discussion of our own privately, about this situation.. and then somone came up with this idea of joining eS...  turns out, it was very easy, right reN?

as i said before, and walrus even posted a quote from me: i set guidlines that no clanners would be played... even with those guidlines, some may see it as out of line, and i will admit.... it was slightly immature.

but at the end of the day, we did not break any rules... and had no intentions to... if the staff of TUS feels like this is an action that should not be repeated, i would suggest creating a new rule to enforce it in the future...   

but i also think an avoiding rule should be created too (as Dub-C mentioned in another thread)

i agree that eS is a good up and coming clan, and that maybe they have been targeted, and slightly bullied... but for a very good reason, in their private forum prof discusses in great detail about who his clan is allowed to play, and who they are not allowed to play... and what players of his clan have to be present in order for them to compete in clanners...  but, thats OKAY... currently they are not breaking any rules by be ing an active avoiding clan.... but we did not break any rules either, by joining a clan, and reading their avoiding tactics.

im just hoping that by reading this, TUS staff will see... rules need to be made...

if you guys decide FoS deserves a punishment, i accept full responability for their actions, i will take a ban.. but i dont think its deserved.

ill ask again, please no1 post here :X

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #151 on: June 20, 2012, 04:54 AM »
I'll be muting people involved with this one by one as I find in the logs.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #152 on: June 20, 2012, 06:47 AM »
Alex Ferguson is Manchester United Manager, he throw a boot at Ryan Giggs once, which he deserves for later actions xD

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #153 on: June 20, 2012, 07:01 AM »
Shit I didn't know about all this stuff :D.
Sorry prof, even if I disagree with all this I have to say it is your fault and only yours. Let me explain, worms always had alias and it is the role of the leader to check people are not alias. I am not saying it is easy and we don't do mistake but I don't understand how you can ask MI to moderate your error.
About people blaming the whole community or even the clan who are in fos I would like to tell you... So far I saw ckc and CF being so proud of their behavure of having no one in fos. What about wiz who has been aliasing in TdC for years (we didn't know until he told it in tus public forum and he didn't had any warning by tus mod or CKC leader btw...) with vercetti nickname. Is that the so smart thingy ? About CF, sorry franz but if there is one sure thing is that you had the biggest lie among all of us (and that does not mean I don't like you :p). What I mean is that, you won't find any clan without some people who are 100% clean.
I don't want to be direspectful with you MI but I think that you are acting wrong here.
Let me ask you: Would you have muted the yOu aliaser if eS and Fos had a forum not in Tus website ?
I am not saying it is right but this is what happens when you recruit people without "investigation".
Btw, the Ren who was in tdc was an alias who was booted from TdC for this reason :).
edit: I am not saying I don't understand you prof and we didn't do the same in past. I know how hard it is to find player and even harder to find good player, you have all the right to be upset but you can't blame anyone except you for not seing this. When I knew ren or vercetti (or so much more people) was alias I didn't cry everywhere about it :) Before recruiting someone, watch his league game. If he claims to be an oldschool ask other oldschool by PM. I am sure anubis,avi,franz, walrus and me (even if i am not as oldschool as them :p) would be more than pleased to tell you if we have doubt about him.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 07:52 AM by zippeurfou »

Offline avirex

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #154 on: June 20, 2012, 08:12 AM »
if they ask me if he is old school, i will answer with a yes...

if they ask me if hes an alias, i will answer with a yes...  hauhauha

i think some alias do more harm then what i did, with the y0u account... but i dont want to get anyone in trouble... i believe reN is going to bow out of this situation gracefully with as little to no drama as possible... so i think its safe to take him off your clan list now, eS.

anyway, i dunno why you opened this topic again MonkeyIsland, its just welcoming in debate...

ps: i dunno how many times i have to say, i was the only one with access to the y0u account!! :D i am readdy to accept my ban like a man.

Offline Chelsea

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #155 on: June 20, 2012, 08:14 AM »
but Peja played at try-out to eS...... (he told me that)

Offline avirex

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #156 on: June 20, 2012, 08:22 AM »
yes, but monkeyisland does not give a shit what happens in Wnet, that is not his domain, he has said it several times.... if peja played a clanner though, that would be different...

i didnt think there were any rules for having 2 accounts, as long as you dont play clanners/singles with a seperate account and manipulate the system, but i guess monkeyisland feels differently.

Offline Tomi

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #157 on: June 20, 2012, 09:18 AM »
It is pretty clear that Peja didn't play with me at the tryouts (I don't know if there were other tryouts or not), but Peja is too noob to play wxw and roper like y0u played xD it was maybe barman ^^

why don't you tell us the truth? :/ I can understand that only avirex wants to have the punishments, but you always say that you are the good mens with big balls, so tell us the true please! ;D

ps.: Maybe MI has done a fail now by reopening this thread :P

Offline avirex

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #158 on: June 20, 2012, 09:22 AM »
when did we ever say we are the good mens with big balls? lol... i have openly admitted i have a small nutsack several times hauhauaha

as i said, the tryouts are not MonkeyIslands concern, we did not break any rules by playing a game on Wnet with you under a different name... his concern is having a multiple account on TuS, and thats my fault. just end this topic. gg

Offline Tomi

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #159 on: June 20, 2012, 09:25 AM »
when did we ever say we are the good mens with big balls? lol... i have openly admitted i have a small nutsack several times hauhauaha
aaah the important part of my post was not that xD

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Should something like this be called a communitty?
« Reply #160 on: June 20, 2012, 09:41 AM »
You guys have had 11 pages of drama debating this. It's enough.

The point that they succeeded sneaking into eS is totally eS's fault but it is not something to be proud of for the ones responsible with this, not to mention it affected your reputation even more. Professor is trying to be a good leader by taking his role in eS seriously and managing his members in whatever way he thinks is best. He's been insulted, made fun of numerous times but he has always kept cool and I respect that a lot.

My first concern is the duplicate account which it wasn't used only by avirex. That kind of "blame it all on me" is not making you look like a hero and I find it dull.

I'll be looking into logs and ban members who has something to do with this account.
Starting with you avirex, but hey! you've been prepared for this, right?

Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.