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Author Topic: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life  (Read 15881 times)

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Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #120 on: August 05, 2012, 08:02 PM »
Great response franz.  

I would say it's quite accurate, especially because much of what we are arguing is so subjective.

Not to be rude though, but who are you?  You seem to know a lot in regards to 'history', yet I cannot say I recall your name.

Oh, and I will say for sure, 100% that ToP did go 50-0.

Also thank you for your agreement on Volrin.  Never did I say he wasn't a 'good' roper... but he certainly wouldn't make my list of "top 20 ropers".

Offline Free

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #121 on: August 05, 2012, 08:18 PM »
Not to be rude though, but who are you?  You seem to know a lot in regards to 'history', yet I cannot say I recall your name.


Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #122 on: August 05, 2012, 08:19 PM »
Loooooool GTFO...

Erin?   :D  :D

Offline Anubis

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #123 on: August 05, 2012, 08:23 PM »
Minus the female, Flowy is actually a guy shady. :)

Offline Devilage

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #124 on: August 05, 2012, 08:42 PM »
This was the girl of my dreams, the one who eventually cheated on my with my best mate because I started treating her like an asshole, I deserved it, and actually turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me, as well as one of the worst.

I don't need to lie about shit, but you guys don't believe anything...

I put on weight deliberately, believe it or not, I don't givva f@#!.

we want naked pictures of her! show us some!

Smoking proud.

Offline avirex

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #125 on: August 05, 2012, 11:57 PM »
lmfao, yes FlowingWater came out of the closet maybe 4 years back now?? i think it was during FirstBlood League.... its a man, man... its a man!!! HAHAHA :D

and ropa, its funny how you question my memory with "what league was it under, prove it" but when franz questions yours... you say you dont need proof, you know it happened hahahaha

DSM maybe did not do it 3 seasons in a row, but  our record for those 3 seasons were no worse then 48-2, and atleast once 50-0.. but as franz said it was all DoN (double or nothing), and that was during a period where 95% of games played were roper....  and me and TheKrow played 95% of clanners, and imo we were the best ropers at the particular time....  he was the best hands down.. he would never make a single mistake, and even if i made a crate grab that was not optimal he would bitch at me :D hauhau

anyway, i dont care if u believe it.. its pretty much useless information, not like anyone gives a f@#!.. for all i care, lets say DSM never won a single game.... most likely because ToP won them all.... better? lmfao

Offline lalo

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #126 on: August 06, 2012, 12:20 AM »
we want naked pictures of her! show us some!

I saw some, I was really impressed xD. She has niiiiiice boobs

Offline Devilage

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #127 on: August 06, 2012, 01:37 AM »
post them here, let's change this topic to nude komo gf pitures, everything else is so f@#!ing boring, I mean commun u made the day for avirex, he loves to talk about his w:a carreer owning around, but real men want nude pictures. Put some nude girl on ur f@#!ing long post avirex+komo maybe i'd read em like...Prolly not tho.

Smoking proud.

Offline avirex

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #128 on: August 06, 2012, 03:27 AM »
i hardly mentioned myself, i just answered questions that shadymilkman asked....

dont act like u did not read everything here dev lol... go get ur own naked girls, stop trying to get komos

Offline Devilage

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #129 on: August 06, 2012, 06:53 AM »
I read short posts like that one, no man! I want komos! u got some pictures of ur jail mates? some gay ppl might like those too.

Smoking proud.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #130 on: August 06, 2012, 07:29 AM »
TheKomodo actually does deserve some respect for his roping in the early years like '99-'01, for warming/style roping, not necessarily for his league roping. He was good, but 'one of the best' is so subjective that it's pointless to argue. Just know he had popular ropes, maybe top 50 warmer company (in no particular order; there were lots back then though).

'01-'03 had a big drop of older players leaving (Komo too, for a bit), but lots of other players made names for themselves, including shady. He also deserves respect for his warming/style roping, and yes he was fast (but again 'fastest' is so subjective that it's pointless to argue).

All these "50-0 ten times in a row" exaggerations are funny though, since I hear them a lot more and more as we get further removed.  Unless you guys can and pull up those old standings, it's easy to say without proof.  The only undefeated league record I can honestly remember was from the first worms clan league WACL when HOS did it, and even still, this was back in the Double or Nothing years of worms that ruined a lot of honestly in the standings (so even a 50-0 wasn't absolutely perfect, just removed lots of losses by winning Double or Nothings).

final notes: yes volcom was downright scary to play in league ropers. yes volrin was good, but he seems to get way more praise than he maybe deserves (but he definitely belonged in that top 50 warmer company I mentioned earlier with komo, again no particular order).

Actually I peaked in warmers around 01-03, although I had been playing WA since July 1999, I never started roping till sometime 2000, then I found major interest in girls lol, then BnG around 2004/5, can't actually remember, was EldarWorm who taught me 2 arrow wind aimed straight up full pwoer on 1024* then I was hooked...

I was on the same level of skill as tenchi/theone/marco/oijogja/saltyk9 etc when I peaked in warmers, we all had that something special that made us stand out, for me it was my ability to go at full speed for 90 seconds time after time again. I will always regard myself as an influence in warmers to many many players and a good friend to many many more... (Just had to do Commandant Lassard lol).

Did anyone else warm for hours on end with Marco talking about his "System" which was something like Speed Consistency Variety Style Creativity or something, it had a catchy name I know that's wrong, also used to talk about lucid dreams and 3rd eye n stuff, he was a really laid back nice bloke :)

No pics dev sorry haha, but one time, a video leaked out of us at a party cuzza bluetooth on phones   :-[

I didn't understand why everyone thought that was cool at the time lol, thank god it was before YouTube...

In fact, how many of you here feel lucky to be a kid before YouTube/FaceBook/etc? I do xD

Edit: I just remembered about this, I don't know who wrote it like but they know their stuff:

All the players noted there except from Anubis/Volrin, in my opinion, were all at the same "skill level" at some point or another, not all of us were at our peak at the same time, and I know you have trouble believing how good I was, alot of players forget how good I was at Roping simply because of my BnG status over the last 7/8 years, I tried getting back into warmers last year but just totally couldn't get the passion, I lasted like, 20 minutes or something then gave up... It just isn't the same because there is no glory now for being great at Warmers, in fact, people these days are way way harder to impress.

I garauntee anyone who thinks they were the shit back in the day (ropers, not warmers) wouldn't do as good with todays standard, not with that exact skillset, they would probably adjust, but it'd take a bit of time, maps were so easy back in 1999-2004/5, then people started doing TTRR heavily and ropers started playing on maps with way way way too many hides, making it literally impossible to reach some crates and attack within 15 seconds, even if it was anubis roping his best...

When it comes to Warmers, I know my shit about "back in the day", take my word for it or not, I normally wouldn't bother digging up something in the past like 8-11 bloody years ago, but this was a HUUUUUUUGE part of my childhood and it's something I am proud about.

(Oh, and my version of that list, is SOOOO unfinished lol...)

Oh wait, KRD wrote it lol.

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #131 on: August 06, 2012, 11:31 AM »
LOL. Komo you are way too into yourself dude. You were never that good in general at rope IMO.  Sorry

Maybe you were good when I stopped playing, I'm not sure.  I can assure you that back in te day, you were not  commonly spoken about when it came to ropers or warmers. I don't have to sell this shit to these newer players, and those who played with all of us back then, can remember for themselves that your name wasn't even one tht was brought up in topic.

Keep brainwashing yourself and the younger generation enough and surely you will convince some. 

Offline TheKomodo

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #132 on: August 06, 2012, 11:55 AM »
Theres no point arguing because I am stating facts, I am not making a debate lol.

All I can say is, you obviously never seen me rope for real then lol, I kept up with everyone I played with, even topped alot of them at times. <--- & vice versa

Offline avirex

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #133 on: August 06, 2012, 01:14 PM »
This thread keeps getting bettet..

Komo, tell us your entire worms career from start, dony leave out any details plz

Offline TheKomodo

Re: All Against Komito aka getting to know how Komo rolls in life
« Reply #134 on: August 06, 2012, 01:15 PM »
Sorry, I don't have so many months available to write...

Guess I wasn't in TEA or NBR or dt or DoN or SfX or many other top clans also...(SfX was just, the coolest clan of all time, not neccesarily most skilled).