June 10, 2024, 08:42 PM

Author Topic: Team Infinity – A Team 17 scheme that is only played on open maps!  (Read 895 times)

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Offline RobDaZombie

Team Infinity is a variation of the original Team 17 scheme. It has lots of little changes… and two major changes. The first major change is that the scheme must be played on an open map; no caverns are allowed. The second change is that a player needs to win three or five rounds to win the match.

Stockpiling is included, so weapons you collect on the first round are carried off to the second round, and so on. Same applies to the ninja rope, so if you didn’t use it on one round, you will have an extra rope for the next.

Also, round time is very limited. It’s one minute for every player in the game, so a two player game will be two minutes, and a four player game will be four minutes. When sudden death kicks in, there is a nuke and very fast water rise (like in Elite).

So instead of playing one relatively longish regular Team 17 scheme, you play lots of quick-fire rounds.

I did initially make this scheme just as a silly fun game – but with all the randomness and possible Concrete Donkeys on the first turn aside – there are a few tactics that can be put to very good use.

For instance, let’s start with a two player game. Player one is a hot headed aggressive who wants to take out the other team as quickly as possible. Player two is a defensive player who tries his best to collect as many crates before the round ends. Player one ends up winning the opening round, but player two now has a much broader range of weaponry, so when round two begins, player two can unleash that super weapon he has been saving since the start of the game.

Another example is the usage of Donor cards. Although there are quite a few schemes that allow donor cards, Team Infinity has to be the only game where donors are put to really good use. Seriously, they can drastically change the flow of the game. One player may act all smug because he has a Concrete Donkey just waiting to be used at the right time, but he unexpectedly dies and drops his donor card. Next player collects the card, steals his donkey, and uses it on the same turn – or maybe he saves it for later…

Although girders are still unlimited, they are not as effective as they were in cavern maps. They still have their uses though; blocking off your opponent so they are forced to teleport, or to give yourself high ground for sudden death.

There are no rules either. Rope knock, bungee knock, etc, etc. Just grab crates and unleash hell.

Granted, this scheme is not for everyone. Although the rounds are quick fire, they can accumulate into one maybe two hours, especially with a lot of players. Some people may not like the random factor of this scheme either, considering they could have terrible starting positions, or equally terrible crates – but that’s exactly why I enjoy playing it. It’s unpredictable, it’s unstable… and in spite of being a Team 17 variation, it’s something completely different.

If you’re interested, download the scheme and see what it’s all about. 

Offline spleen17

Sounds interesting, will try sometime :)

Offline francot514

You can do a challenge using this scheme??