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Author Topic: Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??  (Read 675 times)

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Offline zippeurfou

Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:13 PM »
Hello dudes,
Well I got some time and some knowledge in android and I'm thinking since some time about doing an application for ya guyz.
I could do an application that just "browse" tus website in a better way (looking) but to be honest I think it is stupid because you can do exactly the same with your web browser.
An application has to add something more than just your web browser.
I don't have much idea in the moment, that's why I'm asking for ya :).
The application could be tus related or not (snooper....).
Also it can be a widget (like tus new topic or snooper notification...).

Please give me your idea about it and also tell me if you'd pay for it (like 0.5€).

Thanks ! :p

Offline chakkman

Re: Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 02:48 PM »
I was also thinking of some app to browse this site better for a while now. But it would be more of a mobile version of TUS, slim and simple. No need to be able to download replays for example as you wont be able to watch them on your phone anyway. :) Analyzer would be cool to have though as you wouldn't ve to minimize even when your ingame, easy way to browse recent games, set up for low screen resolutions, same for standings display and so on. All resulting more in a mobile version of this website though rather than a dedicated app, so dunno. :) Maybe do an analyzer app, if that's not too simple for you.

Offline Spaazi

Re: Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 03:06 PM »
Some shortcuts to spam the shoutbox  :D

But i got an iphone :(

Re: Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 04:40 PM »
I'd love an android app for TUS site.  Just to make the forums easier to view and obviously a more accessible shoutbox.  Would be cool :<

Offline zippeurfou

Re: Make an android application.. What do you guys wants ??
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2011, 07:52 PM »
I was also thinking of some app to browse this site better for a while now. But it would be more of a mobile version of TUS, slim and simple. No need to be able to download replays for example as you wont be able to watch them on your phone anyway. :) Analyzer would be cool to have though as you wouldn't ve to minimize even when your ingame, easy way to browse recent games, set up for low screen resolutions, same for standings display and so on. All resulting more in a mobile version of this website though rather than a dedicated app, so dunno. :) Maybe do an analyzer app, if that's not too simple for you.

I agree with you. I should not do a mobile app for browsing the website. An analyzer app, why not but I can do more also.

Some shortcuts to spam the shoutbox  :D

But i got an iphone :(

Would you like something like facebook widget on android ?

I'd love an android app for TUS site.  Just to make the forums easier to view and obviously a more accessible shoutbox.  Would be cool :<

Need to think about it more precisely :)