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Back to the WA

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Hi everyone.

It's been like 10 years ago when I played WA last time.
These years knocked me out of all this knowledge "what would i need to play" etc, etc.
So today it's a time to ask a question "what would i need to play"?  :D

I've installed WA via steam but as i can remember there's something else to play online, any patches or something.
I can see there's some changes and running WA looks different like back in the years.

Could anyone explain this to me?

Cheers, jot.

Hello. Welcome back :)

As far as I know, Steam automatically installs the latest game updates.
All that is necessary, perhaps, is to look for Wormkit modules for the convenience of the game and add them to the game.

I remember your nickname here, and it seems to me that they played once.

The game is going through difficult times right now.
If you are looking for public games, now the most popular is Kaos Normal; Shopper and Intermediate are played a little less rarely; even more rarely Fort, Mole Shopper, WxW, Hysteria, etc.

Here, at TUS, it’s not very active.
Clans are gradually dying out, a small number of players play in the TUS league, and things are a little better in cups.

I think that if you want to independently study the state of affairs in the game, it is worth watching the activity on TUS.



--- Quote from: jot on October 11, 2023, 08:09 PM ---Hi everyone.

It's been like 10 years ago when I played WA last time.
These years knocked me out of all this knowledge "what would i need to play" etc, etc.
So today it's a time to ask a question "what would i need to play"?  :D

I've installed WA via steam but as i can remember there's something else to play online, any patches or something.
I can see there's some changes and running WA looks different like back in the years.

Could anyone explain this to me?

Cheers, jot.

--- End quote ---
jotdoer how you been, glad to see you


--- Quote from: jot on October 11, 2023, 08:09 PM ---Hi everyone.

It's been like 10 years ago when I played WA last time.
These years knocked me out of all this knowledge "what would i need to play" etc, etc.
So today it's a time to ask a question "what would i need to play"?  :D

I've installed WA via steam but as i can remember there's something else to play online, any patches or something.
I can see there's some changes and running WA looks different like back in the years.

Could anyone explain this to me?

Cheers, jot.

--- End quote ---

Wellcome back ae!! have you even heard about ZAR ROPER??? you need to !!!

Contact Kradie !!!

WA without ZAR roper is like beer without alcoohol!!!

Hey welcome back! I don't know you but feel free to join my games if you want :)

--- Quote from: nino on October 13, 2023, 11:32 AM ---Wellcome back ae!! have you even heard about ZAR ROPER??? you need to !!!

Contact Kradie !!!

WA without ZAR roper is like beer without alcoohol!!!

--- End quote ---
You are too kind! You're gonna make me blush :D


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