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Author Topic: About AHK  (Read 21531 times)

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Re: About AHK
« Reply #135 on: August 26, 2011, 01:14 AM »
not even gonna try getting involved in the debate, but can anyone show me a TUS replay where somebody has cheated and won because of it?

I'm not in debate too, cos I got inactive last time (I got real life too, lol), but this script gives you unfair advantage, improve your timing, make your scroll and shadow easier (it was said sooo many times).
Anyway, even if these cheats don't win games, there is still rule in TUS league to not use them, everybody who doesn't respect the rules, should get banned imo.


my point is only 2 people have been banned, its not like hundreds of people are cheating and its a huge problem...
worm and learn

Offline nino

Re: About AHK
« Reply #136 on: August 26, 2011, 01:36 AM »
iam glad for being a defaulter at these raining days xD

and btw nail they were unbanned, dont u see kaleu spamming and playing on tus again? sm0k too.

sometimes i think there no point even at looking for peoples who cheat, just let it be...

when the rape is inevitable, just relax and feel the pleasure.
You Are Losing Time Reading my Signature.

Online TheWalrus

Re: About AHK
« Reply #137 on: August 26, 2011, 02:01 AM »
Well, I wonder if we'll live to see someone complaining about this tool, but someone whose never been acussed of cheating. So far, we ain't go that person in this thread, we can only wait.

For what it's worth, I also don't think it's a good idea to hail this extremely rudimentary attempt at detecting some illegitimate uses (the infamous sX/SnipeR/whoever-else-used-it script) of some cheating utilities (AHK and similar automation software) as an effective solution to detecting and preventing cheating on WormNet.

There's not only the issue of false positives soiling the reputation of clean players, but, perhaps even more importantly, it runs the risk of making the wider community think of it in a binary way. You know, either you trigger the cheat detector and you're a cheater or you don't and you're fine and can continue making the game easier for yourself in whatever other ways you may have found. I think you'll agree that would be far from a desirable outcome.
I agree, and to some extent, arguments from both schools of thought is hearsay until we know the exact application of this program.  It hasn't even been able to be applied to a replay yet, until that happens, both sides can run the rhetoric machine full throttle and there will still be no resolution.  I think it would behoove both sides to just wait until immortal comes back with the analysis before any further action is taken.

Offline darKz

Re: About AHK
« Reply #138 on: August 26, 2011, 02:15 AM »
I don't mean to put any more fuel into this fire but.

I think it would behoove both sides to just wait until immortal comes back with the analysis before any further action is taken.

For w:a replays, I thought it would work, but it doesn't [...]
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline avirex

Re: About AHK
« Reply #139 on: August 26, 2011, 03:05 AM »
walrus is right... lets just wait until immortal is able to check replays

its pretty obvious darkz is worried about something...  until then, we wait. no big deal.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 03:07 AM by avirex »

Offline TheKomodo

Re: About AHK
« Reply #140 on: August 26, 2011, 03:54 AM »
I assume that darkz and komo have or have had the program, why not share it with those people trying to come up with a way to stop people from using it to cheat in hopes they can figure out an actual tool that doesn't fail?

ropa don't bring me into this lol I have nothing to do with AHK I didn't even know it existed or what it was until that thread with SnipeR, and even then I tried turning a blind eye until everyone kept telling me how much of twat avirex is and pointing me towards this thread.

Detects AHK and disables it. If you want cheat-free TUS games just add this.


Quite ironic the "most known cheater lol" knows how to solve this. Have fun.

how in the world is it ironic? :D

avi, go back to school, you should learn the meaning of more words.

darkz, i think i added alot to this thread...  pointing out how suspicious you are, and the fact that you are more then likely a cheater.. (i could very well be wrong)  but i doubt it

You've added nothing but trouble and accusations for no reason, how could anyone even think darKz cheats he ropes slow, and his favourite scheme is Elite then BnG, he rarely even ropes that much now tbh, you keep saying you think he cheats then saying you don't think he cheat he's just suspicious then say he cheats again, make your f@#!ing mind up, stop gibbering rubbish and shutup.

MonkeyIsland - Can you please do something about avirex? It's f@#!ing pathetic for people like avirex going around trolling on a daily basis, now he's accusing one of the best and most respected players on WA of cheating, or at least "hiding something" or being "suspicious", he can't even make his mind up he's that much of a plonker...

Offline darKz

Re: About AHK
« Reply #141 on: August 26, 2011, 03:59 AM »
Cheers mate, signed.
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline avirex

Re: About AHK
« Reply #142 on: August 26, 2011, 05:19 AM »
what exactly is ironic about the biggest cheater on w:a knowing how to prevent cheating... obviously he has studied up on the art of cheating...

so, if anyone wants to tell me whats ironic about it, i would be glad to listen

but maybe your right, i should go back to school so i can learn what in the f@#! a plonker is...

and komo, im not trolling, im simply pointing out an obvious thing, im not the only one who thinks darkz is acting strange... do i think he cheats? ill be honest.. im undecided, and i apologies for accusing him with no proof...

so this is avirex, asking for darkz forgiveness, i am very sorry for accusing you of something that i have absolutely no proof of...

komo, i believe there was already a post made about asking MODS to ban, or punish others..

i would suggest you and i both get banned, we both deserve it, and i think it would be pretty funny... cuz it will hurt you far more then it will effect me... now shut the f@#! up you plonker

Offline TheKomodo

Re: About AHK
« Reply #143 on: August 26, 2011, 05:45 AM »
You don't know what "ironic" means if you don't "get it".

How is darKz acting strange? He is being very helpful at the very least, and no need to tell us you are undecided, we all know that, it's obvious.

I didn't ask MI to ban or punish you, you have eyes for a reason, why don't you use them properly? I would never ask him to ban you or punish you cuz I know he wouldn't do it, I don't want you to get banned anyway cuz sometimes I do really like your ideas and sometimes your shits funny...

The fact that you are saying we both deserve to be banned, more the point you think you should be banned yourself is really lame, you just said you are not trolling, you keep saying how you understand this entire thread and you've done nothing wrong, yet you think you should be banned?

Instead of replying to this thread, why don't you just go outside, find the nearest lampost and run into it, it's roughly the same degree of stupidity that you are showing here anyway...

Are you trying to ruin darKz reputation, because he's in b2b? Because he's a good friend of mine, in fact, same with Ramone, Prankster, it seems people who I associate myself with, you have an immediate problem with... You are such a shallow person it just isn't funny, it's ok to joke with people and insult them in a comedic way now and again...

avi you can come back with the usual trash talk but can you please answer the following honestly if possible, do you actually care about this game/community at all? It really doesn't look like you care that much, you never ever talk to us about anything nice, without trash talking someone at some point, I miss the old you when we used to have conversations that wasn't about shaving balls or insulting people, we used to talk about girlfriends and holidays and funny things that happened when we were out with our mates n shit, now all you do is insult me and other people, and why? Cuz we have a few different opinions? Cuz of a couple arguements with Shyguy in the past?? We should be enjoying this shit and helping each other, not hating each other and being c@#!s...

Offline Dub-c

Re: About AHK
« Reply #144 on: August 26, 2011, 06:14 AM »
Well, I wonder if we'll live to see someone complaining about this tool, but someone whose never been acussed of cheating. So far, we ain't go that person in this thread, we can only wait.

For what it's worth, I also don't think it's a good idea to hail this extremely rudimentary attempt at detecting some illegitimate uses (the infamous sX/SnipeR/whoever-else-used-it script) of some cheating utilities (AHK and similar automation software) as an effective solution to detecting and preventing cheating on WormNet.

There's not only the issue of false positives soiling the reputation of clean players, but, perhaps even more importantly, it runs the risk of making the wider community think of it in a binary way. You know, either you trigger the cheat detector and you're a cheater or you don't and you're fine and can continue making the game easier for yourself in whatever other ways you may have found. I think you'll agree that would be far from a desirable outcome.

Ya because its comon for people to tap at 1 frame per tap?
Your favorite ropers favorite roper

Offline avirex

Re: About AHK
« Reply #145 on: August 26, 2011, 06:15 AM »
komo, its very ironic that a cheater would be giving up the information.... (unless he does not play anymore, and does not care) ((just saying))

however, its not by any means ironic that a cheater knows the information, which is what he said "how ironic that the most known cheaters knows how to stop it" or whatever, im too lazy to go back.. cuz i dont care... its just not f@#!ing ironic you...... "plonker"

if your cant see how darkz is acting strange, then get your head out of his ass and re-read this entire thread..

the rest of your last post went way out of topic, but thats what you do best.

but i will answer your question, since you asked nicely, like my little bitch-

yes, i care about the community... but im also very passionate about my ball shaving technique.

edit: i guess ill say this one more time... darkz, im sorry for accusing you of something without any proof... i do not want to believe your a cheater, i just feel your behavior has been strange, and suspicious...  

the best thing we can do, as i said several times now, is lets wait for immortal to check old replays... im sure no one has anything to worry about.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 06:20 AM by avirex »

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Re: About AHK
« Reply #146 on: August 26, 2011, 07:25 AM »
The only problem I have with this thread, and it includes all of you stupid morons who I consider friends, is that the efforts are being focused on proving how this tool is useless as opposed to enhancing its functionality.
MonkeyIsland, my friend, I know your english is terrible and your understanding of society limited. However, in real life, people attack and humiliate others without the use of a single bad word. They even go to war with lengthy politeness. You can't base the whole moderation philosophy of a community based on the use of bad words and your struggle with sarcasm and irony. My attack to Jonno was fully justified and of proper good taste.
Eat a bag full of dicks.

Offline Ryan

Re: About AHK
« Reply #147 on: August 26, 2011, 07:57 AM »
not even gonna try getting involved in the debate, but can anyone show me a TUS replay where somebody has cheated and won because of it? There are thousands of replays on the site, is there any proof of cheating ever being used to an advantage in a league game for an unfair win? I think people are making too big a deal about it... there is no problem with "cheaters" on TUS.... so far two people have been banned for cheating... 2 people.... thats not many games and its not yet been proven whether they even "cheated" or not for 100%

I sadly don't have the replays due to numerous hard drive changes/computer changes but I have been on the receiving end of a lot of RR clanners against someone who could play with xspeed without detection.
Without the use of the cheating, I for sure wouldn't have lost the clanners.

That person admitted to it after, but maybe not to the surprise of everyone.

Offline darKz

Re: About AHK
« Reply #148 on: August 26, 2011, 09:28 AM »
The only problem I have with this thread, and it includes all of you stupid morons who I consider friends, is that the efforts are being focused on proving how this tool is useless as opposed to enhancing its functionality.

Don't jump to conclusions m8. I've been talking to Immortal in private. ;)
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline avirex

Re: About AHK
« Reply #149 on: August 26, 2011, 09:34 AM »
why is everyone afraid to expose a cheater? i f@#!ing love it!! i f@#!ing live for it!! there is no greater rush in life hahaha jk

but seriously ryan, say the nane name.