Can someone in next release of game fix those things?
1. When you are jumping at the very end of your turn and press double enter to make back jump, but the second enter is ignored by game engine which result in jumping forward rathen than backward, that might lead to jumping out of the edge and killing/hurting worm.
2. When your move makes damage to other of your worm or your enemy's worm (for example - when you touch a mine that pushes it), but the damage is not substracted from the worm yet, you continue to play and for example touch other mine, the mine starts beeeping and then game engine decides to subtrack that damage. Turn timer is stalled, you cannot move, but mine keeps on beeping and susdenly it explodes, which results in losing turn.
3. When "damage does not end turn" option is turned on, you get damage (which results in dropping your health to 0), but the damage is not subtracted yet, you still can move your worm (jumping), but you cant collect crates.
4. When golden shotgun is turned on (2 bullets of shotgun released per one shoot), you can't aim during the first shoot.
5. When you shoot the rope, timer is stalled. This can be abused to
a) break the game when one player decides to press space non-stop
b) increase the turn time when moving by pressing space during jumping
6. What is the direction at which your enemy is pushed (left/right) when you use drill against him? Is it random or it depends on some magical thing?
7. Allow removing the texture of water weaves, just like in worms2 where you could see where land ends and water starts. (see photo)