I wouldn't give any feedback, because that's so amazing that it's perfect to me. However, if you did ask for a feedback... Well then I will make small ones.
I'm neither an alien movies guy, nor terror/horror fellow. So my suggestions will be regarding Urban life included in the terrain.
It could receive the
House Sparrow object since this a very cosmopolitan species just like the
Feral Pigeon you have in your terrain.
Another great one to include is the
Barn Owl, very cosmopolitan too (very urban, but nocturnal).
Other cosmopolitan birds that could be included:
Osprey (not sure if it's urban, though) and
Peregrine Falcon (enjoys skyscrapers).
Edit: now a joke suggestion. What about adding a human object to the terrain? Maybe asking for ARTemych's images about this weird stupid player Jason Statham found on WormNET:
Edit 2: what about Cockroach? Fly? Ant? Silverfish?
House Dust Mite,
Daddy Long-Leg Spider, etc.