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Author Topic: Influential Wormer derived  (Read 1134 times)

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Offline TheKomodo

Influential Wormer derived
« on: February 24, 2021, 06:27 PM »
Whether you have been around longer than me or not is not what I asked, way to show your intelligence there Mr. Alias.

My point is the exact statement I made.

Did you read what I said carefully? I said "I only played him once after that era", i've saw him play, and played against him multiple times before that, and all I saw him do was notch 4s full power shots, hit 3s grenades and 4s rollers. He was probably the most deadly league player of his era, but honestly piss easy to beat by todays standards.

GiT is one of the oldest clans there ever was in WA, they formed in 1999 didn't they(can't remember exactly which month)? It was a guy called Eldarworm from EiF who got me interested in BnG, so if what you say is true, then you must be talking about W2 players, because even through all my years i've rarely came across people i'd consider very accurate with trick shots, especially using LG. GiT inspired me to master using LG, and i'd personally consider them the best of that era.

Offline Anubis

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2021, 09:21 AM »
Hey adolfo!

Offline nino

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2021, 01:50 PM »
Hey adolfo!

hauhauha i thought the same! porra ropaa!!!! again??? hauhauha
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Offline TheKomodo

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2021, 11:18 PM »
Ahhhhh of course, because being banned from reporting games and posting on the forums a few times completely disables a persons ability to continue to read the forums and play the game in general, not to mention alias.  ::)

Keep digging, i'm happy to keep pointing out your ignorance and blatant lies.

Offline TheWalrus

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2021, 11:50 PM »
It’s ropa, missed you

Offline Anubis

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 09:34 AM »
Wait, he was banned? What did he do?

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2021, 11:29 PM »
Wait, he was banned? What did he do?

Seems to be banned again? Profile doesn't exist anymore(or i'm searching wrong).

Shame really, It's always satisfying watching someone of such toxic and selfish nature argue with you only to struggle to get anything right. :D

Edit - It did make me actually laugh out loud(which made the cat wake up lol) having someone question my memory from 2 decades ago when they can't even remember something I said a few days ago right, even though it's still there in writing.

Offline Anubis

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2021, 09:01 AM »
Wait, he was banned? What did he do?

Seems to be banned again? Profile doesn't exist anymore(or i'm searching wrong).

Shame really, It's always satisfying watching someone of such toxic and selfish nature argue with you only to struggle to get anything right. :D

Edit - It did make me actually laugh out loud(which made the cat wake up lol) having someone question my memory from 2 decades ago when they can't even remember something I said a few days ago right, even though it's still there in writing.

He brought some life to these forums. Now it's back to the same old desert we are used to. :(

He wanted to let komo know the following:

~~~ [ quote deleted, no posts allowed on behalf of banned members ] ~~~
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 10:47 AM by HHC »

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2021, 12:57 PM »
@Anubis - Brought some life? That's mostly because you guys live off silly drama, people fighting with each other.  :D

Besides, I cannot remember the last time ropa had an entirely positive attitude, he's always out to get someone, for some reason.


WA's peak of competitiveness? I honestly don't know what the results are statistically, as in which period of WA, which league had the most games played and reported. It also depends on what you were competitive in. For me the peak was being a Warmer player back in 1999-2003, there were no records kept because you didn't pick Warmer in a League and report it to a League, but for sure people were insanely competitive as they wanted to succeed with great desire and be recognized as a top player. Which makes the following point even more satisfying.

Saying nobody knew who I was until I started playing BnG:

I played with the best Warmers between 1999-2003 at the top level, you know this, back when you were leadermagikarp and you just started playing, you and I used to be friends who played together a lot, when we met we were both noobs and learned a lot together playing Warmers and Ropers with people like ThesheriFF, SpinwinG, Link, Nimmer, BigC, Dodgefreak, Jmoberg, FaTaL and more.

I made my first clan BDD - Bringers of Death and Destruction, back in those very early days, and while we didn't win anything major, we still mananged to win some games against top clans which we were proud of.

When talking about leagues, for me it's always been about clanners, and i'd say that was before WL during WACL and CL2K. I was never much of a singles player anyway(other than BnG and Darts anyway) as i've never been much of an "overall" player, as I spent most of my time focusing on single schemes. So if singles was ever the peak of competitiviness on WA, then i've pretty much missed the entire thing lol.

It's hard for me to choose between WACL and TUS, those were my 2 favourites and most competitive as far as clanners are concerned, WACL because there were way more players and you would ALWAYS find a game, TUS because generally the skill level was overall higher and more schemes to choose from and the organized playoffs were always intense.

I'll admit, looking back I find myself annoying and cringe at a lot of stuff(i'd tell myself to shut up...), even stuff I said 5 years ago. I was annoying to a lot of people back then, said a lot of things I wish were not said, shared some personal stuff about my life, but this is not a characteristic I share alone, ropa is also considered one of the most toxic, annoying people there was in this game by many people. He's been banned from most forum websites for various reasons, likely more than I ever have, for reasons more offensive in nature than what i've ever done I believe.

I strongly believe i've been a positive influence to way more people in this game than i've ever been a negative influence on in this game, from something basic as treating noobs with respect and taking the time to help them learn how to play the game, how to understand the concepts of different schemes and how to play around with files and use mods. Regardless of what you believe, i've climbed to the top of several schemes and used that experience to influence others and i'm proud of that.

I was in ToP, and it wasn't under alias, it was on WWP, when WWP came out I was playing both WA and WWP, on WA I was TheKomodo and on WWP with the name KomoduS / KSP(KomoduS SerentuS ProximuS - I was into Gladiator at the time lol). Interesting fact on WWP I was also voted among the best Ropers.

I don't remember everything perfectly, nobody does, one thing I barely remember is changing my name for a few months and making a clan called Xeno back some time between 2000-2002, my name was Xenomorph and there were 2 other people called Xenosomething. It was no secret that it was me though.

However i'm not going to mention any secret alias I used because that would defeat the purpose, something you of all people should know about lol.

The only long break i've ever had from WA was Feb 2019 - August 2020, other than that i've maybe missed a few weeks here and there because of a new relationship or something.

Here's the real kicker, I REAAAAAAALLY wish you were right and I was wrong, as looking back and realizing i've spent much more time than I should have on this game, I don't regret it but i'd definitely put more time into other things if I could go back.

Edit - Oh, and I don't really play anymore, so when I said that's my only break that wasn't true, haven't played a single game this year yet because i've been studying at open uni learning Python. Although I really enjoy doing the streaming for CWT last year, and looking forward to that again this year.  :)

Offline Anubis

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2021, 01:47 PM »
@Anubis - Brought some life? That's mostly because you guys live off silly drama, people fighting with each other.  :D

Besides, I cannot remember the last time ropa had an entirely positive attitude, he's always out to get someone, for some reason.

Not about the drama at all for me. It's about sharing experiences, you both might end up bitching at each-other, but I enjoy reading some personal stories. :P
You can dislike ropa all you want, he still knows a hell lot more than the average tus user. Losing his voice, while he can be rude, is still a major loss overall.

Just imagine volrin comes back to this place and for some reason is toxic and rude. I would still have him around so he can share his thoughts. Focus on the good, ignore the bad.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 01:50 PM by Anubis »

Offline nino

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2021, 01:59 PM »
Focus on the good, ignore the bad.

That was my main thought when i had sex with ugly but hot girls lollll
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Offline TheKomodo

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2021, 02:06 PM »
Anubis, that is where you and I differ it seems, I don't have any respect for toxic people, and sure a more submissive person would find ropa very lovely, however as of yet he hasn't lost his voice because you are posting for him, although I do understand your point, but ask yourself, whose fault is that?

The thing with ropa though, he only seems to show up and post when it's trying to prove someone wrong, I cannot remember the last time he posted anything which was simply a nice story about his experiences, his old friends, good stories he remembers, without eventually calling someone stupid or something. If he ever just shared a nice story without going after someone, maybe i'd have even a shred of respect for him. In fact, when was the last time you ever saw him post a simple compliment to someone with that being the only part of the post?

I get into a lot of conversations as well trying to prove people wrong, but at least i'm also showing affection and a positive attitude as well in a lot of posts.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Influential Wormer derived
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2021, 11:40 PM »
Oh, and you may or may not remember when we first met when you were leadermagikarp, my name was PudgieBudgie before I changed to TheKomodo in 2000 after the song of the same name was released, and you changed to ropa.