June 02, 2024, 04:43 PM

Game #101354, Reported by Berria, Viewed 269 Time(s)

Classic #24
February 21, 2012, 07:41 PM
Beginner 1130 in Roper before the game. Gained 49|49 points
Novice 1338 in Roper before the game. Lost 48|49 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
5 - 8
6 - 13
21 - 18
36 - 29
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 29 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

franzroper14 by franz
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.13 KB, Downloaded 9157 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Sebhote`TdC] HF
[bb`r3spect] napisze mu
[TDC`Dead`B2B] im the laziest
[bb`sCorp] ZZzzZzZzzzZZzzZZ
[bb`sCorp] im sleepy
[bb`sCorp] :)
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> yo no juego de hace una semana app
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> mas encima el otro dia me cure como pico y aun ando emdio weon y adolorio pq me sake la chucha
[bb`Berria`sr] lets kick some asses
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[bb`Berria`sr] xD
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> si wn
[bb`Berria`sr] damn, am cold a bit
[TDC`Dead`B2B] pa keee
[Sebhote`TdC] bien
[Sebhote`TdC] pa keee
[TDC`Dead`B2B] csm
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no pueo jugar bien
[Sebhote`TdC] nice crate
[TDC`Dead`B2B] toy jugando porq vo me pediste noma
[TDC`Dead`B2B] me pegaria un bng
[Sebhote`TdC] pero q odan estay curao xD?
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no
[TDC`Dead`B2B] como con caña
[TDC`Dead`B2B] fui a acampar y estuver 3 dia casi sin tomar agua
[Sebhote`TdC] lag
[Sebhote`TdC] puta tengo todo cerrado
[TDC`Dead`B2B] puro tomando copete
[Sebhote`TdC] y q wea
[TDC`Dead`B2B] sin cagar
[Sebhote`TdC] pr q te gusta tanto tomsr?
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no se
[TDC`Dead`B2B] me deshinivo
[TDC`Dead`B2B] nice
[bb`Berria`sr] vn
[Sebhote`TdC] cajas qks weon xd
[bb`r3spect] thx
[Sebhote`TdC] pero
[Sebhote`TdC] cuandoe stay curao
[Sebhote`TdC] te gusta estar asi?
[TDC`Dead`B2B] iwal llegue ctm xD
[Sebhote`TdC] o es incomodo?
[TDC`Dead`B2B] cuando toy moto moto no
[TDC`Dead`B2B] es q no me doi cuenta
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no me doi cuenta cuando keo raja
[Sebhote`TdC] moto es curao al maximo xD?
[TDC`Dead`B2B] si
[Sebhote`TdC] uno caxa cuando esta curao p
[TDC`Dead`B2B] :O
[Sebhote`TdC] o esta tomando mucho xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xDDD
[Sebhote`TdC] xDD
[Sebhote`TdC] jajja
[TDC`Dead`B2B] y vo q sabi si no tomai
[Sebhote`TdC] pero
[Sebhote`TdC] uno siemre caxa
[TDC`Dead`B2B] yo no
[Sebhote`TdC] cuando esta tomando arto p
[TDC`Dead`B2B] tengo poca resistencia al copete
[Sebhote`TdC] a menos q estes hiper acostumbrado xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] oe
[TDC`Dead`B2B] tirale nade
[TDC`Dead`B2B] por el lao
[Sebhote`TdC] dasdsadsa
[Sebhote`TdC] xD
[bb`r3spect] cr plz
[TDC`Dead`B2B] el culiao weon loco
[Sebhote`TdC] me empujaste p
[Sebhote`TdC] xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no fue pa tanto al menos
[Sebhote`TdC] fue piola
[Sebhote`TdC] sabi q no e podido jugar bin hace como 3 meses xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] hace siempre será xD
[Sebhote`TdC] jaja
[TDC`Dead`B2B] el turko kiere entrar a tdc
[Sebhote`TdC] oie yq odna con turkete?
[Sebhote`TdC] si p
[Sebhote`TdC] eso
[Sebhote`TdC] xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] tiene 4 votos a favor
[TDC`Dead`B2B] y 0 en contra
[Sebhote`TdC] de keienes son los votos a favor?
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> hay q atacar al otro
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no se
[TDC`Dead`B2B] yo no he votao
[TDC`Dead`B2B] pero ayer lo vi jugar elite contra twy
[Sebhote`TdC] yo tampoco
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[Sebhote`TdC] xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] jugo como el chico
[Sebhote`TdC] si es malo en elite weon
[Sebhote`TdC] yo le gano xD
[Sebhote`TdC] pa q caxi no mas xD
[Sebhote`TdC] y valgo meirda p eso xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] enter?
[Sebhote`TdC] lansa la wea p
[TDC`Dead`B2B] no alcance zeh
[Sebhote`TdC] sila t6eni con 1 seg
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> ojala no apile
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> iwal mejor q me haya puesto ahi
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> ataca al otro pero kitale poco
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> si podi desapila
[TDC`Dead`B2B] dsasddsa
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> escondete
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> ctm xD
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> nos alcanzaron zeh
[Sebhote`TdC] bien
[Sebhote`TdC] xd
[Sebhote`TdC] apilate
[Sebhote`TdC] al otro
[Sebhote`TdC] uu aweonao
[Sebhote`TdC] xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] q wea?
[Sebhote`TdC] pense q no se enganchaba xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] me raje
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[Sebhote`TdC] uta xd
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> a ese pegale
[TDC`Dead`B2B] o deapila
[TDC`Dead`B2B] deapila
[TDC`Dead`B2B] uuh
[Sebhote`TdC] xDD
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[TDC`Dead`B2B] uta el culiao
[TDC`Dead`B2B] xD
[Sebhote`TdC] xuxa xd
[TDC`Dead`B2B] escondete
[TDC`Dead`B2B] weon
[Sebhote`TdC] me cago la inspircion cuando em cai xd
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> te mata copn el?
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> a no
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> no po wn
[Sebhote`TdC] a viste ql
[bb`r3spect] f@#!ing good
[bb`Berria`sr] vn
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> matate con el
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> sipo
[Sebhote`TdC] puta caja ql
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> yo le empato
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> ojala
[bb`r3spect] sdasd
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> xD
[bb`r3spect] KURWA
[Sebhote`TdC] dale ql
[Sebhote`TdC] aweonaoq esta ahciando
[bb`r3spect] gg
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> csm
[Sebhote`TdC] teni q papilarnos
[Sebhote`TdC] q la cagaste
<<TDC`Dead`B2B>> si wn xD
[Sebhote`TdC] era pile wm
[TDC`Dead`B2B] si se wn
[Sebhote`TdC] gg
[Sebhote`TdC] joinme
[bb`r3spect] gg
[bb`Berria`sr] mowilem
[bb`Berria`sr] kurwa
[bb`Berria`sr] mowilem
[bb`r3spect] ;)
[bb`Berria`sr] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[bb`Berria`sr] ;]

Author Topic: Game #101354, Reported by Berria  (Read 268 times)

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Offline Turko

Game #101354, Reported by Berria
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:46 PM »
cmon just a bad game and you criticize me :(
Asbest`FAW> after match I will complain to ffie 
MOD`Dmitry> ok i too 
TdC--Turko> and ill get a lawyer

Spoiler! View

TdC''Turko> When will you fix your pc?
TaG'G> Never
TaG'G> Or maybe next week