May 08, 2024, 11:02 PM

Game #10829, Viewed 409 Time(s)

Classic #8
November 05, 2009, 06:19 AM
Beginner 1129 in Roper before the game. Gained 50|50 points
Novice 1353 in Roper before the game. Lost 50|50 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
3 - 1
2 - 0
4 - 3
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 392 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Roper map 1 by Camper
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.12 KB, Downloaded 8613 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[ExorcistalbSl] q merda
[ExorcistalbSl] sorry m8s
[DevilageCKC`sR] 'sok
[DubCKC] Its ok brazil net chupa
[DevilageCKC`sR] s'ok*
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lol
[DubCKC] chupa burro rolas
[DevilageCKC`sR] if zippo would lag out i would use handys fosho
[ExorcistalbSl] ns
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ty
[ZiPpO-Lenda] nr
[ZiPpO-Lenda] uiiii
[ZiPpO-Lenda] quase q toma
ZiPpO-Lenda..DubCKC: i really hate ur friend
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ns
[DubCKC] ns
[ZiPpO-Lenda] boa net
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lek
[ExorcistalbSl] ty
[ZiPpO-Lenda] se vc virar zippo 3 vezes durante esse jogo agente ganha xD
[ZiPpO-Lenda] kkk
[ZiPpO-Lenda] zoa
[ExorcistalbSl] n n... eu n kero fica caindo atoa lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] kkkk
[ExorcistalbSl] ataca o meu se kize
[ExorcistalbSl] nj
[ExorcistalbSl] npile
[ExorcistalbSl] lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] zippo da best
[ZiPpO-Lenda] xD
[ZiPpO-Lenda] nr ne1 ?
<<ZiPpO-Lenda>> a biba ta nervosa fode com ela
[DevilageCKC`sR] gosh im blocking this dumb
[DevilageCKC`sR] how can i?
[DubCKC] cntrl f3
[ExorcistalbSl] hi
[DevilageCKC`sR] got it
[DevilageCKC`sR] bl
[ExorcistalbSl] agreed
[ZiPpO-Lenda] bl ae friend
[DubCKC] Damn gay pixel
[ExorcistalbSl] kero essa caxa
[ZiPpO-Lenda] caralho
[DevilageCKC`sR] ahahah
[ExorcistalbSl] mas n precisava dexa
[ExorcistalbSl] lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] devilage riu
[DubCKC] See what happens when talk shit
[DubCKC] Better to just win
[ZiPpO-Lenda] corrrect5 dub but ur friend is gay and noob
[DevilageCKC`sR] yeah
[ZiPpO-Lenda] and talk soo much too xD
[DevilageCKC`sR] im cool tho cant see what the gay model writes
[ExorcistalbSl] meeeo deos
[ZiPpO-Lenda] caralho bixo
[ZiPpO-Lenda] q isso
[ExorcistalbSl] n pile?
[DevilageCKC`sR] xD nt
[ExorcistalbSl] pelo menos ficamo no grandao
[DevilageCKC`sR] 49
[DubCKC] There is land there?
[DevilageCKC`sR] yeah
[DevilageCKC`sR] a bit
[DubCKC] How u see it?
[DevilageCKC`sR] i dont
[ExorcistalbSl] mal zippo
[DubCKC] I woulda knock other way
[DevilageCKC`sR] ive seen crates land there
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: joga o simples por fav or
[DubCKC] cr8s are shit this game
[DevilageCKC`sR] agreed
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ur map not my map xD
[DubCKC] for everyone
[DevilageCKC`sR] no lag out again lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] caralho bixo
[ZiPpO-Lenda] vai se fuder
[ZiPpO-Lenda] TOMA NO CU
[DevilageCKC`sR] ....
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ......................................
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ............................
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[DubCKC] Dont type
[ZiPpO-Lenda] mofo
[DevilageCKC`sR] what the typing has to do with it lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] caralho
[DevilageCKC`sR] n kicks

[ZiPpO-Lenda] troço facil de tirar e vc ainda nao tirou kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[ExorcistalbSl] i just crash when i loose
[ExorcistalbSl] tatic
[ExorcistalbSl] Oo
[DubCKC] lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] cotrol f3 then
[ZiPpO-Lenda] kk
[ZiPpO-Lenda] plz doint crash more
[DubCKC] Good idea
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lol
[ExorcistalbSl] wat it make?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] blokeia
[ExorcistalbSl] bloqueia oq?
[DevilageCKC`sR] block the dumb
[ExorcistalbSl] lol
[DubCKC] nr
[ExorcistalbSl] nj
[ZiPpO-Lenda] ty
[DubCKC] f@#! me rolas
[ExorcistalbSl] it was crashing cause it minimize
[DevilageCKC`sR] lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] thats far
[ExorcistalbSl] with windows xp mensage
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: vamo concentrar e ganhar esses merdas
[ExorcistalbSl] fall
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: caralho cuidado com o vento quase q se fode
[DubCKC] cr8s are better this game
ExorcistalbSl..ZiPpO-Lenda: blza... soh kero acaba essa merda logo q levanto as 7
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: kkkk
[ExorcistalbSl] i put the cr8 patch on
[ZiPpO-Lenda] só nao queira acabar comn derrota
[DubCKC] How dare you hit me n exor
[ExorcistalbSl] nd me
[ExorcistalbSl] lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] get the hoe
[ZiPpO-Lenda] porra de hide
[DubCKC] f@#! drop
[DevilageCKC`sR] hehe
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: problema nao cara fika na mesma s�� te atakei pq agente tinha 1 hit na frente q eu dei nbo devila
[DubCKC] lol why always me?
DevilageCKC`sR..ZiPpO-Lenda: lets win this first
[ExorcistalbSl] die
[DubCKC] nade uptop if have to
ZiPpO-Lenda..DevilageCKC`sR: lets xD
ExorcistalbSl..ZiPpO-Lenda: eu sei, tava zuando
[DevilageCKC`sR] saw it
[DubCKC] yeehaw makable
[DevilageCKC`sR] hehe
[ExorcistalbSl] nao nao nao
[ExorcistalbSl] uff
[ZiPpO-Lenda] aff
[ExorcistalbSl] i think i lagout
[DevilageCKC`sR] ah man
[ExorcistalbSl] lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] why
[DevilageCKC`sR] ?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] why?
[ExorcistalbSl] it lagged here
[DevilageCKC`sR] owned
[ZiPpO-Lenda] nt
[ZiPpO-Lenda] n
[ZiPpO-Lenda] *
[ZiPpO-Lenda] owned why?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] dont was soo hard ; P
[ExorcistalbSl] nossa
[ExorcistalbSl] nd
[ZiPpO-Lenda] яprra cara
[DubCKC] Not again
[DevilageCKC`sR] f@#!
[ZiPpO-Lenda] vsf
[DevilageCKC`sR] man
[ZiPpO-Lenda] se cair eu paroi
[ZiPpO-Lenda] vsf
[DevilageCKC`sR] third crash
[DevilageCKC`sR] wheeew
[ZiPpO-Lenda] if he crash u cab report
[ExorcistalbSl] ahusdhuque4902q3u8a90duawe0uf a
[DevilageCKC`sR] bl
[ExorcistalbSl] f9u 94ui90q3i 4rq3
ExorcistalbSl..ZiPpO-Lenda: mas q buceta
[DubCKC] Just dont crash lol
[ExorcistalbSl] aff
[DevilageCKC`sR] yeah
[DevilageCKC`sR] lo
[DevilageCKC`sR] l
[DevilageCKC`sR] exo
[DevilageCKC`sR] did u know this guy makes look zillian like dumb ppl?
[ExorcistalbSl] of course lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] xD
[ExorcistalbSl] but i dont care
[ExorcistalbSl] xD
[DevilageCKC`sR] ur rly good gent then
[ZiPpO-Lenda] bixo esse devilage é o maior noob
[ZiPpO-Lenda] fala dimais
[ZiPpO-Lenda] tomara 1 pau de min sozinhu com pouca life
[ZiPpO-Lenda] bixo q porra pe esa?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] me fala
[ZiPpO-Lenda] q drop foi esse?
[ExorcistalbSl] vei... se eu soubesse... eu te falava
[ZiPpO-Lenda] loooooooooooooool
[ZiPpO-Lenda] imaginei
[ZiPpO-Lenda] porra
[ZiPpO-Lenda] desconcentrei
ZiPpO-Lenda..ExorcistalbSl: se ele caisse seria uma otima

[ZiPpO-Lenda] me?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] i dont
[ZiPpO-Lenda] my net never close
[DubCKC] It did in our tus roper
[ExorcistalbSl] guys....if ne1 crash can we play this game other day?
[DevilageCKC`sR] we were winning all the rhosts exor
[ZiPpO-Lenda] 2 mbps velox
[ZiPpO-Lenda] no all
[DevilageCKC`sR] all
[ZiPpO-Lenda] in the 2 host not
[DevilageCKC`sR] lol
[DevilageCKC`sR] check replay dumb
[ZiPpO-Lenda] check u noob
[DevilageCKC`sR] gosh
[ZiPpO-Lenda] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[ZiPpO-Lenda] vsdf
[ZiPpO-Lenda] cara
[ZiPpO-Lenda] pórra
[ZiPpO-Lenda] caralho bixo
[DevilageCKC`sR] this guy talks like tarzan lol
[DubCKC] Seriously
[DevilageCKC`sR] or yoda
[ExorcistalbSl] ?
[DevilageCKC`sR] me want food
[ZiPpO-Lenda] q póprra de internet é essa q vc usa?
[ZiPpO-Lenda] vem da onde da amazonia?
[ExorcistalbSl] fui eu?
[ExorcistalbSl] haha
[ZiPpO-Lenda] foi
[ExorcistalbSl] axei q fosse o dub dnovo
[ZiPpO-Lenda] lol
[ZiPpO-Lenda] foi vc ;P
[ExorcistalbSl] @

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