Leagues > Leagues

Game #124418, reported by Almog

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this game u should loose, "dunno" doesnt mean "np no skip".. If u cow u should skip, rules are rules

You had to skip Almog, don't need the permission of the other player lol.

Hm well, maybe kaleu is right, but I have another opinion. Sure thing was cow. Almog asked about " skip?" and Kinslayer said " dunno " its means uncertainty and Almog just got his turn... Maybe it wasn't rly decently, but I think, almog is right in this situation... This situation just proves that Its a league and if was cow, don't shy answer to question "skip?" rude and brutal "Ofcourse skip lmao".

1) Normally on situations (cows) like this people don't skip (because they're not asked to, by opponent), so I asked. If it was him cowing this I'd say "np".

2) People can't just change their decisions in game whenever they want. If that's the case, everytime I play WXW and someone cows I'll say "dunno" or I wont answer, and I'll wait for the turn I'll fall near a barrel/piling my other worm/plop chance and then tell him to skip. It doesnt work like that - if  you want me to skip, that will be in the turn it should, or something close to it - as in our case: when I lose 1 attack (1 worm) and not two.

3) You wouldn't wait another turn for me to skip, like I said, and you just left. Leaving is against the rules, leaving means lose by default. Bad luck.

Cow is cow man, we know he got pissed with the pile, but you has to skip even if he don't say anything.  :-X


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