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Game #138715, reported by HHC


What's your secret to avoid getting plopped by earthquakes HHC? I want to learn that

He slips to the right side which is a 100% plop and he is losing PO 3-1. Then out of a sudden universe remembers all my trash talk about beating him in the previous TRL and yep the worm decides to change direction. ;D


Same happened to me!
Aqua politely goes to the edge of the map and finishes the job for 3-1 . Nope! Ultimate universe laws remind themselves and punish me - my aqua blocks on a connection of girders and kills myself instead of him! ( game: https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-138357/ )

So write it down lads:
One has to keep himself quiet and humble in order to succeed in Team Seventeen.


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