June 11, 2024, 11:42 PM

Game #139618, reported by Ninja, Viewed 245 Time(s)

Classic #31
February 25, 2013, 08:06 PM
Reasonable 1529 in BnG before the game. Gained 51|27 points
Rookie 1246 in BnG before the game. Lost 23|27 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 0
3 - 2
6 - 2
24 - 17
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 22 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.33 KB, Downloaded 2 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[sX`M4R10] hf maes
[sebha`dt] subela subela
[dtstknlF] if sebha wins, I'll post more porn in shoutbox
[sX`M4R10] plop
[sebha`dt] na
[sX`M4R10] if sebha gets plops you will port more porn in shoutbox
[sebha`dt] xdD
[sX`M4R10] plop*
[NiCo-bh] fh
[sebha`dt] jaja
[sX`Rogi`] if impo lose it, he will post his photo to shoutbox
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[dtstknlF] xD
[dtstknlF] naked
[sebha`dt] no me vas a plopear aweonao
[sX`M4R10] my worm is pro
[sX`M4R10] he brings me good luck
[sebha`dt] puta qñ
[sebha`dt] ql"
[sebha`dt] lol
[impo`sx] gj
[dtstknlF] poor sebha
[sX`M4R10] ty
[sX`Rogi`] olol
[BFeniceW] pro
[sX`Rogi`] gjgj
[sX`M4R10] xD
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: t xd
[sX`M4R10] XD
[dtstknlF] careful xD
[sX`M4R10] wind
[NiCo-bh] fenice
[NiCo-bh] jugamos rr?
[BFeniceW] espera xD
[sX`M4R10] bneva
[sX`M4R10] xD
[sebha`dt] malo
[NiCo-bh] mario desintala tu wea xd
[sX`M4R10] ok
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: aw
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: maybe xd
[sebha`dt] ooooooo
[NiCo-bh] mario que eri peaso ;x
[sX`M4R10] xD
[sebha`dt] pffffff
[dtstknlF] lolo
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[NiCo-bh] sebha dont angry xd
[BFeniceW] xDD
[sX`M4R10] impo lame
[sX`M4R10] !
[sX`M4R10] xD
[sebha`dt] ctm!
[dtstknlF] aw nt
[NiCo-bh] all tus know what impo its lame
[impo`sx] xDd
[BFeniceW] xD
[NiCo-bh] the best lame
[sX`M4R10] nt
[impo`sx] shut the f@#! up lmao
[sX`M4R10] ae wind
[NiCo-bh] what u mean
[BFeniceW] dijo que te callaras xD
[sX`M4R10] shit
[sX`Rogi`] why u changed ur nick again zhorg ? xDD
[sX`M4R10] coz is the best alias in tus
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: tx xd
[BFeniceW] xdxd
[sX`M4R10] uh
[sX`Rogi`] damn
[sebha`dt] nt
[sebha`dt] polo
[sX`M4R10] t
[sX`Rogi`] wtf ur team
[sX`Rogi`] antinotcher
[dtstknlF] lel
[sX`M4R10] i neutralize da team of impo
[sX`Rogi`] it must be Security of notcher or something...
[impo`sx] yeah I cant notch now
[impo`sx] xD
[sX`M4R10] XDDD
[sX`M4R10] what do you mean rogi?
[dtstknlF] finally sebha can attack
[dtstknlF] xd
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: gj
[sebha`dt] yes jaj
[sX`Rogi`] i mean luigi will come back and f@#! u xD if u won't shot
[sX`M4R10] :(
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: missed power xd
[sX`M4R10] ty
[sX`M4R10] xD
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: good xd
[sX`Rogi`] impo cant find his map of notchs
[sX`Rogi`] rh pls
[sX`M4R10] shit
[impo`sx] cmon mario
[sebha`dt] ty
[dtstknlF] hi pixels
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: bad angle
[sX`M4R10] cya
[sebha`dt] lol
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[sebha`dt] este weon siempre tira nade de 4 xd
[sX`Rogi`] gj
[sebha`dt] la wea penca
[sX`Rogi`] lol try it too
[sebha`dt] 4 is noob xd
[sX`Rogi`] so try it
[sebha`dt] no
[sX`Rogi`] coz u cant
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[sebha`dt] lol
[impo`sx] XD
[dtstknlF] :D
[impo`sx] LOL
[dtstknlF] lol!
[impo`sx] bugggggggggg
[sX`M4R10] X
[sX`M4R10] D
[impo`sx] the fk
[sX`M4R10] uh
[impo`sx] mario hit somebody
[dtstknlF] hit mario
[impo`sx] meh
[sX`M4R10] dont push me
[sX`M4R10] xD
[dtstknlF] lel
[dtstknlF] xD
[impo`sx] rofl
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`M4R10] O.o
[sebha`dt] pro
[sX`M4R10] pinball
[dtstknlF] wanted other bounce
[dtstknlF] (
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: try 4s same shot? xd
[sX`M4R10] lg?
[sebha`dt] xdd
[sX`M4R10] ???
[impo`sx] lol mario
[sX`Rogi`] tuuuuuuuuuneeeeeeeeeeee in
[sX`Rogi`] xd
[sX`M4R10] i `press the utility bar
[sX`M4R10] damn
[sX`M4R10] xD
[dtstknlF] ok
[sebha`dt] wee
[sX`M4R10] wind
[sX`M4R10] -44 + plop + fall damage
[dtstknlF] sure
[dtstknlF] plop + fd
[dtstknlF] xd
[sebha`dt] noooooooooo
[sX`M4R10] aee
[sebha`dt] estas mas escondidos que los mineros xd
[sX`Rogi`] worms suck xd
[dtstknlF] bng sux
[dtstknlF] xd
[sebha`dt] xd
[sebha`dt] lol
[sebha`dt] cague
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: u can zook him
[impo`sx] fk off
[sebha`dt] lol
[dtstknlF] UBEGAI
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: zook would work (:
[impo`sx] lol
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: xD
[sX`Rogi`] my style
[impo`sx] noob
[dtstknlF] :D
[sX`M4R10] XD
[dtstknlF] ye
[sX`Rogi`] lolo
[impo`sx] asasdasdasdasdas
[impo`sx] dfs'
[impo`sx] f'sd
[impo`sx] ff
[impo`sx] fsd
[impo`sx] ff
[impo`sx] f
[sX`M4R10] bl
[sX`Rogi`] lol
[impo`sx] mario do something
[sX`M4R10] ok
[impo`sx] did you hit at least once on this game
[dtstknlF] wow
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: VNS
[sebha`dt] xd
[dtstknlF] xd
[sebha`dt] knew xd
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: less power :<
[sX`Rogi`] ahh...
[sX`Rogi`] all games suck
[dtstknlF] skyrim rox
[impo`sx] because mario using bullshit team
[sX`Rogi`] lol ?
[sebha`dt] mario ql te voy a matar xd
[sX`Rogi`] skyrim...
[dtstknlF] dragonborn
[dtstknlF] xd
[dtstknlF] 5
[sebha`dt] 5 is nice xd
[impo`sx] MARIO
[sX`Rogi`] we lost ttrr, coz skyrim
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[impo`sx] idi nahuj
[dtstknlF] sir-j plays skyrim? xd
[sebha`dt] gg
[impo`sx] thats why he is offline
[sX`Rogi`] xDDD
[dtstknlF] lol
[sebha`dt] ups xd
[dtstknlF] :o
[sX`Rogi`] ьфкшщ
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: just zook him (:
[sX`Rogi`] mario
[impo`sx] MARIO
[sX`Rogi`] OHHHH
[sX`Rogi`] Its all my nick on ur team
[sX`Rogi`] i bring bl naywhere
[sX`Rogi`] xd
[sebha`dt] fulll xd
[dtstknlF] blea
[sebha`dt] noo
[sebha`dt] xd
[dtstknlF] xd
[sX`M4R10] no you dont
[sX`Rogi`] yes i do
[sebha`dt] aa!
[dtstknlF] :[
[sebha`dt] ctm!
[dtstknlF] ah
[sX`Rogi`] use holy
[impo`sx] THE f@#!
[dtstknlF] lol
[sX`Rogi`] rlx
[impo`sx] gg
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: xd
[sebha`dt] dj bolsita de té
[sX`Rogi`] this game is just only luck.. rlx impo
[sX`M4R10] ns
[sX`Rogi`] even in ttrr, player pressing space by luck
[sX`Rogi`] xdd
[sX`M4R10] XD
[sebha`dt] noooooooooo
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: next turn! xd
[impo`sx] MARIO
[sebha`dt] mario culiao
[sX`M4R10] IMPO
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: t
[sebha`dt] me quiero ir a mexico
[sebha`dt] a fin de año
[sX`M4R10] yo quiero darle a alguien xD
[sebha`dt] xd
[sebha`dt] uta!
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`Rogi`] n pysh
[dtstknlF] utka
[impo`sx] idi naher
[sebha`dt] xd
[dtstknlF] almost (:
[sX`M4R10] damn
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: I try xd
[impo`sx] blead]
[sebha`dt] xd
[sebha`dt] oj0oj0oj
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: ;;
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: finish him
[sebha`dt] cacha este pile
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`Rogi`] nt
[dtstknlF] just hit lol
[sebha`dt] mmm
[sX`Rogi`] lg sucks
[sX`Rogi`] use 4s
[sebha`dt] xD
[sX`Rogi`] or 5 with bonuce
[sX`M4R10] i cant with this angle
[sebha`dt] buen consejo
[sebha`dt] xd
[dtstknlF] xDD
[sX`Rogi`] xd
[dtstknlF] ebis
[sebha`dt] oooooooo
[impo`sx] wtf with bounce
[sX`Rogi`] just 3s
[sX`Rogi`] its easy
[impo`sx] otsosi
[sebha`dt] MARIO
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`M4R10] this angle does not let me throw well
[sX`M4R10] lame angle =.=
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: (:
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: can u kill him xd
[sX`Rogi`] u r kidding
[sX`Rogi`] mario 3s
[sX`Rogi`] ati ebaw chenit' xD
[sX`M4R10] lag?
[dtstknlF] :(
[impo`sx] sebha lagging
[sebha`dt] wow
[sebha`dt] very bad shot
[sebha`dt] is mario
[sebha`dt] xd
[sebha`dt] ayer viste el festival mario?
[sX`M4R10] no
[sebha`dt] porque no?
[sX`M4R10] por que estaba ocupado
[sebha`dt] jugandio xd=
[sX`M4R10] no
[sX`M4R10] instlandole weas a la compu
[sebha`dt] puta!
[sebha`dt] y lo que te dije te sirvio?
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: u can easy kill 3
[sX`M4R10] si
[sX`M4R10] me sirvio
[dtstknlF] hu
sX`M4R10..dtstknlF: ns
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: luck ty xD
dtstknlF..sX`M4R10: ty ^^
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: kill 3
[sebha`dt] ñla bala deberia bajar xd
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: nade
[sX`M4R10] gg
[dtstknlF] g
[impo`sx] idi nahuj
[sX`Rogi`] gg
[impo`sx] hit at least once
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: good wind :o
[impo`sx] attack statik
[dtstknlF] mario slomalsya
[sX`Rogi`] just 4 sec to hole
[sX`M4R10] what he said?
[dtstknlF] I said mari has broken
[dtstknlF] xd
[impo`sx] he said you sucks
[dtstknlF] ^^
[impo`sx] dasasd
[sebha`dt] lol
[sebha`dt] se enojo xd
[sX`M4R10] know i can play
[sX`M4R10] cya impo
[sX`M4R10] xD
[sX`M4R10] now*
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[dtstknlF] goal
[sebha`dt] the chile!
[sX`M4R10] puto
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: nice
[sX`M4R10] xD
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`M4R10] damn
[sX`M4R10] i acnt
[sX`M4R10] canttt
[sebha`dt] rogi te banca wn
[sebha`dt] relajate xd
[sX`M4R10] XD
[sX`M4R10] sipo
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: :p
[sX`Rogi`] che rogi ? xD
[sX`Rogi`] russian pls
[sebha`dt] cacha
[dtstknlF] rogi ti banca
[sX`Rogi`] xD
[sebha`dt] xD
[sebha`dt] dajkdhaskd h
[sX`Rogi`] eto tot brazil'skij urod ? xd
[dtstknlF] xd
[dtstknlF] lll
[sX`M4R10] xD
[dtstknlF] more powa
dtstknlF..sebha`dt: I know, already did it before xd
[sebha`dt] cuidado mae
[sebha`dt] este mae es un pro
[sebha`dt] ctmç
[sebha`dt] xd
[sX`Rogi`] wanna travel to chile
[sX`M4R10] i wanna trave to russia
[sebha`dt] hoy dia va a estra
[sX`Rogi`] how are u guys there ? xd
[sX`M4R10] and hit impo
[sebha`dt] romeo santos
[sebha`dt] los jonas brother
[sebha`dt] humoristas
[sX`M4R10] oh
[sX`M4R10] nt
[dtstknlF] t :D
[sX`M4R10] gg
[sX`Rogi`] lol
[sebha`dt] jojo
[sebha`dt] sdf sdfsd
[sX`M4R10] :DF
[dtstknlF] gogo sebha
[sX`M4R10] XD
[sX`M4R10] ty mae
[sX`Rogi`] huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj
[dtstknlF] gg :o
[sX`Rogi`] lolo
[sX`M4R10] gg
[sX`M4R10] :(
[sX`Rogi`] gg
[sX`Rogi`] cya
[sX`M4R10] cya

Author Topic: Game #139618, reported by Ninja  (Read 348 times)

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Offline Ninja

Game #139618, reported by Ninja
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:01 AM »
when sebha back, we finish this game and if sebha win, i'll ask for change
ツ|ÑIiNjä|`LwS ツ - "Se eu fosse um cara diferente, sabe la como eu seria!"

"If i were a different guy, who knows how i would be"