Leagues > Leagues

Game #139718, reported by litoso

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This kid annoyed the crap out of me. He keep asking me for my name when I am trying to concentrate on the tus game. Notice on the chatbox that he constanly asking for my name. Even when I said I'll give it to him after, he's like "No. No after. Now." Such an annoying kid.. That's the last time I'll be playing with him.. Ugh.

Is it possible to delete this game or something? I couldn't even focus with him asking for my name. If not, then that's ok.



--- Quote ---4) Proceeding

-  Before the first game start, both of you have to tell what your username on the site is. Missing to do this might have your games infirmed.

--- End quote ---

I know that, but I told him that I will tell him after the game. I want to concentrate on my league, but I cbf with him begging me..

Sorry Farco, but it is all your fault:

1. Tell your name before game.
2. If he asks in game, answer! what's the point in delaying?
3. If losing in leagues, is gonna make you upset  (like it did before getting inactive), stop right now!


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