June 06, 2024, 12:40 PM

Game #144915, reported by dEE, Viewed 685 Time(s)

Classic #32
April 23, 2013, 11:23 PM
Absolute Beginner 836 in BnG before the game. Gained 38|45 points
Absolute Beginner 964 in BnG before the game. Lost 47|45 points

Game Rate
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Players history
2 - 0
2 - 0
10 - 0
10 - 0
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[reN`rlx] hf
[TomiNf] hf
[Luishero`rlx] hf
[l3x``NiCo] hf
[TomiNf] wow nice
[reN`rlx] n1
[Nivman] vn
[iNfdeejay] ty
[Luishero`rlx] n
[Nivman] if u try it 1000 more timrs u wont make this shot lol
[reN`rlx] shia me cago :<
[iNfdeejay] XD
[TomiNf] gj
[Nivman] oha
[iNfdeejay] beh
[iNfdeejay] nt
[TomiNf] damn
[l3x``NiCo] hey tomi <3
[l3x``NiCo] thanks tomi
[TomiNf] hey nico
[reN`rlx] plw
[l3x``NiCo] no llegan xd
[reN`rlx] me mataran y quedare mirando por la chucha :<
[reN`rlx] te pasas wn
[Nivman] whats the 2nd scheme
[iNfdeejay] this is
[reN`rlx] :<
[iNfdeejay] we won roper
[iNfdeejay] already
[Nivman] oha ok
[iNfdeejay] :
[iNfdeejay] :)
[Nivman] xD
[reN`rlx] era mejor hyst wn
iNfdeejay..Nivman: hey man now youre clanless id like to let you know youd be welcome in iNf if youd like :)
[Luishero`rlx] usted dijo esto d.d
[reN`rlx] pense que darias 1 y yo tambien >:
Nivman..iNfdeejay: thanks i will think about it and give u an answer as soon as possible
iNfdeejay..Nivman: cool :)
[l3x``NiCo] ocupa tu tiempo saco wea
[l3x``NiCo] xd
[l3x``NiCo] cya
[reN`rlx] vudaFDsa
[reN`rlx] f
[Nivman] job
[TomiNf] thx

[iNfdeejay] Ren -112
[reN`rlx] hf
[ArsGoetia`inf] i have 200 so ?
<<iNfdeejay>> show me where
<<iNfdeejay>> to place
[iNfdeejay] ye
[iNfdeejay] we both
[reN`rlx] lol is argoetia
[reN`rlx] just play again lelz
[iNfdeejay] no
[iNfdeejay] im not playing full
[iNfdeejay] u pull cord
[iNfdeejay] cus i was owning u
<<iNfdeejay>> there right?
[reN`rlx] lol argoetia no is tomi
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: as u want
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: if u want new we can..
[iNfdeejay] ok new
[iNfdeejay] game
[iNfdeejay] for u skren
[reN`rlx] roperz porque te fuiste de tpm?
[reN`rlx] okay :D
[reN`rlx] all 200?
[iNfdeejay] ya
[reN`rlx] ok
<<iNfdeejay>> what i shoot?
[ArsGoetia`inf] por q mario se fue
<<iNfdeejay>> 3s?
[reN`rlx] :o
<<iNfdeejay>> there?
[reN`rlx] pero estaba fen y king
<<iNfdeejay>> up more?
[reN`rlx] quiero invitar a king a rlx xd
[reN`rlx] pero no creo que se una jajaja
<<iNfdeejay>> i think 1200x
<<iNfdeejay>> im not too sure
<<iNfdeejay>> they will only shoot for u =/
<<iNfdeejay>> i aim up more?
<<iNfdeejay>> more down? xD
<<iNfdeejay>> ah
<<iNfdeejay>> xD
<<iNfdeejay>> i thought
[iNfdeejay] f@#!
[iNfdeejay] i forgot change sheme
[iNfdeejay] =/
[iNfdeejay] lets change now. before start
[iNfdeejay] return same hide
[iNfdeejay] s
[ArsGoetia`inf] lagging ?
[iNfdeejay] ye
[iNfdeejay] he will crash
[Luishero`rlx] omg
[reN`rlx] ?
[ArsGoetia`inf] ren estás lageando
[iNfdeejay] I didnt change scheme
[reN`rlx] if is rm new hides
[iNfdeejay] lmfao
[iNfdeejay] no
[ArsGoetia`inf] well
[reN`rlx] why no?
<<iNfdeejay>> he wants to take our hides lol
[ArsGoetia`inf] keep this deejay
[iNfdeejay] k
<<iNfdeejay>> here?
[reN`rlx] no po wn es injusto si es rm cagaron no mas po
[ArsGoetia`inf] there
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[reN`rlx] aran rm?
[ArsGoetia`inf] nah
[iNfdeejay] ns
[iNfdeejay] xD
[iNfdeejay] lol
[iNfdeejay] ren go pull cord
[Luishero`rlx] T.T
[iNfdeejay] cus want new hide
[ArsGoetia`inf] es q deejay quería cambiar el scheme por los teles, pero por mi da igual
[Luishero`rlx] dele ren que después tengo que estudiar e.e
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: he pulls cord cus want new hide
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: he wants to take our side
[reN`rlx] a mi tambien yo ni atencion estoy tomando a este juego wn
<<iNfdeejay>> bah
[Luishero`rlx] yo entre para jugar un WxW y me llama para esto xD
[reN`rlx] xd
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: ye i need to learn some xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] fking sun xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] i had to move my head before atack
<<iNfdeejay>> ok i get him here xD
<<iNfdeejay>> ahhh
<<iNfdeejay>> cmon
<<iNfdeejay>> ok i think i know good power now
<<iNfdeejay>> can u hit ren from there?
[ArsGoetia`inf] will not reach
<<iNfdeejay>> aw
<<iNfdeejay>> nt
[reN`rlx] zeh
<<iNfdeejay>> zook?
[reN`rlx] molestan las weas me dan alergia xD (?
<<iNfdeejay>> -_-
<<iNfdeejay>> zook
<<iNfdeejay>> ?
<<iNfdeejay>> gj
<<iNfdeejay>> np
[reN`rlx] wuajajajja cualquier wind xd
[iNfdeejay] n1
[reN`rlx] t
<<iNfdeejay>> omg
<<iNfdeejay>> sry
[reN`rlx] full po wn xd
<<iNfdeejay>> > bit more and same shot?
<<iNfdeejay>> ?
[iNfdeejay] ns
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: man..
[reN`rlx] ns
[Luishero`rlx] t
[ArsGoetia`inf] shit Dx
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: they will kill u =/
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: no?
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: lol
[ArsGoetia`inf] more
[reN`rlx] me
[reN`rlx] mejor xD
<<iNfdeejay>> man.......
<<iNfdeejay>> f@#!
[Luishero`rlx] .-.
<<iNfdeejay>> ill go repeat 2 turns?
<<iNfdeejay>> what i did
<<iNfdeejay>> wow
<<iNfdeejay>> u sux
<<iNfdeejay>> i
<<iNfdeejay>> *
<<iNfdeejay>> xD
<<iNfdeejay>> i sux
[reN`rlx] shiaaa creo que tengo lag xd
<<iNfdeejay>> i can addicted?
[ArsGoetia`inf] si hace rato xD
[reN`rlx] perdon entonces
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[iNfdeejay] ...
[reN`rlx] ns
[iNfdeejay] lag?
[reN`rlx] aa
[ArsGoetia`inf] there he is
[Luishero`rlx] cierra el porno T.T
[reN`rlx] jiasuuusus
[ArsGoetia`inf] more xD
<<iNfdeejay>> 1 more down?
[reN`rlx] perdon es que el roperz me paso una pag muy buena y es inebitable verla xd
[Luishero`rlx] cuál es? OO
[Luishero`rlx] .-.
[ArsGoetia`inf] mierda con ese lag xD
[iNfdeejay] game take 2 hours cus waiting for ren every f@#!ing turn
[iNfdeejay] lol
[ArsGoetia`inf] son como 30 seg de lag
[reN`rlx] :D
[reN`rlx] xD
[reN`rlx] uh hmm
[Luishero`rlx] weon así nunca llegaré a estudiar xD
<<iNfdeejay>> ok 1 notch down i go
<<iNfdeejay>> and own that putito
[reN`rlx] no llega xD
[reN`rlx] ajjaja zorry
[reN`rlx] hagan que estan en un clanner de wxw (?
[ArsGoetia`inf] more
[ArsGoetia`inf] more
[ArsGoetia`inf] uuh
[ArsGoetia`inf] sun didn't let me see wind xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] XDDD
[reN`rlx] menos wn
[iNfdeejay] XD
[ArsGoetia`inf] i couldn't support u there
[reN`rlx] en donde me cambio hmm
[reN`rlx] zook
[reN`rlx] ah la concha xd
[Luishero`rlx] OO
[reN`rlx] no esta wea se lageo asta las patas
[ArsGoetia`inf] eres tu el q está lageado
[reN`rlx] sfibsnldsdg
[reN`rlx] gdas
[reN`rlx] g
[Luishero`rlx] tus mensajes me llegan como 30 segundos después de que pasó mi turno xD
[reN`rlx] ads
[reN`rlx] g
[reN`rlx] dsa
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] dsa
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] ds
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] dsa
[reN`rlx] fds
[reN`rlx] ds
[reN`rlx] df
[reN`rlx] d
[reN`rlx] fds
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] sa
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] das
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] ds
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] sd
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] s
[reN`rlx] d
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] sa
[reN`rlx] fa
[reN`rlx] dasd
[reN`rlx] as
[reN`rlx] f
[reN`rlx] dsg
[ArsGoetia`inf] xDDDD
[reN`rlx] conchesumadre reacciono xD
[reN`rlx] xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] reN tienes DEMASIADO lag
[reN`rlx] perdoneme esta puta wifi
[ArsGoetia`inf] creo q deejay por turno se hace una paja y luego habla
[reN`rlx] xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] no
[ArsGoetia`inf] mmore
[reN`rlx] y tu alcanzas a ver 3 videos pornos y juegas?
<<iNfdeejay>> 3s?
<<iNfdeejay>> ye but i cant with this kb =/
<<iNfdeejay>> its too sensitive
[reN`rlx] jajaja mae se sabe alguna pag buena y bonita xd?
[ArsGoetia`inf] powaaaaaa
[ArsGoetia`inf] no puedo ver
[ArsGoetia`inf] i can't see the power
[ArsGoetia`inf] Dx
[reN`rlx] nt
[reN`rlx] shiaa :D
[Luishero`rlx] OO
<<iNfdeejay>> ok show
[reN`rlx] ok hay le voy a dar
[reN`rlx] ahi*
<<iNfdeejay>> i think
<<iNfdeejay>> what is normal power?
<<iNfdeejay>> =/
[reN`rlx] si no estubieran esas weas le doy
[ArsGoetia`inf] ther
[ArsGoetia`inf] there
[ArsGoetia`inf] 5s
<<iNfdeejay>> but more?
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[reN`rlx] dale zooka z dsd
[reN`rlx] si le das a roperz te ganas un video casero xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] omg, all shots there
[iNfdeejay] XD
[reN`rlx] lo perdiste po
[ArsGoetia`inf] lol he is barely watching luishero turns lol
[ArsGoetia`inf] turn*
[ArsGoetia`inf] there he is xd
[Luishero`rlx] como voy a saber, si tu mensaje llega despues de 30 seg promedio e.e
[reN`rlx] xD
<<iNfdeejay>> there?
[reN`rlx] zook
[ArsGoetia`inf] yes
[reN`rlx] more more more xD
<<iNfdeejay>> well all land is open there now xD
[reN`rlx] more !!!
<<iNfdeejay>> can u hit?
<<iNfdeejay>> ren
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[reN`rlx] ah jesus.
[iNfdeejay] -__-
[ArsGoetia`inf] xDDDDD i can't imagine deejay's face each ren's turn xD
[iNfdeejay] xD
[reN`rlx] shiaaa de nuevo lag zoh
[reN`rlx] sdsa
[reN`rlx] dsa
[reN`rlx] dsad
[Luishero`rlx] Concha!, el BnG más largo de mi vida T.T
[iNfdeejay] .........
[iNfdeejay] -_-
[iNfdeejay] he only crash when all land is broken
[iNfdeejay] xD
[reN`rlx] me da una risa
[iNfdeejay] cus he want new hides
[reN`rlx] xD
[Luishero`rlx] .-.
[reN`rlx] xD
[reN`rlx] xD
[iNfdeejay] man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[Luishero`rlx] pff
[ArsGoetia`inf] cerrá todo lo q tengas abierto
[Luishero`rlx] por fin xd
[ArsGoetia`inf] esto está durando demasiado
[ArsGoetia`inf] luis hero
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: wind =/
[ArsGoetia`inf] q pensás del lag de ren?
[reN`rlx] nooo xD
[Luishero`rlx] es una mierda :B
[reN`rlx] es un lag
[ArsGoetia`inf] up
[reN`rlx] cerre todo
[ArsGoetia`inf] perfect
[reN`rlx] asta el juego (?
[iNfdeejay] putito
[reN`rlx] ah me dieron :<
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: XD
[Luishero`rlx] concha!
[ArsGoetia`inf] f@#! , i hate when my parrot is jerking off
[reN`rlx] f@#!ing lucky xd
[iNfdeejay] pendejo
[iNfdeejay] puerca
[reN`rlx] NoiooooIiO
<<iNfdeejay>> repeatae?
<<iNfdeejay>> or try for 4s?
[reN`rlx] Conchetumare
<<iNfdeejay>> i can 3s jeff?
[reN`rlx] mas :<
<<iNfdeejay>> there?
[reN`rlx] ae?
<<iNfdeejay>> sry
[ArsGoetia`inf] xDD
<<iNfdeejay>> sure xD
[iNfdeejay] pelos
[iNfdeejay] <3
<<iNfdeejay>> i give u pelos
<<iNfdeejay>> b4 that shot
[ArsGoetia`inf] haha i can't see the power xD
<<iNfdeejay>> xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] i can't see the worm
[Luishero`rlx] OO
[iNfdeejay] i swear reN if u crash again
[iNfdeejay] lopl
[reN`rlx] CcÖönNcChHëËtTüÜmMäÄrRëË
[reN`rlx] n
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: so 5s again?
[Luishero`rlx] lol recien se entero xD
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: lg
[reN`rlx] xDDD
[reN`rlx] ah
<<iNfdeejay>> 3s for addicted or jeff?
[reN`rlx] sitter xD
<<iNfdeejay>> my spot thoi
<<iNfdeejay>> ?
[reN`rlx] necesito un hide po wn
<<iNfdeejay>> too late
<<iNfdeejay>> u said with 1s left
<<iNfdeejay>> =/
[reN`rlx] xD!
<<iNfdeejay>> ye
<<iNfdeejay>> blow < or ?
<<iNfdeejay>> >
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[reN`rlx] xD
[Luishero`rlx] xDD
[iNfdeejay] g1
[Luishero`rlx] buena
[ArsGoetia`inf] g1? -.-' that was cheap
[reN`rlx] que risa con ese pinball
[reN`rlx] no queria hacer eso xD
[reN`rlx] solo queria que rebotara y se devolviera pa pegarle al otro wn
<<iNfdeejay>> what should i do?
[reN`rlx] shiaaa se lagueo otra ves xD
[reN`rlx] xd
[reN`rlx] it's g1 xD
[iNfdeejay] lol
[reN`rlx] zeh
[Luishero`rlx] xD
[iNfdeejay] your a tool lol
[reN`rlx] con una de 4 la hago mejor xD
[reN`rlx] no se qe mierda dijo pero xD
<<iNfdeejay>> i must move man..
[Luishero`rlx] yo tampoco se que es "tool" OO
[reN`rlx] oh ty my friend
<<iNfdeejay>> yeh they are cheaping =/
[Luishero`rlx] Oo
[reN`rlx] xd
<<iNfdeejay>> where should i move?
[iNfdeejay] -_-
[Luishero`rlx] .-.
[reN`rlx] n
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[Luishero`rlx] ya mejor ni pienso en estudiar xD
[reN`rlx] que mierda hago goles xD
<<iNfdeejay>> ty
<<iNfdeejay>> own him xD
[reN`rlx] sale de nuevo :>
[reN`rlx] :<
<<iNfdeejay>> i go for jeff?
<<iNfdeejay>> ok
[reN`rlx] de nuevo avanzo 1 segundo y se pego la wea xD
<<iNfdeejay>> good
[reN`rlx] shiaaa rm xd
[iNfdeejay] lol
[ArsGoetia`inf] ahorita vuelve
[iNfdeejay] wow ren
[Luishero`rlx] D:<
[iNfdeejay] i cant imagine how shitty of dialup internet you use
[Luishero`rlx] >:-l
[ArsGoetia`inf] haha
[reN`rlx] ns xD
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: wow he just saw the shot
[Luishero`rlx] Oo
[ArsGoetia`inf] xDDDD
[ArsGoetia`inf] yes
[ArsGoetia`inf] fuuuck
[Luishero`rlx] lpm!
[iNfdeejay] im not rm
[iNfdeejay] f@#! that
[ArsGoetia`inf] lets keep this game dude
[ArsGoetia`inf] luishero
[Luishero`rlx] que?
[ArsGoetia`inf] sigamos, ese man tiene demasiado lag
[ArsGoetia`inf] demasiado es poco
[ArsGoetia`inf] en el juego tenemos 36 min, y en total tenemos como 1h 30m -.-'
[iNfdeejay] and already played for 30 mins before..
[iNfdeejay] in the last game
<<iNfdeejay>> 3s is easy shot?
<<iNfdeejay>> for me?
<<iNfdeejay>> 4s?
<<iNfdeejay>> here?
<<iNfdeejay>> so i guess 3s xD
<<iNfdeejay>> lol ren is ag said RH
<<iNfdeejay>> LOL
[iNfdeejay] pow
[ArsGoetia`inf] down dude xD
<<iNfdeejay>> job
<<iNfdeejay>> there i can with 4s?
[iNfdeejay] gg
[Luishero`rlx] carajo xD
[Luishero`rlx] Gg
<<iNfdeejay>> ;)
[ArsGoetia`inf] gg

Author Topic: Game #144915, reported by dEE  (Read 621 times)

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Offline deejay

Game #144915, reported by dEE
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:37 PM »
Told them we would report the T17 and let mods deal with it sicne in the past 4 clanners weve played with reN hes crashed(only when losing).

then they refused to play our pick.

Offline reN`s

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Re: Game #144915, reported by dEE
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 05:55 PM »
lol? in the first game rlx can win, and i no have lag in all game wtf

Offline Phanton

Re: Game #144915, reported by dEE
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 07:55 PM »
report because you think a certain income fell in the second game, and Smok fell in first with 53 hp and had a large advantage, it feels right?
Miss, old's players..... Miss, old's times :)